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你们知道more的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 越来越多:more的用法解析
The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. ——Flipped 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。 ——《怦然心动》
adj. 更多的;附加的,额外的 additional, further They generally consume more power and take up more space. 它们通常消耗更多的能量,并且占用更多的空间。
更多;此外;更大程度地 to a greater degree than sth else; to a greater degree than usual Prison conditions have become more brutal. 监狱条件变得更加严酷。 n. 更多;附加 a greater quantity, number, or amount The more you want, the less you will get. 你的欲望愈大,你得到愈少。 pron. 更多的数量 a larger number or amount I told him the truth. No more, no less. 我告诉了他真相,未加任何演绎。 二、你知道more和哪些词更搭吗? more and more adv.越来越多 more often than not ad. 1.往往,大半

more or less 1. 或多或少,大体上,基本上,差不多,几乎,大约 more than 1. 超过;多于 2. 很,非常 3. 不只是 4. ...次以上 no more 不再,不能再多
三、接下来,做个填词游戏吧 I hope well see _____ of you. 希望我们能经常见面。
英语语法 moreanother的用法 广泛的。例如:
1.Three more of the missing climbers have been found. 1.失踪的登山者又找到了3个。
2.How many more stamps do you want?Four more please.2.你还要多少张邮票?——请再给4张。
3.If he had received six more votes, he would be our chairman now. 3.如果他多得六票,现在就是我们的主席了。

I shall stay another five months. 我将再待五个月。
They drove for another three hours. 他们又行驶了3个小时。 The strike may last another six weeks. 罢工可能还要持续六个礼拜。
China picked up another ten gold medals. 中国又获得了10金牌。
The last time we talked he said he needed another two days. 上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。 三、需要注意的是:
1.当其中的数词为one时,我们可以说one more但一般不another one。如:
Surely you can put it off one more week. 肯定你可以把它再推迟一个礼拜。
2.在意义上该用another one的地方,英语通常只用another如:
She’s going to have another baby. 她又快有孩子了。

3.不过,如果其中的one不是数词,而是代词,则可以用another one。如:
This pen doesn’t work. I must buy another one. 这支钢笔坏了。我该另买一支了。
Your car, which I noticed outside, has been hit by another one. 我在外面看见你的汽车了,它给另一辆车撞了。
4.即使其中的one不是数词而是代词,英语也通常省略another one中的one。如:
I didn’t like the red skirt, so I asked to see another (one. 我不喜欢那条红裙子,所以我要求看另外一条。
5.当其中的数词为few时,英语可以说another few。如: I’m staying for another few weeks. 我还要再呆几个星期。 6.对于more而言,英语通常的搭配是a few more。如: I advise waiting a few more days. 我建议再等几天。 More than 用法归纳 more than 用法归纳
(1 多于(其通常后接数词,也可接其他词。如:

I’ve known him for more than twenty years. 我已认识他 20多年了。
Mary bas been ill for more than a week. 玛丽已病了一个多星期了。
He spends more than he earns. 他花的比挣的多。
He paid more than the usual rate. 他比通常的价格付得多。 It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 目显示我们支出大于收入。
The series has attracted an audience of more than 10 million. 这个系列片吸引了1 000多万观众收看。
(2 不只是,不仅仅是(通常后接名词、动词、从句等。如: He is more than a father to her. 他待她胜过父亲。
He more than smiled, but laughed. 他不只是微笑,而是放声大笑。
The result was much more than I imagined. 结果远远超过我的想像。

Her work involved more than administration of first aid to the wounded. 她的工作不仅仅是对伤者的急救。
(3 极其,非常(通常后接形容词、副词或分词等。如: She was more than kind to us. 她对我们很友好。
He was more than upset by the accident. 这个意外事故使他非常心烦意乱。
(4 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词 can。如: That is more than I can tell(=I can’t tell that. 那事我实在不明白。
注:与动词 like, love 等连用,还可表示“”更加。如: I like tennis more than I like football. 与足球相比,我更喜欢网球。
语法必备】浅淡anotherothermore修饰词用法 【请看这道题】:
If you want to change for a double room you ll have to pay ____ $15.
A.another B.other C.more D.each

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