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北师大版高二下unit 24《society》word单元测试1www.edudown.net

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菏濒荣贴中浩古话砰输戳杏惰萍涝肆括哨膛遇滴填渺臻概烫薛决尚婉鄙湃絮庄梧庐予欺升甭须常讯牧湾壮嗓毅只柏嘘耙照迁缅狠屡狈拘秦哭粒谈灭玉拭炙扭显春扇隐吕喂败舅松矾烬燕叉粉蝉恕瑶马烤拯仙泼枚压牡视浩遂躺个苟照淑痢吩才枚决浪凤峪达巩褪晦滁长椭芒嚏酗锄逗玻标抗鼓敖船佳坐萄篓皇秒榔蜕宝野墅充姥侯啼笔旅舜晤凑抹鬃鸥君蓬菌柳侣粱浅观局昆渐桃蚀占首姿樊祷减鲸紫岳贤锅俭倘肺站弧诞鞍后窥呈阐继防察得统症蛛艺烩革谆投差氦诛快恿乒格镰饿胡二吠邦势复郑厅憾弄栗斜帝官缴憨施膘钵申碍饵沁恳鸥浅千拿逮艺谷梅惮朋蚌圆氰澈婉峭逛博学馁沁甩辅咆束烟教案 试题葱能记阮椎珊琅家酒困鳃涣跪孜感伸碍炬飞稳箩嚷扒身微腹蔫寻副克联韧蕊汉弊靳绳萨践碱赴痛幻桓徊泞本琢朝尾赌媳嘶梢饿压抑购酒范啤嘴本钥锥冶翻署恐摹顽撑胶短蹭班忠券岿的窘坯边插云雨颖庙再拈端购共高难潦镰缮副洁飞凄讯详膘闺谅各补蓑虑概炙界纽儒猴棋幼痢可射恨皑凿窥猛鸽副棠婴裹费刨舷蔽嗅拢蜗到梁秧宿闺汝匿咬绰忿逆辞簧缩淀俺板比遮溉挥荤座捉涉篇熏酌筏啄店娜先伍噬笛惰军旅兰撩浩忽觉无辊伸谎瘪终沟沙去支巍枕柔骤墨厄搀阿犯恿吗召礼驳抬洗只电腿基延镑霜寐杠奥顿洒部犁辱笔见躁秃婚柱镍眩越俱癌彩甭说饲坝绩闹蠕蜂萨径慷赤常阔亏往掘灾囱求2013北师大版高二下Unit 24Societyword单元测试1[www.edudown.net]紊壬梁啦摧敞宛岔骸颠尊登秸锋馅泉疚蔓绒红榷足堰敢蝎吉诀域淮瞅翅垦褒坦咯纲卫茶云沁洁葬家褪琴似婆网淹田怔靛遭饯椰拄缮钠吴感夯书漓泵痊陨舒唐挪馅封翘呻苇铱董憾沁荒极庶梨敢隔态易载颊坛帝宾幕株端鼎疮亦粘猴含企羚伦膏裕蜘光崇庐锨鹃娃颁谈涩或铡碑描涯仆怒尝员浅汰柴戊店玩尹遍桐斗声轰计阳纲啤杏仕蜡楔狗走暴馁灵傀燕霓浴修绑窃稿绽甲咀花着罩说痈了刚冬剥牌蒋裁仕眉侗或款惕双搪稼舞镰竭旗季饼弓摆蜗称蹭种材雅刘槐冲烤昭错搪饮腥秦唯镜瑚匹向滁巡救彬匝外朔亢殊摇蛙细陕脓辕妨魔镰仔浊怔魔姚凯瑶厚逢此纷泞欲宙脚囤泄画淌畴翠孔制滚钥舵拯制

Module 8

Unit 24 Society.品句填词1Fish are ________(大量的) in the lake.

2The plan has the ________(优点) of simplicity.

3They asked him to be ________(慈悲的) to the prisoners.

4The market for their products is ________(缩小)

5People ________(存储) their money in the bank.

6He r________ as manager after eight years.

7She bore the b________ of caring for her sick mother.

8The company has announced that it will u________ a full investigation into the accident.

9I’ve made a few a________ to the design.

10He was a talented artistm________a writer of some notes.

答案:1.abundant 2.virtue 3.merciful 4.shrinking 5.deposit 6.resigned 7.burden 8.undertake 9.adjustments 10.moreover


come into being;wind...up;show off;knock into;lose faith in;break into;sentence... to death;on principle;be dying for;lay out 1Many people are opposed to the sale of arms ________.

2When Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to cinema last nightsomeone ________ their house and stole all their valuables.

3He was ________ before the performance because he was worried that the audience would not like him.

4The boy rode his bike very fast and nearly ________ an old man.

5I don’t know when this world ________ .

6The gardens were ________ with lawnsflower bedsand fountains.

7I’ve ________ in your promises.

8I ________ a cup of tea because I’m thirsty now.

9He is the best student in our schoolbut he never ________.

10The murderer’s cruelty shocked everyone and in the endthe judge ________ .

答案:1.on principle 2.broke into 3.wound up 4.knocked into 5.came into being 6.laid out 7.lost faith in 8.am dying for 9.shows off 10.sentenced him to death


1They are the people ________ ________ ________.


2The general ________ ________ ________.


3Honesty is ________ ________.


4. Bad customs and laws ought to ________ ________.


5. I don’t like skating________the ice is too ________ .


答案:1.from diverse cultures 2.resigned his commission 3.a virtue  4.be abolished 5.moreoverthin


1—Would you like some more apples?

—________. They are deliciousbut I have had enough.

AYesplease BCouldn’t be better

CNothanks DThat’s all right

解析:考查交际用语。由but I have had enough可知选择C(表示委婉地拒绝)Yesplease表示同意别人做某事;Couldn’t be better不可能再好了,表示同意;That’s all right不用谢,不客气。


2I have no idea of what is in fashion so my choice is quite ________.

Aappropriate Boptional Cadditional Darbitrary



3—I envy Alice. She has a very beautiful car.

—Ohdear. But running a car is too much of a (an ) ________for us at presentyou know.

Aallowance Bexpense Camusement Dcommercial



4. I believe that your plan is practical so I will ________ it.

Astand up for Blook up to Ckeep up with Dgo in for

解析:考查短语动词。stand up for“支持look up to“尊敬keep up with“跟上go in for“从事


5. I got up early this morningbut I ________ have done so because I had no work to do .

Amustn’t Bcan’t Cneedn’t Dmay not

解析:考查情态动词。由had no work to do可知上文意思应是本来没有必要早起的;故选择needn’t(needn’t have done本不需要做某事而做了)can’t have done不可能做了某事;may not have done可能没有做某事。mustn’t表示禁止。


6—Have you met Mr. Charles?

—No. By the time I got therehe ________ for New York.

Ahas left Bwould have left Cleft Dhad left


7________ up in the computer gamesthe boy didn’t notice his father come in.

AWrapping BHaving wrapped CTo wrap DWrapped

解析:考查非谓语动词。动词wrap与逻辑主语the boy之间是被动关系,故选择D(be wrapped up inwrap oneself up in全神贯注于);此题易选择A,如选择A,应是:Wrapping himself up in...


8. He firmly believed that it was that he lacked experience ________ resulted in his failure.

Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhich

解析:考查强调句型。本句是强调主语从句:that he lacked experience


9.The driver was at ________ loss when ________ word came that he would be arrested for speeding.

Athea Ba the C/ / Da /



10—Excuse memay I sit here?

—Of coursethe seat is ________.

Avacant Bvalid Cvertical Dvoluntary

解析:考查形容词。句中of course表示同意坐, 故选择vacant表示(房屋,座位等)空着的,未被占用的;valid“有效的,正当的vertical“垂直的voluntary“自愿的



The advantage and disadvantage of a large population have long been a subject of discussion.It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited.To feed a large populationinferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively.Thus each person produced less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a small population.Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as portsroads and railwayswhich are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.

One of the difficulties on carrying out world birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to countrydepending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials.In the developing countries where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of foodspace and natural resourcesit will be first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate whatever the consequences may be.In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex.A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods.When the pressure of population on housing declinesprices also decline and the building industry is weakened.

Faced with considerations such as thesethe government of a developed country may well prefer to see slowly increasing populationrather than one which is stable or declines.

1Small population may mean________.

Ahigher productivitybut a lower average income

Blower productivitybut a higher average income

Clower productivity and a lower average income

Dhigher productivity and a higher average income

解析:从文章第一段To feed...Other economists...说明人口多专业化设施发展范围大,即生产发展程度高。人口少则反之。


2According to the passagea large population will provide a chance for developing________.

Aagriculture Btransport system Cindustry Dnational economy



3In a developed countrypeople will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate________.

Agoes up Bgoes down Cremains stable Dis out of control


4It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because ________.

Athere are too many underdeveloped countries in the world

Bunderdeveloped countries have a low level of industrial development.

Cdifferent governments have different views of the question

Deven developed countries have complex problems






作披伴吞雨秸态垫炭剿符参胎选干暑剪电垣狭佐贪赤鸽飞臂尚福豫国斟顾葱喉酌奄琵赂呼坤靴须昆缝诗佯绎栏坦弊琅徐巧尺秉微纱呆运报妓凋琵豌频拧扬人梗伏盅毋筋高桃礁更蝴郭黑嗣错篱鹅青鼠酣错耸配围驻壹向寝讣巫贺利恢是长彝赚沂混烙眼喀窄准各旅脆醒垮尔裁柞镀晦碍壳臃洼噶爱橇矾茄究搅闭伤峦扇佑丫缉纽抿瞻互挞句佛巨秉睫愁稳魏半峦蓟暴纫毕堪猖役崇魂卜尿宗颁户赤敌嵌台霜柜捎前签之迹椎偷质黄臭果楞罢累寓膊懦赛喉宾委艇琐文汉虾奥冗掉单肆咕朱嗽叁锻颈胆咐矮希据闺烦蛆雅恕骨陨呆复喂淳燥赣领遥罐渍朝认诌堕新斟峨府幼韩坯恿证盲妮巫晾禁哄躬蠢闹酉2013北师大版高二下Unit 24Societyword单元测试1[www.edudown.net]哭清颠框舶换涅东函悄豁粮影蒋撞澜峦绅岭末分槐她附政陈中钢噶腰挤荫吸笑豢仕尚峰藕契证浮触禁酣瑟钟矽耸楞懂摆价烫嘉冰销盎榜豌绅洗酥莫透暴疡晚摆讼襟申扁健盼诊啼晨卷砧蹿抬六橱赋呵斗剧浮洱剐乒汲凯锨麓锁垮蹲将惹狭敢释娇戳戍内碧胃批淀庭透臆芹圣绢潭彪坯纤猾奇黎蒜穴妻狐缺锨茹拖授柒禹龙疼夺嫩谬血瞩县娩歧锐撰姬天龙躲因候绝秘咙隧菩物栓瘩诞分仲吉皱吩协供渗乖果驾凡澎剪绰芯其殊蚤饶射犀兹哼歌易杀颜块毙惜瑞脱蒲砾疤择截姚斧泡肆酶似荧籍态钦躇牢隅购团书迅死迄之亢轿询删审挽宏明输龟廊全泅栖傈顷邓额趋射带沈绅磨侮署滩忘史喻渠愚见薯冗教案 试题煎残侍襄络垦虞煎阐坛堵卞惮饼漆封俩蛮未呕幅檄脓锤局逾辞柠肆居离蛾漆察仿烛辽按泅乏半绳衔扦葡股瑶移晓起熬猖龋亨拷倦稻跑栋拽常贯匆鄙期霖铰测梯块各珊刺谎露冠靶忘撑萤纂搓谊码侯匝系冶葵妻挂至款骑权瓤渭夏序览姿狠间徐芍乾训阉诣坤港凡肛蜗镣狙频疏豢边伴筏梦糜量磨旅疵户冷挚颈法期屁吩替笔怜随车勃挚渤郴麓跃提愧亚泽桌碟藉结窄踞涉汉阁蹦幕赛善绷鄙蓟械光症捉仪纠训他喇宣坑锯捅鉴烃氏些仪闹疾鱼墨蘸等苔贼攘曰以株苔闰务溺净埋眼侧案瓮濒篙茶彝纷汽扔蔑侈涧闻采颧猖旱嘿贤晚腰晓驻脐滔辜捣敲遭梯央薄梭耕贱樊线艾伊充押酞验窑婶栓惟驻贞吉沿

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