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如何让弥合代沟? HowtoBridgetheGenerationGap?

Thegenerationgapisunavoidableinalmosteveryfamily , whichbringsaboutanumberofconflictsinafamily

Inmyopinion, tolimitthebadeffectsofthegeneration gap, eachf a milyshou Id usethef oil owingt hree metho ds:

大部分的家庭免不了存在代沟,代沟给一个家庭带来 很多冲突。我认为,为了控制代沟的不良影响,每个家庭 都就应尝试以下方法:

Firstof all , itisi mpor tantt hatfa mily member sdi scussop en lyaboutt h eirpleasu resorsadne ssinchildh oodinfami 1 ygatheri ng so Thisa cti vitydo esno tonly creat eacl oserel ati onshipb ut alsohelp b uildupund erstending a.mongallme mberso For i nstance, on cechild ren areawa reth atthe irgra ndpa rentsa nde venthei rp arentsdi d nothaveag oodupbring ingduringt heirhardc h ildhood, th eywills top plaini ngab outth eprev ious genera tio nsobso le tenesso I n themeanti me, onceold peoplereal izeyoungp e oplearen ur turedin ane wmoder nway , itis easyf orth emtobe tol erantof yo ungpeopl esnewhabi tsorhobbie s

首先,在家庭聚会的时候,家庭成员公开讨论自我的 童年时期的快乐或悲伤是很重要的。这一活动不仅仅营造 一种紧密的关系而且能够帮忙建立家庭成员之间的相互理 解。比如说,一旦孩子们意识到他们的爷爷奶奶甚至是爸 爸妈妈在艰苦的童年时期没有很好的成长,他们就会停止 抱怨上一代人的陈旧思想。同时,一旦老一辈人意识到年 轻人是在一种新的现代方式下成长,他们就很容易理解年 轻人的习惯和爱好。

Se condly, peo pleofeachg eneration s houldnot de velopav ery highfe elin gabou tthem selv es Ino rde rtodoth at , theysho u ldnotthin kthattheya retheonlyr ightpeopl e intheirf am ilybeca use eachpe rson hashi sorhe rown limita tio nsTeen ag erswould r ealizetha ttheirpare ntshavetos trugglewi t hpaintos up portthe mf i na.ncia lly, and th eywou Ids t oprebe Hi ngt heir st rictnessParentswo uldrealize thattheirc hildren^ s n ewstyled oe snoharm tot heirst udie sands topim posi ngthei row nunsuit ab lestanda r dso nt heir children

其次,每一代人都不就应高估自我。为此,他们不就 应认为他们是家里唯一对的人,因为每个人都有自我的极 限。青少年就应意识到,他们的父母务必与困苦斗争给他 们带给经济上的支持,他们就会停止反抗父母的严厉。父 母也就应意识到,孩子们的新风格不会影响学习,从而停 止把自我不适宜的吧标准强加在孩子身上。

Final ly, t hegene rat iongapa nd itsbadef f ectscanbe limitedifa llmembersc ooperatet o buildupa cl ose-kni tfa milyre lati onshi panda harm onious atm osphere in whichthe y areopenan dtoleranto feachother 1strongl y believet ha teachfa mil y, bydo ingt hat, c anenj oyac ozya tm osp her ewit hm inimumin t erference bythegener ationgapo

最后,如果所有的成员合作起来去建立一个关系紧密 的家庭关系以及能够坦诚和互相容忍融洽的氛围,代沟及 其不良影响就能够得到限制。我坚信,透过这样做,每个 家庭都能享有一个代沟干扰最小的舒适氛围。 代沟英语作文(二):

1 o Th eprobl emso fgene ratio ngap beemor ean dmorese ri ouso

2o Thecauseso fgeneratio ngapo

3 o H owtoavo idt heprob lemo

No wadays , th eproble ms ofgenera t iongapbee moreandmor eseriouso T hepoorrel a tionship be tweenpa. ren tsandt heir child renis very mono Ar eth eseprob le mscaused b ythebusyp arents?or, dotheharsh familyrul e saffectt he relatio nsh ipofpa rent sandc hildr en?

First ly , inmosto f thefamili esinchinab othofthepa rentshave t ogooutfo rw orkinor der toearn more money topro vide better env ironmen tf ortheirl o velychild ren o Unfort unatelyth iscausest h eraremun ic ationbe twe enthem andt heftc hildr en, s inceth ese parents al waystake r estduring leisuretim e Thesepar entsandch i ldrencan no tknowde epl yabout each other andfr icti onwill app earSec on dly, pare n tswhoaskt heirchildr entobeabso lutelyobe d ientisal so oneofth egr avecau seso ftheg enera tion gapbet wee nthem!T he ydonottr y tomunicat ewiththeir childrenas theirequa 1 so Thus, m is interpr eta tionof them mayea silyo ccur

Tos ol vethesep r oblems, th ebusyparen tsshouldsa crificeth e irsparet im etomuni cat ewitht heir child renac tive lyandf rie ndlytoi mp rovethei r relation Atthesamet ime, theyca nalsoobse r vetheirc hi ldren's beh aviora tthe samet imein orde rtound ers tandhei rc hildrens personali tyasitcrnrr educethequ arrelbetw e enthemo B es idestha t, t hepare ntss hould tryto give upthei rab solutep ow erinfami 1 ysoasloma ketheirchi ldrenfeelf reetochat w iththemo 代沟英语作文(三):

代沟之我见 my Vie won Generat io nGap

Ac cordingtot hevarietyo fsocialba c kground, pe rsonale xpe rience andp erson alemo tion , diffe rer ntpeopl eh avediffe r entopinio nstowardst hingSo Thus , thereisn o doubttha tg enerati ong apexis tsev erywh ere w ealw aysfin dth atthere ar ebigdiff e rencesbet weenusandt heoldgener ationwea 1 waysrega rd theolda reo utdate d, wh ileth eythi nkus arecra zyo Theycan ' t bearthed r esswelike , thefashio nwepursueo revenourc h ildishth in kingo In ste ad, wee ould putup witht heir standp att hingkin ga ndtheir “f eudalrule rs Thus, t hegenerati ongapbees m oreandmo re obvious and seriou sHo wever , whyd ont wereal ize thatopi ni onscanbe c hanged, wh ilepeoplec antSo, we canthinki n anotherw ay , learnt oac cepto I tisc ertai nthat weca nnarro wth egenera ti ongaptol i veamoreha rmoniousli fe

由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不一样,不 一样的人对事情有不一样的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随 处可见。我们总是发现我们和老一代之间有很大的差异。 我们总是认为他们思想守旧,而他们却觉得我们疯狂。他 们不能忍受我们喜欢的衣服,我们追求的时尚甚至是我们 幼稚的思维方式。相反,我们觉得他们思想保守,封建 专制。因此,代沟越来越明显和严重。但是,为什么我们 没有意识到想法是能够改变的,而人却是不能够的。所以, 我们能够尝试换位思考,学会去理解。能够肯定的是,我 们能够缩小代沟过上更和谐的生活。


No wad ays, the pr oblemsof g eneration gapbeemore andmoreser iouso Thep o orrelati on shipbet wee nparen tsan dthei rchil dren isvery monArethe se problems c ausedbyth ebusyparen ts?or, doth eharshfam i lyrulesa ff ectther ela tionsh ipof paren tsand chil dren?

F irstly, i n mostofthe familiesin chinabotho ftheparen t shavetog oo utfotwo rki norder toea rnmor emone ytop rovide bet terenvi ro nmentfor t heirlovel ychildren o Unfortunat ely, thisc a usesther ar emunica tio nbetwe enth emand theft chil dren, s inc ethesep ar entsalwa y stakerest duringleis uretimeo Th eseparent s andchild re ncannot kno wdeepl yabo uteac hothe rand fricti onw illappe arSecondl y , parentsw hoasktheir childrento beabsolut e lyobedie nt isalsoo neo fthegr avec auses ofthe gene ration gap between th em!Theyd o nottrytom unicatewit htheirchil drenasthe i requalso Th us, misi nte rpreta tion ofthe mmaye asil yoccur

Tosolve t heseprobl ems, thebus yparentssh ouldsacri f icetheir sp aretime tom unicat ewit hthei rchil dren active lya ndfrien dl ytoimpro v etheirrel ation o Atth esametime, theycanal s oobserve th eirchil dre n sbeh avio ratth esame time inorde rto underst an dheirchi 1 drensper sonalityas itcanreduc ethequarr e lbetween th emo Besi des that, t hepa rents shoul dtry togive upt heirabs ol utepower i nfamilyso aslomaketh eirchildre nfeelfree t ochatwit ht hem 代沟英语作文(五):

Nowa day s , thepr ob lemsofge n era.tionga. pbeemorean dmoreserio usThepoo r relation sh ipbetwe enp arents andt heirc hildr enis verymo no A rethese pr oblemsca u sedbytheb usyparents ?or, dotheh arshfamil y rulesaff ec ttherel ati on ship ofpa rents andch ildr en?

F ir stly, inm o stofthefa miliesinch inabothoft hepare nts h a.ve to goo ut forwork ino rder to earn morem oneyt opro videbe tte renviro nm entforth e irlovelyc hildren 0 Un fortunatel y, thiscau s estherar em unicati onb etween them andth eftch ildr en, sin cet hesepar en tsalways t akerestdu ringleisur etimeo Thes eparentsa n dchildre nc armotkn owd eeplya bout eacho thera ndfr iction wil lappearS econdly, p arentswho asktheirch ildrentobe absolutel y obedient is alsoone oft hegrav ecau sesof thege nera tionga pbe tweenth em !Theydon o ttrytomun icatewitht heirchildr enastheir e qualso Th us , misint erp retati onof themm ayeas ilyo ccur

T osolveth e seproblem s, thebusyp arentsshou ldsacrifi c etheirsp ar etimeto num icatew itht heirc hildr enac tively and friendl yt oimprove t heirrelat ion o Atthes ametime, th eycanalso o bserveth ei rchildr en sbehav iora tthes ameti mein ordert oun derstan dh eirchild r en' sperso nalityasit canreducet hequarrel b et wee nth emBeside sth at, the pare ntssh ouldt ryto giveup the irabsol ut epower in f amilysoas lomakethei rchildrenf eelfreeto c hatwitht he mo 代沟英语作文(六):

Ge nerati onG ap

Now a days, ther eisoftenal ackofunder standingb e tweenpar en tsandch ild rench ildr enalw ayspl aint hatthe irp arentsa re outofdat e , whilepar entscan? ta pproveofwh attheirch i ldrensay an ddo Thu s, a biggen erat ionga pisfo rmed

The ga premains w ideforman yreasonsc hildrenwan ttobefree t ochooset he irownfr ien ds, sei ectt heiro wncla sses inscho ol, planthe ir ownfutur e , earnands pendtheiro wnmoney, an dgenerall y run their ow nlifein amo reinde pend entwa yt han many pare nt sal lowo Als o, youngchi 1 drenwisht obeunderst oodbytheir parents, b u tmostpar en tsdon" t qui teunde rsta ndthe irchi ldre no They reg arditas th eirrespo n sibilityt oteachthei roffspring tradition a lbeliefsT heywant the mtobeo bedi entan ddowe Ilin schoolTh erefore , m isunders t andingoft enarisefro mparents t endencyto i nterfere in childre ns dailya ctiv ities

In myo pinion, mo stproble m sbetweenp arentsandc hildrencou ldbesolve d byjointe ff ortsofb oth sidest oenh ancem utual unde rstand ing o 代沟英语作文(七):

Aple xproblem - g eneration g ap

Now ada ys, uge nera tiong apv ha sgra dually bee amonphe no menonall o verthewor IdExperie ncingdiffe rent time, a saresu It , c auses th edi fferen cebe t ween paren tsan dchild ren intaste s, themetho d theydealw ithproblem sandvalues

?This ca semaymo ree asilyh appe ninte enage rsT hereas onl iesinth ey areyoung , theyhaves trongpassi onforfreed om, andthe y likeshow in gthemse lve soffo T heni tisno wonde rtha targum ent softena ri sebetwee n t heirpare nt sand them , whichalwa ysmake the p are nt swo rr iedo The yea nhardl yfig ureou twhat thei rchild ren are thin ki ngabo utB ecausethe ywearstran geclothes, listennoi s ymusican de venwalk aro undtow nwit htatt oosan dpie rcesal lov ertheir bo dieso Nev e rtheless, inteenager ' eyes, thei rparentsa r eoutofda te andcons erv ative They mayta lkwit hthe irfrie nds moreoft en thanthei r parents I naword, ' ge

nerationga pisanint e rminable pr oblemo

Se rious ly, ho wtob ridget heg enerati on gap?Inmy o pinion, f i rst, showre spect o Them utualresp e ctcanpla ya nimport ant rolein avoi dingc onfli cts

Second , li stenmor et hantalk 0 I tsnodoub tthatitisa veryeffici entwaytok e epthecon ve rsation Ion gero At last , keep humor s, th iscanm ake thetalk fr iendlyo

Despiteth efactthatp arentsmay b eworried ab outtheg ene ration gapb etwee nthei rchi ldrena ndt hemselv esButaswe a Ilknow, wi thtimegoin gby, childr engradual 1 ygrowold an dripe0 A ndt henthe ywil letou nders tand theirp are ntso 代沟英语作文(八):

T hegenerati ongaprefe r stothedi ff erencei nat titude towa rdthi ngort hela ckofun der standin gb etweenyo u ngpeoplea ndolderfol ks

Infa m iliesasw el lasinso cie ty, the youn gandt heold erma ynotag ree witheac ho theronth i sandthatf romtimetot imeyoungp eoplewoul d liketoma ke asmuchm one yasthe ycou Ida nd spend asmu chmone yas t heycou Id earnwhil e olderfolk sareeasily satisfiedw ithwhatth e yearnand sa veasmuc has possib le0 y oungp eople like theexc iti ngandde af eningpop m usicwhile olderfolks prefermelo diousfolk -songsorc la ssicmus ic Aboyan dagl rltod aymay fall inlove wit heachot he rasquick a sligh tnin g, while the irpare ntso r grandpar e nt smigh t tr udgeove ral ongdis tanc ebefo rethe ykis sedeac hot herandb ec amelover s whentheyw ereyoungo

However, w eshouldn ot beamaze dat thegen erat ionga p, for itis quiten atu ralinth ed evelopme n tofsociet yTheworld isachangin gworld, in w hichever yt hingkee psc hangin g, ge nerat ionso fhum anbein gsi ncludedA ndchange s leadtopro gresso 代沟英语作文(九):

Ge neratio nga pGener atio ngapr efers toth edista nee andco nt ra die tionb e t wee nt heo ldand theyo uthIt' sam onphenome n onthatex it severyw her einthe worl dandi nflue nces bothth eol dandthe yo uthGene r allyspeak ing, genera tiongopres ultsindif f erentund er standin gan dappre ciat ionof thegr eata ndcons tan tchange so ftheworl d , differen treactiont onewthings , anddiffe r entattit ud estotra dit ionpri ncip lesan dbeli efso Theref ore , wemays ay where the r eare theol dandtheyou th; thereis thegenera t iongapG en eration gap isnatu ral, butve ryinf luen tialo I fwe cannotd ea lwithita p propriate ly, thegapw illbegreat erandgrea t erandcon se quently aff ectthe work andth erela tion

bet wee nth eoldand th eyoungo

代沟英语作文(十): 代沟 Generati o nGap

G ene ration gapr efers tothe misu nderst and ingbetw ee ntheolda n dyoungo Th etermcamei ntofashion afterthel 9 80so Howe ve r, inrec ent years, thep henom enoni sget tingmo rea ndmoref ie rce

代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20 80年代就开始流行。然而,近年来,这种现象是越来越 激烈。

Ho wdoes gene ration gap eintobe in g?Thefir s treasonis thatthetwo generation shavegrow n upindiff er entages , th usthey have diffe renta ttit udesto war dlife o S ec ondly , du e tohavingl ittleinmon witheachot her, theya r eunwilli ng tositdo wna ndtalk face tofac eBes ides , asmod ern lifeiss os tressful , bothofthe maresobusy withtheirs tudyorwor k thatthey ha venoten oug htimet oexc hange their idea s

代沟是如何产生的呢?第一个原因是这两代人是在不 一样时代长大的,所以他们对生活的态度是不一样的。其 次,由于由于彼此之间很少有共同之处,所以他们都不愿 意坐下来应对面交谈。此外,由于现代生活的压力很大, 大家都忙于学习或者工作,以至于都没有时光来交流彼此 的想法。

Tob ridgethege nerationg a pisnotea sy atall, b utw ecando some thing tosho rten itFor one thing, c hi ldrensho u ldrespect theirparen tsaswellas acceptthe i rgoodadv ic eForan oth er, par ents shoul dnoto nlys howthe irl oveandc ar etotheki d s, butalso supportthe irgoodlife viewo Aslo n gastheol da ndyoung can unders tand eacho ther, itwo uldbem ore harmoni ou sinfamil y andworldo

架起代沟的桥梁并不容易,但是我们能够做些事情来 减小代沟。一方面,孩子们就应尊重他们的父母并理解他 们的推荐。另一方面,父母不仅仅要展示他们对孩子的爱 和照顾,也要支持他们良好的人生观。只要老人和年轻人 能够互相理解,家庭与世界之间会变得更加和谐

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