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2019 年安徽省初中学业水平考试纲要


2019 年安徽省初中学业水平考试纲要(英语以下简称《纲要》依据教育部颁发的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准2011 年版以下简称《课程标准》)的内容和要求,结合我省英语教学实际而制定的。本《纲要》对我省

2019 年初中学业水平考试英语学科的考试性质与目标、考试内容与要求、考试形式与试卷结构等提出了明确要求,做出了具体说明,并选编了例证性试题。本《纲要》是我省 2019 年初中学业水平考试英语学科的命题依据。











1. 听句子,选关键词语。

学生听 1 个句子(两遍),然后选择所听句子里包含的单词或短语。

[ 1] A. dream B. cream C. team

录音: If you work together as a team, you’ll be successful more easily.


[说明] 通过听句子考查学生在听的过程中捕捉关键词以及单词辨音的能力。要求学生能听懂句子的大意,并根据所获取的关键信息来选择单词或短语。

2. 听短对话,选图片。


[ 2] What place does the woman want to find?

A. B. C.

录音:W: Excuse me! Where can I pay the bill? M: It’s over there. Follow the sign, please.


[说明] 通过听简短对话,考查学生捕捉细节信息以及信息转换的能力。要求学生在听懂对话的基础上将关键的语音信息转换成图像信息。

3. 听短对话,选答案。


[ 3] How soon will the concert begin?

A. In 10 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.

录音:M: Are we late for the concert?

W: No. It’s 8:10 now. The concert will begin at 8:30.


[说明] 通过听简短对话,考查学生对所听的录音材料的理解和判断能力。要求学生能识别对话中相关信息,从而进行推断并选出答案。

4. 听长对话,选答案。


[ 4] 1. What will Lisa do for her father?

A. Make a cake. B. Buy a T-shirt. C. Order some flowers.

2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Brother and sister. C. Boss and secretary.

录音M: Hi, Lisa. Dad’s birthday is coming. Do you have any idea?

W: I’m going to make a cake for him. What about you? M: I’ll buy him a T-shirt.

W: Sounds great. Mum has ordered some flowers. M: Wonderful. Dad must be very glad.

(答案:1-2 AB

[说明] 通过听多个轮回的对话,考查学生捕捉主要信息、抓住谈话要点和主题并对所听内容作出简单推断的能力。要求学生能听懂对话中的事实性信息以及交谈中他人的意图、观点和态度,也能对会话的背景以及说话者之间的关系做出正确的推断。

5. 听短文,选答案。


[ 5] 1. Who is Tony living with?

A. His classmates. B. His uncle. C. His parents.

2. What is Tony doing in Paris?

A. Learning the piano.

B. Working in a company.

C. Traveling with friends.

3. How long has Tony studied there?

A. For three months.

B. For two months.

C. For one month.


Why is Tony’s family going to the town?

A. To visit his teachers.

B. To see his grandparents.

C. To find his relatives.

5. What will Tony do for his relatives?

A. Cook a big dinner.

B. Take some photos.

C. Play a piece of music.

Tony is a fourteen-year-old middle school student. He is now living with his uncle in Paris. He wants to learn the piano, so his parents sent him there. He has studied there for three months. Now, he is looking forward to next month. His family is going to the town to see his grandparents. They will have a big family dinner. Some relatives will be there. Tony doesn’t see them very often. He will play a piece of piano music for them. His family will enjoy his playing and take some photos. So it must be a special time for Tony and his family.

(答案:1-5 BAABC

[说明] 通过听简短独白,考查学生在语篇中获取信息、分析推理、正确判断的能力。要求学生根据所听内容,在理解主旨大意的基础上,捕捉主要信息,并做出合理的判断和推理。

6. 听短文或对话,写信息。


[ 6]


Good morning, boys and girls. Our summer camp is on July 5th. We’ll take a bus to a small mountain village. The air there is fresh. We will stay with the farmers and have many kinds of activities. In the morning, we’ll learn to feed animals like chickens, pigs and cows from the local people. In the afternoon, we’ll take a walk along the river. If you like, you can help pick fruits or vegetables. In the evening, we’ll sit under big trees and enjoy the bright moon. What’s more, we can have a party. I’m sure we’ll have a great time.

(答案1. small 2. farmers 3. feed 4. walk 5. moon

[说明] 通过听短文或对话,考查学生对听力材料中事实性、具体性信息的获取与处理能力。这种题型将听与写两种考查方式有机结合,要求学生具备通过听短文或对话等材料,完成主要或关键信息填写的能力,这是综合语言运用能力的具体体现。


1. 单项填空

单项填空的考查点较为均衡地涉及语法、词汇、常见表达法、语用等方面, 要求学生根据题干所提供的语境,从每小题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

[ 7] —What is the of your excellent spoken English?

—Practice makes perfect!

A. result B. influence C. duty D. secret

(答案: D

[ 8] —Will you go to the picnic this Saturday?

—I’d like to, I’ll have to help look after my baby sister.

A. but B. or C. and D. so

(答案: A

[ 9] —It’s said that shopping online is safe.

. You’d better be careful.

A. I agree B. That depends C. I think so D. No problem

(答案: B

[说明] 要求学生在充分理解题干的基础上,从所提供的四个选项中选出最佳答案,目的是结合一定的语境,考查学生语言知识的综合运用能力。考查的主要内容包括语法知识、词汇知识、习惯用语、交际用语和各种常见表达法等。

以上例题对词汇、语法、交际用语等的考查都是在相对完整的语境中进行的, 学生必须在充分理解题干意义的基础上,通过语句前后的逻辑关系或对话交际之间的联系进行判断,才能选出正确的选项。

2. 完形填空

要求学生通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

[ 10]

As a foreigner, it’s hard for me to tell what Chinese people are like. But my 1 in Beijing said something.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to buy four big suitcases (行李箱) for travel. 2

I was going down the street, it suddenly rained, heavily. A stranger called me into his little shop. He 3 me a cup of tea and a chair. When the rain got 4 , I thanked him and rushed to a 5 nearby to buy my suitcases.

If you’ve ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself, you may understand my

6 . I looked silly, for the suitcases were dancing wildly across the floor. Then I got a 7 on the shoulder. It was the seller. He signed that I should wait. A few minutes

later, he 8 in a car, and put the suitcases inside. Then we went driving 9

along the road to my home. I offered him some money, but he 10 . In broken English he said, “Feel good … help you.”

Now, you can see Chinese people are always ready to help you.

(答案: 1-5 DBDBA 6-10 CDBAC

[说明] 考查学生综合运用语言的能力。在一篇难易适中的短文中留出十处空白, 要求学生从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足之后的短文语言通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。该题主要考查学生在理解文章主旨大意和句、段间内在联系的基础上,准确判断并选择符合特定上下文语义和用法的动词、名词、形容词、副词或其他词的能力。


要求学生根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多余选项。

1. 补全对话

[ 11]

A: Hi, Alice. 1

B: Yeah, I would like to do some traveling. A: 2

B: Not yet.

A: Do you want to travel in big cities? B: 3

A: How about Huangshan Mountain? B: 4

A: Sure! In China, it is considered to be the king of all the mountains. B: 5

A: Right. You can see special pines (松树), rocks and clouds. You can enjoy hot

springs as well.

B: Great! Thank you.

(答案:1-5 GDFCE

[说明] 考查学生用英语进行口头表达的能力,特别是在真实语境中沟通信息、描述事物与表达情感、发表观点和意见的能力。在一段对话中留出若干空白,要求学生从所给的选项中选出恰当的句子,使补全后的对话完整、通顺、意义正确。此类题型要求学生在整体把握对话的基础上进行分析、判断与综合,初步考查学生口语运用的能力。

2. 阅读理解

(1) 要求学生阅读短文,从短文后每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


It’s a cold, grey Sunday afternoon in March. The British are all working in their gardens. They’re digging, cutting leaves and planting new seeds ( ). By summer, their gardens will be full of bright colours.

The British love their gardens. A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them. Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden, and over 50% of these described gardening as the most enjoyable thing they ever did.

Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden. People who live in houses without gardens often rent (租用) land from the government.

At first, only very rich people had gardens. You can still see the gardens around

houses with a long history, such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard. In the early twentieth century, however, gardening became a hobby. People bought different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens. Although roses, sunflowers and tomatoes are often grown in British gardens, they originally (起初) grew wild in other countries.

Every year, there are competitions for the largest vegetables, but don’t expect to

win: Britain’s biggest carrot is almost six metres long.

1. In summer, British gardens are often .

A. full of people digging there B. colorful with different plants

C. too hot for people to work there D. covered with grey leaves and plants

2. A recent survey showed that of the British felt it important to do some gardening.

A. around 70% B. over 50% C. only 20% D. about 10%

3. We can infer from Paragraph 4 that .

A. seeds were provided for free B. roses were first grown in Britain

C. gardening is a hobby in the world D. the owner of Chatsworth House was rich

4. What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence?

A. It is easy to grow big vegetables. B. It is hard to win the competition.

C. The carrot is much easier to grow. D. The carrot is his favorite vegetable.

(答案:1-4 BADB

(2) 要求学生阅读一篇短文,并根据短文内容在规定的词数范围内回答问题。

[ 13]

Mr. Reynolds, my teacher, handed us a list of thoughts, and asked us to write a paper on one of those thoughts. I chose the topic “I wonder why things are the way they are.”

I wrote down all the questions that puzzled ( ) me about life. I realized that

many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps others could not be answered at all. When I handed in my paper, I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the questions.

The next day, Mr. Reynolds handed me the paper and asked me to read it for the class. The other students became quiet as I began to read my story:

Mum, why are the roses red? Why is the grass green and the sky blue? Why do I have to graduate? Why do I have to grow up? Why do I have to be called “Grandma” one day? ...

Dad, why can’t I stay out until 12:00? Why do I miss my old friends? Why do I miss being at home? Why do you love me so much? ...

Mum, Dad, why did you have to leave me? I need you.

At the end of my story, I looked at Mr. Reynolds, and I saw a tear slowly coming down his face. Then I realized that life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we ask.

1. Why was the writer afraid that she might fail? (不超过 10 个词)

2. What did the teacher ask the writer to do for the class? (不超过 15 个词)

3. What did the writer realize at the end of the story? (不超过 15 个词) 答案:

1. Because she did not answer the questions (she wrote down).

2. The teacher asked her to read her paper for the class. / To read her paper for the class.

3. The writer realized that life is built on the questions we ask. / Life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we ask.

[说明] 阅读理解着重考查学生对各种题材和体裁的书面材料的理解能力以及从



(1) 理解文章的主旨和要义;

(2) 理解文章中的具体信息(包括图文转换的信息);

(3) 根据上下文推测单词的词义;

(4) 进行简单的判断和推理;

(5) 理解文章的基本结构;

(6) 理解作者的基本态度和观点。


1. 单词拼写


[ 14] Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n (自然).

(答案nature [ 15] A good hobby a (增加) a lot of fun to our spare life.

(答案:adds [说明] 单词拼写着重考查学生的单词拼写能力,要求学生在理解句意的基础上, 写出单词在本句中的正确形式。

2. 书面表达

要求学生根据所提示的信息,用英语写一段话。要求词数 80~100

[ 16]

假定你是李华,你们学校将举行“弘扬中华传统文化——戏曲进校园”展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友 Mike 参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件

1. 时间:7 1 日下午 2 点;

2. 地点:学校操场;

3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。

提示词:戏曲 opera n. 表演 performance n.

注意:1. 词数 80~100

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;

4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture.

One possible version Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture.

Yours, Li Hua

Now I have a piece of good news to share with you. There is an activity about Chinese traditional operas at 2:00 on July 1. It will be held on the playground in our school and all the teachers and students will attend. On that day, a culture show and many wonderful performances will be put on. It’s a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture. Come and join us! I think we’ll have a great time.

I’m looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, Li Hua

[说明] 书面表达着重考查学生运用所学的语言知识与技能,以书面的形式进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点的能力。



(一)考试形式:采用闭卷笔试。考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分值 150 分。


附录 1





1. 基本读音

126 个字母的读音

(2) 元音字母在单词中的基本读音

(3) 常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音

(4) 常见的辅音字母组合在单词中的基本读音,如:th, sh, ch

(5) 辅音连缀的读音,如 black, class, flag, glass, plane, sleep, bright, cry, sky, small, speak, star, street, splash, spring, screen, programme, quiet

(6) 成节音的读音,如 table, people, uncle, single, middle, little, parcel, basin, cousin, often, seven

2. 重音

1)单词重音 2)句子重音

3. 意群的读音

1)连读和失去爆破 2)弱读与同化

4. 语调与节奏

1)语调(升调,降调) 2)节奏

附录 2


1. 名词

(1) 可数名词及其单复数

(2) 不可数名词

(3) 专有名词

(4) 名词所有格

2. 代词

(1) 人称代词

(2) 物主代词

(3) 反身代词

(4) 指示代词

(5) 不定代词(some, any, no)

(6) 疑问代词

3. 数词

1 基数词 2 序数词

4. 介词和介词短语

5. 连词

6. 形容词(包括比较级和最高级)

7. 副词(包括比较级和最高级)

8. 冠词

9. 动词

(1) 动词的基本形式

(2) 系动词

(3) 及物动词和不及物动词

(4) 助动词

(5) 情态动词

(6) 时态







(7) 被动语态





(8) 非谓语动词(动词不定式做宾语、宾语补足语、目的状语)

(9) 动词短语

10. 构词法

1)前缀、后缀 2)转化 3)合成

11. 句子种类

(1) 陈述句(肯定式和否定式)

(2) 疑问句 (一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句)

(3) 祈使句

(4) 感叹句

12. 简单句的基本句型

(1) 主语+系动词+表语

(2) 主语+不及物动词

(3) 主语+及物动词+宾语

(4) 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语

(5) 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语

(6) there be 句型

13. 并列复合句

14. 主从复合句

(1) 宾语从句

(2) 状语从句

(3) 定语从句( that, which, who 引导的限定性定语从句)

附录 3


1. 社会交往 (Social communications)

(1) 问候 (Greetings)

(2) 介绍 (Introduction)

(3) 告别 (Farewells)

(4) 致谢 (Thanks)

(5) 道歉 (Apologies)

(6) 邀请 (Invitation)

(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)

(8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)

(9) 请求与提供帮助 (Asking for and offering help)

(10) 约会 (Making appointments)

(11) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)

(12) 就餐 (Having meals)

(13) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)

(14) 购物 (Shopping)

(15) 问路 (Asking the way)

(16) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)

(17) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication)

(18) 提醒注意 (Reminding)

(19) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition

(20) 劝告 (Advice)

(21) 建议 (Suggestions)

(22) 接受与拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)

2. 态度 (Attitudes)

(23) 同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement)

(24) 喜欢和不喜欢 (Likes and dislikes)

(25) 肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)

(26) 可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility)

(27) 能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)

(28) 偏爱和优先选择 (Preference)

(29) 意愿和打算 (Intention and plan)

(30) 希望和愿望 (Hope and wish)

(31) 表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement)

(32) 判断与评价 (Judgement and evaluation)

3. 情感 (Emotions)

(33) 高兴 (Happiness)

(34) 惊奇 (Surprise)

(35) 关切 (Concern)

(36) 安慰 (Reassurance)

(37) 满意 (Satisfaction)

(38) 遗憾 (Regret)

4. 时间 (Time)

(39) 时刻 (Point of time)

(40) 时段 (Duration)

(41) 频度 (Frequency)

(42) 顺序 (Sequence)

5. 空间 (Space)

(43) 位置 (Position)

(44) 方向 (Direction)

(45) 距离 (Distance)

6. 存在 (Existence)

(46) 存在与不存在 (Existence and non-existence)

7. 特征 (Features)

(47) 形状 (Shape)

(48) 颜色 (Colour)

(49) 材料 (Material)

(50) 价格 (Price)

(51) 规格 (Size)

(52) 年龄 (Age)

8. 计量 (Measurement)

(53) 长度 (Length)

(54) 宽度 (Width)

(55) 高度 (Height)

(56) 数量 (Quantity)

(57) 重量 (Weight)

9. 比较 (Comparison)

(58) 同级比较 (Equal comparison)

(59) 差别比较 (Comparative and superlative)

(60) 相似和差别 (Similarity and difference)

10. 逻辑关系 (Logical relations)

(61) 原因和结果 (Cause and effect)

(62) 目的 (Purpose)

附录 4


1. 个人情况 (Personal background)

(1) 个人信息 (Personal information)

(2) 家庭信息 (Family information)

(3) 学校信息 (School information)

(4) 兴趣爱好 (Interests and hobbies)

(5) 工作与职业 (Jobs and careers)

2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends, and people around)

(6) 家人与亲友 (Family and relatives)

(7) 朋友 (Friends)

(8) 其他人 (Other people)

3. 居住环境 (Living environment)

(9) 房屋与住所 (Houses and apartments)

(10) 居室 (Rooms and homes)

(11) 家具和家庭用品 (Furniture and household items)

(12) 社区 (Community)

4. 日常活动 (Daily routines)

(13) 家庭生活 (Life at home)

(14) 学校生活 (School life)

(15) 周末活动 (Weekend activities)

5. 学校 (School)

6. 个人兴趣 (Personal interests)

(20) 游戏与休闲 (Games and leisure)

(21) 爱好 (Hobbies)

(22) 娱乐活动 (Entertainments)

(23) 旅游 (Tourism)

7. 情感与情绪 (Feelings and moods)

(24) 情感 (Feelings)

(25) 情绪 (Moods)

8. 人际交往 (Interpersonal communication)

(26) 社会行为 (Social behaviour)

(27) 合作与交流 (Cooperation and communication)

9. 计划与安排 (Plans and arrangements)

(28) 计划 (Planning)

(29) 安排 (Arranging)

10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)

(30) 节日与假日 (Festivals and holidays)

(31) 庆祝活动 (Celebrations)

11. 购物 (Shopping)

(32) 购物计划 (Shopping plan)

(33) 商品 (Goods)

(34) 选择 (Selecting)

(35) 付款 (Payment)

(36) 个人喜好 (Personal preference)

12. 饮食 (Food and drinks)

(37) 食物 (Food)

(38) 饮料 (Drinks)

(39) 饮食习俗 (Eating and customs)

(40) 点餐 (Ordering food and drink)

13. 卫生与健康 (Hygiene and Health)

(41) 身体部位 (Parts of body)

(42) 体育健身 (Physical fitness and exercise)

(43) 个人卫生 (Personal hygiene)

(44) 疾病 (Illness)

(45) 健康饮食 (Healthy diet)

(46) 医疗 (Medical care)

14. 安全与救护 (Safety and first aid)

(47) 安全守则 (Safety rules)

(48) 意外 (Accidents)

(49) 急救 (First aid)

(50) 自我保护 (Self protection)

15. 天气 (Weather)

(51) 天气情况 (Weather conditions)

(52) 天气预报 (Weather report)

(53) 衣着与天气 (Appropriate dressing for the weather)

16. 文娱与体育 (Recreation and sports)

(54) 电影与戏剧 (Movies and theater)

(55) 音乐与舞蹈 (Music and dance)

(56) 育与赛事 (Sports and matches)

17. 旅游与交通 (Travel and transport)

(57) 旅行 (Travel)

(58) 交通运输方式 (Modes of transportation)

(59) 交通标志 (Traffic signs)

(60) 使用地图 (Reading maps)

18. 通讯 (Communications)

(61) 写信 (Writing letters)

(62) 打电话 (Making phone calls)

(63) 使用互联网 (Using the Internet)

19. 语言学习 (Language learning)

(64) 语言学习经历 (Language learning experience)

(65) 语言与文化 (Language and culture)

(66) 语言学习策略 (Language learning strategies)

(67) 体态语 (Body language)

20. 自然 (Nature)

(68) 动物和植物 (Animals and plants)

(69) 山川与河流 (Mountains and rivers)

(70) 季节 (Seasons)

(71) 宇宙 (Universe)

(72) 人与自然 (Man and nature)

21. 世界与环境 (The world and the environment)

(73) 国家与民族 (Countries and nationalities)

(74) 环境保护 (Environmental protection)

(75) 人口 (Population)

22. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology)

(76) 数字与数据 (Figures and data)

(77) 科普知识 (Popular science)

(78) 发明与技术 (Inventions and technological advances)

(79) 信息技术 (Information technology)

23. 历史与社会 (History and society)

(80) 中国历史与世界历史 (History of China and the world)

(81) 著名人物 (Famous people)

24. 故事与诗歌 (Stories and poems)

附录 5



1. 根据《课程标准》的语言知识目标要求,初中毕业应学习 1500-1600 个单词,要求学习和掌握其基本词义和用法。

2. 为体现在具体语境中学习和使用单词的理念,本词汇表不标注单词的词性和中文释义。

3. 本词汇表不列词组和短语。

4. 本词汇表不列动词、形容词、副词等的不规则变化。

5. 本词汇表不列语法术语。

6. 可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等不单列。

7. *的词仅要求考生理解其词义。


a (an) ability able about above abroad absent accept accident

according to achieve

across act action active activity

carrot carry cartoon cat catch cause

celebrate cent central

centre (AmE center) century

certain certainly chair Chalk challenge chance change cheap check cheer chemistry chess chicken

child (pl. children) China

Chinese chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas church cinema circle

city class

classmate classroom clean clear clever climb clock close clothes cloud cloudy club coach coal

coast coat coffee coin cold collect college

colour (AmE color) come

comfortable common communicate communication community company compare competition complete computer

concert condition connect consider continue control conversation cook

cookie cool copy corn corner correct cost cotton cough could count country

countryside couple courage course cousin cover

cow crayon crazy create cross crowd cry culture cup

customer cut



daily dance danger dangerous dark

date daughter day dead deaf deal dear

December decide decision deep degree delicious dentist depend describe design desk develop

development dialogue (AmE dialog) diary dictionary die difference

five fix flag floor flower fly

flu follow food

foot (pl. feet) football

for force foreign forest forget fork form forty four fourteen fourth France free

full fun funny future


game garden gate general gentleman geography German Germany get

gift giraffe girl give glad glass glove glue go

grandmother (grandma)

grandparent grandson grape

grass great green greeting grey ground group grow guard guess guest guide guitar gun


habit hair half

hat hate

have (has) he

head headache health healthy hear heart heat heavy height hello help helpful hen

her here hero hers herself hi hide

notebook nothing notice novel November now number nurse


object ocean o’clock October of

off offer office officer often

other our ours

ourselves out outside over



Pacific page pain paint pair palace pale pancake panda paper

peace pear pen pencil people perfect perhaps period person personal pet phone

photo (= photograph) physics

piano pick picnic picture pie piece

plenty pocket poem point police


/policewoman polite

pollute pollution pool poor

popular (pop) population position possible

post postcard postman potato

you young your yours yourself

(pl. yourselves)


zebra zero zoo

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