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blouse [blaʊz; u.S. blaʊs] n. 宽罩衫;(妇女、儿童穿的)短上衣

blow [bləʊ] n. 击;打击

blow (blew, blown) [bləʊ] v. 吹;刮风;吹气

blue [bluː] n. 蓝色 a.蓝色的 a. 悲伤的;沮丧的

board [bɔːd] n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部 v. 上(船、火车、飞机)

boat [bəʊt] n. 小船,小舟

boat--race [bəʊt-reɪs] n. 划船比赛

boating [ˈbəʊtɪŋ] n. 划船(游玩),泛舟 body n. 身体

body--building [ˈbɔdɪ-ˈbɪldɪŋ] n. 健美

boil [bɔɪl] v. 沸腾;烧开;煮……

bomb [bɔm] n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸

bond [bɔnd] n. /v. 纽带,联系,使牢固

bone [bəʊn] n. 骨头,骨质(复数bones骨骼;骨骸)

bonus [ˈbəʊnəs] n. 津贴,奖金,红利

book [bʊk] n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)

bookcase [ˈbʊkkeɪs] n. 书橱

bookmark [ˈbʊkmɑːk] n. 书签

bookshelf/ `bʊk,ʃelf / n. 书架

bookshop [ˈbʊkʃɔp] n. 书店

bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔː(r)] n. 书店

boom [buːm] n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣,激增

boot [buːt] n. 长统靴;靴

booth [buːð] n.岗;(为某种用途而设的)亭或小隔间

telephone booth [ˈtelɪfəʊn- buːð]电话亭

border [ˈbɔːdə(r)] n. 边缘;边境,国界

bored / bɔrd / a.(对人,事)厌倦的,烦闷的

boring / `bɔrɪŋ / a. 乏味的,无聊的

born [bɔːn] a. 出生

borrow [ˈbɔrəʊ] v. (向别人)借用;借

boss [bɔs] n. 领班;老板

botanical [bəˈtænɪk(ə)l] a. 植物学的

botany [ˈbɔtənɪ] n. 植物; 植物学

both [bəʊθ] a. 两;双 pron. 两者;双方

bottle [ˈbɔt(ə)l] n. 瓶子

bottom [ˈbɔtəm] n. 底部;底

bounce [baʊns] v. 弹起,蹦,上下晃动

bound [baʊnd] a. 被束缚的;被绑的;有义务的 v.& n. 跳跃

boundary [ˈbaʊndərɪ] n. 边界,界限

bow [bəʊ] v.& n. 鞠躬,弯腰行礼

bowl [bəʊl] n. 碗

bowling [ˈbəʊlɪŋ] n. 保龄球

box [bɔks] n. 盒子,箱子

boxing [ˈbɔksɪŋ] n. 拳击(运动)

boy [bɔɪ] n. 男孩

boycott [ˈbɔɪkɔt] v. 拒绝购买,抵制

brain [breɪn] n. 脑(子)

brake [breɪk] n. 闸 vi. 刹车

branch [brɑːntʃ] n. 树枝;分枝;分公司,分店;支部

brand [brænd] n. 品牌

brave [breɪv] a. 勇敢的

bravery [ˈbreɪvərɪ] n. 勇气

bread [bred] n. 面包

break [breɪk] n. 间隙

break (broke, bro ken) [breɪk] v. 打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开

breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐

breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] n. 重大进展,突破

breast [brest] n. 乳房,胸脯

breath [breθ] n. 气息;呼吸

breathe [briːð] vi. 呼吸

breathless [ˈbreθlɪs] a. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的

brewery [ˈbruːərɪ] n. 啤酒厂(公司)

brick [brɪk] n. 砖;砖块

bride [braɪd] n. 新娘

bridegroom [ˈbraɪdɡruːm] n. 新郎

bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥

brief [briːf] a. 简洁的

bright [braɪt] a. 明亮的;聪明的

brilliant [ˈbrɪlɪənt] a. 巧妙的,使人印象深刻的,技艺高的

bring (brought, brought) [brɪŋ] vt. 拿来,带来,取来

Britain [ˈbrɪtən] * n. 英国;不列颠

British [ˈbrɪtɪʃ] a. 英国的;大不列颠的;英国人的

the British [ˈbrɪtɪʃ] n. 英国国民;大不列颠人

broad [brɔːd] a. 宽的,宽大的

broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] n. 广播节目

broadcast(broadcast, broadcast或--ed,--ed)[ˈbrɔːdkɑːst] vt. 广播

brochure [brəʊˈʃə(r); (US) brəʊˈʃʊər] n. 资料(或广告)手册

broken [ˈbrəʊkən] a. 弄坏了的

broom [bruːm] n. 扫帚

brother [ˈbrʌðə(r)] n. 兄;弟

brotherhood [ˈbrʌðəhʊd] n. 兄弟般的关系

brown [braʊn] n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的

brunch [ˈbrʌntʃ] n. 早午饭(晚早饭)

brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷;擦 n. 刷子

bucket [ˈbʌkɪt] n. 铲斗;桶

Buddhism [ˈbʊdɪz(ə)m] n. 佛教

Buddhist ['budist] n. 佛教徒

budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt] n. 预算

buffet [ˈbʊfeɪ; (US) bəˈfeɪ] n. 自助餐

build (built, built) [bɪld] v. 建筑;造

building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] n. 建筑物;房屋;大楼

bun [bʌn] n. 馒头;小甜面包

bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 串,束,扎,大量,大批

bungalow [ˈbʌŋɡələʊ] n. 平房

burden [ˈbɜːd(ə)n] n. (义务,责任的)重担,负担

bureaucratic [bjuəˌrəu'krætik] a. 官僚的

burglar [ˈbɜːɡlə(r)] n. 入室窃贼

burial [ˈberɪəl] n. 埋葬

burn (--ed, --ed 或 burnt, burnt) [bɜːn] v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑 n. 烧伤;晒伤

burst [ˈbɜːst] v. 突然发生; 突然发作

bury [ˈberɪ] vt. 埋;葬

bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车

bus stop [bʌs stɔp] n。公共汽车站

bush [bʊʃ] n. 灌木丛,矮树丛

business [ˈbɪznɪs] n. (本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业

businessman (pl. businessmen) [ˈbɪznɪsmæn] n. 商人(男);男企业家

businesswoman (businesswomen) [ˈbɪznɪswʊmæn] n. 商人(女);女企业家

busy [ˈbɪzɪ] a. 忙(碌)的

but [bət, bʌt] conj. 但是,可是 prep. 除了, 除……外

butcher ['bʊtʃə] n. vt. 肉店;屠夫 屠宰(动物);残杀(人)

butter [ˈbʌtə(r)] n. 黄油,奶油

butterfly [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] n. 蝴蝶

the butterfly 蝶泳

button [ˈbʌt(ə)n] n. 纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮 v. 扣(纽扣)

buy (bought,bought) [baɪ] vt. 买

by [baɪ] prep. 靠近,在…旁;在…时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)

bye [baɪ] int. 再见


cab [kæb] n. (美)出租车

cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜

café [ˈkæfeɪ; (US) kæˈfeɪ] n. 咖啡馆; 餐馆

cafeteria [kæfɪˈtɪərɪə] n. 自助餐厅

cage [keɪdʒ] n 笼;鸟笼

calculate [ˈkælkjʊleɪt] v. 计算,核算,推测

cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼

call [kɔːl] n. 喊,叫;电话,通话 v. 称呼;呼唤;喊,叫

calm [kɑːm; (US) kɑːlm] a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着

camel [ˈkæm(ə)l] n. 骆驼

camera [ˈkæmərə] n. 照相机;摄像机

camp [kæmp] n.(夏令)营 vi.野营,宿营

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn] n. 运动,战役

can (could) can't = can not modal [ken, kæn] v. 可能;能够;可以 不能 n.(美)罐头;罐子

a garbage can [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ](美)垃圾桶

a can opener [ˈəʊpənə(r)] 开罐器

Canada [ˈkænədə] * n. 加拿大

Canadian [kəˈneɪdɪən] a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

canal [kəˈnæl] n. 运河;水道

cancel [ˈkæns(ə)l] vt. 取消

cance [ˈkænsə(r)]r n. 癌

candidate [ˈkændɪdət; (US) ˈkændɪdeɪt] n. 候选人,申请人

candle [ˈkænd(ə)l] n. 蜡烛

candy [ˈkændɪ] n. 糖果

canteen [kænˈtiːn] n. 餐厅;食堂

cap [kæp] n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套

capital [ˈkæpɪt(ə)l] n.首都.省会.大写;资本

capsule [ˈkæpsjuːl; (US) ˈkæpsl] n. (药)胶囊

captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. (海军)上校;船长,舰长;队长

caption [ˈkæpʃ(ə)n] n. (图片,漫画等的)说明文字

car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽车,小卧车

carbon [ˈkɑːbən] n. 碳

card [kɑːd] n.卡片;名片;纸牌

card games [kɑːd ɡeɪm] 纸牌游戏

care [keə(r)] n. 照料,保护;小心v. 介意……,在乎;关心

careful [ˈkeəfʊl] a. 小心,仔细,谨慎的



(blouse ~ careful)


⑴You’re so kind; Thank you from the b_____________of my heart.

⑵The Agricultural Bank has b____________all over our country.

⑶Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b______________of cola.

⑷They’ve made a major b__________________ in the treatment of cancer. It is a great discovery.

⑸The b_________________ got in through the kitchen window and took away the jewelry.

⑹There are only three c_________________(候选人)for the job.

⑺Students complain about the food in the c__________________(食堂)of the school.

⑻Today began a c_____________(运动)to reduce road accidents.

⑼Just point the c___________________(照相机)and press the button. It’s very easy.

⑽The organization has a b_____________(预算)of $35 million.


⑴The balloon will ______________ if you continue blowing it.

⑵Tommy! Stop ______________ up and down on the sofa.

⑶We ___________all products tested on animals. It is so cruel.

⑷Relax and ______________ deeply; it can keep you calm.

⑸The football match was _____________live all over the world.

⑹Don't forget to _________________ your teeth twice a day.

⑺The great writer died in 1956 and was ______________ in the churchyard of St Mary's.

⑻I'm trying to ______ how much money we need to buy a new flat.

⑼The driver had to _______ suddenly to avoid a dog in the road.

⑽You are allowed to ______six books from the library at a time.


⑴The flight was already fully ________; No more seats were available.

A. booked B. borrowed C. canceled D. calculated

⑵There's nothing to do here — Kids get _________!

A. boredom B. boring C. bored D. to be bored

⑶She _________ in tears when she heard the sad news.

A. broke off B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down

⑷It was impossible to see everything during our _________ visit to Paris.

A. bound B. brief C. brilliant D. bright

⑸While she was in prison, friends used to ________ her books and writing materials.

A. bring B. take C. fetch D. carry

⑹The room is three meters long and two meters __________.

A. width B. board C. broad D. abroad

⑺In my day, children were ______ to respect the law.

A. called up B. brought up C. broken up D. built up

⑻The students are kept busy _____for the coming exams in June.

A. prepared B. preparing C. to prepare D. being prepared

⑼There's tea or coffee — you can have ________.

A. both B. either C. all D. neither

⑽Excuse me, __________ I'm afraid this is a no-smoking area.

A. and B. for C. but D. so


⑴Children ___________________ the environment and want to help keep it clean.

⑵He thanked the nurses who had _________ him while he was sick.

⑶Police were __________to deal with the difficult situation.

⑷The game was ________________because of the bad weather.

⑸The old photos _________________ memories of her childhood.

⑹—Our team won!

—This ___________________ a celebration.

⑺The joke was so funny; Everyone in the room ____________________ laughing.

⑻Laura ____________________ tears and ran out of the room.

⑼The old town hall was ____________________ in the 1970s and everything was destroyed.

⑽Taking exercise will ____________________ your strength. It will make you strong.
























(blouse ~ careful)


⑴She was wearing a skirt and ___________.(=a shirt for women)

⑵___________ is the money added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work.

⑶A ___________ is a small partly enclosed place where one person can do something privately, such as use the telephone or vote.

⑷___________ is the scientific study of plants.

⑸___________ is an indoor game in which you roll a large heavy ball along a wooden track in order to knock down a group of wooden objects shaped like bottles.

⑹___________ is the sport of fighting while wearing big leather gloves.

⑺___________ is a place where beer is made, or a company that makes beer.

⑻A ___________ is a thin book giving information or advertising something.

⑼___________ is a meal eaten in the late morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch.

⑽___________ is a meal at a party or other occasion, in which people serve themselves at a table and then move away to eat.

⑾___________ is a small house with one storey.

⑿Being ___________ involves a lot of complicated official rules and processes.

⒀A ___________ is a structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept.

⒁A ___________ is a plastic container shaped like a very small tube with medicine inside that you swallow whole.

⒂___________ dioxide is gas formed by the burning of carbon, or breathed out by animals from the lungs.

⒃The ___________ is a shop where you can buy meat.

⒄I've been feeling kind of ___________; I feel sad and without hope.

⒅Tom is about the most ___________ person I've ever met; he’s not interesting at all.

⒆Since I'm my own ___________ and work for myself, my hours are flexible.

⒇The CD player's ___________ again. It doesn’t work properly.


⑴Let's drink a toast to the bride and ____________!

⑵Flight BA193 for Paris is now ____________. Let’s check in and get on the plane.

⑶You can't have it ___________ ways. You must decide on one thing or the other.

⑷___________ water is drinking water packaged in plastic or glass water bottles.

⑸Stop _________ up and down on the sofa. Your moving up and down will damage the sofa.

⑹In the school ___________, students collect their meals on trays from a counter.

⑺Would you like some more bread and ___________?

⑻A bird in the hand is worth two in the ___________.

⑼Witches were said to ride a ___________ through the air.

⑽The training programme is seen as a ___________ between school and work.

⑾National ___________ are becoming increasingly meaningless in the global economy.

⑿You can't fool me; I wasn't ___________ yesterday, you know.

⒀This fish has a lot of ___________ in it. Be careful when eating the fish.

⒁Tourism on the island has ___________. The awesome scenery attracts more tourists.

⒂If you go hiking, you need wear tough ___________for walking.

⒃All the performers ___________ as the audience applauded.

⒄___________ punishment involves punishment by death.


⑴_____________________________ at 9:30 in the morning.


⑵The long climb _____________________________.


⑶We _____________________ tested on animals. It is too cruel.


⑷The English teacher _____________________________.


⑸When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are _____________ to happen.


⑹The trade agreement helped to _______________________ between the two countries.


⑺______________________ can relieve your stress and anxiety.


⑻Smoking causes_____________________________.


⑼The driver __________________ as the child ran onto the road in front of him.


⑽The goods were transported ____________________to London.


⑾I'll send her _____________________________.


⑿His sick father is becoming _____________________________.


⒀When watching English movies, do you often refer to__________________________?


第二部分 核心词汇与基本用法测试答案:



⑴bottom ⑵branches ⑶brands ⑷breakthrough ⑸burglar ⑹candidates ⑺canteen ⑻campaign ⑼camera ⑽budget


⑴burst ⑵bouncing ⑶boycott ⑷breathe ⑸broadcast ⑹brush

⑺buried ⑻calculate ⑼brake ⑽borrow




⑴care about ⑵cared for ⑶called in

⑷called off

⑸called up ⑹calls for

⑺burst out ⑻burst into

⑼burnt down ⑽build up


⑴I don’t like to borrow money from friends.

⑵Water boils at 100 degree Centigrade.

⑶His brother was born blind.

⑷The telephone system has broken down.

⑸The government is trying to bring prices down.

⑹I don’t want to bother her with my problems.

⑺Please stay in your seats and keep calm.

⑻They get paid by the hour.

⑼Be careful not to wake the baby up.

⑽The church was built of stones.

第三部分 高级词汇与熟词生义答案



⑴blouse ⑵Bonus ⑶booth ⑷Botany ⑸Bowling ⑹Boxing ⑺Brewery ⑻brochure ⑼Brunch ⑽Buffet ⑾Bungalow ⑿bureaucratic ⒀cage ⒁capsule ⒂Carbon ⒃butcher's ⒄blue ⒅boring ⒆boss ⒇broken


⑴bridegroom ⑵boarding ⑶both ⑷Bottled ⑸bouncing ⑹cafeteria ⑺butter ⑻bush ⑼broom ⑽bridge ⑾boundaries ⑿born ⒀bones ⒁boomed ⒂boots ⒃bowed ⒄Capital


⑴The bomb went off ⑵left Jane feeling breathless ⑶boycott all products ⑷pressed the pause button ⑸bound ⑹strengthen the bonds ⑺Taking a deep breath ⑻lung cancer ⑼braked hard ⑽by canal ⑾a bunch of flowers ⑿a burden to him ⒀the captions on the screen

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