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二、言语知识与运用 第一节单项选择
16. Avatar is an excellent film. We havent watched a film this one before.
A. as more interesting as C. as interesting than

B. as interesting as D. more interesting as
17. I have five best friends in my school, Kitty.
A. include

B. included

C. including D. to include
18. The robot will get when I leave it .
A. angry, alone B. angry, lonely C. angrily, alone D. angrily, lonely
19. My uncle used a very good football player, but this was a long time ago.
A. to being

B. being

C. be

D. to be
20. It was such a difficult question that in the class could answer it.
A. somebody
B. everybody
C. anybody

D. nobody
21. --TeachersDay is coming. What gift should I give my English teacher?
--Why not buy flowers? A. much

B. any

C. some

D. a
22. This movie shows happened in the US in the 1980s.
A. something important C. anything important

B. important something D. important anything
23. Sometimes it time and experience to find out the really amazing things.
A. spends

B. takes C. costs D. pays
24. Can you make sure of the students of this class?
A. a number of

B. an amount of

C. the number of D. the amount of
25. There are about people in this city.
A. two million

B. two million of

C. two millions

D. two millions of
26. You me that you would get to school on time. But youre late again!
A. challenged
B. promised C. checked

D. agreed
27. He was tired and stopped a rest.

A. having B. to have C. to having D. have
28. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them .
A. laughed

B. laugh

C. laughing

D. to laugh
29. We can learn the lives of our grandparents their photos.
A. about, about B. from, from
C. about, from D. from, about
30. His dream is to be a great and have many in the future.
A. inventor, inventors

B. invention, inventors D. inventor, inventions
C. invention, inventions 第二节语法选择
Most adults once studied at school, had classes and did their homework every day. The same thing is going 31 at school now. But it seems that 32 weekend homework is one problem for the modern students. All the students agree that weekend homework should be abolished (取消. Its enough for them 33 at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. 34 homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find time to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, 35 family activities, or just have a rest at home? 36 these other activities, the homework cant be finished _37_ Sunday night. So their weekend homework is usually done in 38 hurry on Monday. If there was no weekend homework 39 the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday after having a good rest and 40 what the teachers teach. 31. A. with 32. A. doing 33. A. study 34. A. But

B. on B. do

C. to

D. along D. does
C. did

B. studies B. And

C. to study D. studying C. By C. join

D. With D. joining
35. A. take part in 36. A. Because of 37. A. until 38. A. a such 39. A. with

B. join in B. Instead of B. for B. so a B. for B. learn

C. Because D. Instead C. to C. so C. to

D. at D. such a D. by
40. A. to learn 三、完形填空
C. learning D. learnt
Some children wish to be writers when they grow up. That 41 they want to write stories or
books. They would be happy if many people read their stories of books some day, buy I would like 42 the children that they will need to be good readers and read a lot before they become good writers. Nearly all great writers often listened 43 others to tell stories long before they started school.
They also keep on 44 hours and hours for tears. Even when they had become writers, they spent much of their time reading books instead of 45 TV in the evening.
If you are a good reader, it won't take you long time 46 the reading homework your teacher asks you to do. Then you will have time to read 47 books for fun. You will read 48 well that you always want to look for more books to read.
If you want to be a writer, reading is very 49 . When you decide to become a writer, you had better 50 yourself, I must read more and more if I really want to become a good writer. 41. A. means 42. A. tell 43. A. for 44. A. read 45. A. watch 46. A. do

B. meaning B. telling B. to

C. mean C. told C. at

D. meant D. to tell D. of D. reading D. watches D. to do D. the other D. very
D. more important D. told
B. to read C. reads B. to watch B. doing B. other B. such

C. watching C. did

47. A. others 48. A. so

C. another C. too

49. A. important 50. A. telling 四、阅读了解

B. importantly C. importance B. tell

C. to tell

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal( the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住 the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home. Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out."Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson, "the angry
man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose. The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered (感到疑惑. 51. The thief was trying to get _____. A. his neighbor C. some cotton

B. his neighbour's doorbell D. a door with a bell on it
52. The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would be _____ for him to steal the doorbell. A. safe

B. difficult

C. dangerous

D. easy
53. The neighbour ran out probably (很能够 because _____. A. he knew his doorbell was being stolen
B. he thought someone was eager (盼望的 to visit him C. He realized something strange happened D. Both B and C
54. The neighbour hit the thief to _____. A. give him lessons

B. punish (惩罚 him for stealing D. be his teacher
C. help him with the bell

55. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The thief understood why he was hit on the nose. B. The thief knew why the neighbour came out.
C. The thief thought the neighbour could not hear the bell.
D. The thief didn't want to know why the neighbour ran out just at the time he stole the doorbell.
Do you have a lucky number? What is it? Many people have a special number and they hope that it will bring them good luck. In China, people think that, some numbers are lucky or unlucky because those number sound similar to some Chinese words that mean something good or bad. For example, the word for number 8 sounds like "making lots of money" in Chinese. So, people think it a very lucky number. Some people will even spend much more money to have 8s in their phone numbers. Do you remember the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing? It opened at 8:08 p.m. on August 8,2021.
The number 9 is also a lucky number because of its connection to the emperors of China. There were nine dragons on emperors' robes and it’s told in many Chinese ancient stories that the dragon
has nine children. The number of 9 also means "long lasting". In China, a man would send 99 or 999 roses to his lover with the wishes that the love between them will be long lasting.
What’s more, Chinese think that the number 2 is lucky as it’s said that all good things come in pairs. For example, during wedding celebrations, you usually find pairs of red candles, double pillows and many other things in pairs. and people often give gifts in pairs for someone’s birthday, wedding or other celebrations.
So what's an unlucky number in China? It might be 4.Many Chinese people see 4 as an unlucky number because it sounds similar to the Chinese word c "death". Because of this, many buildings don’t have the fourth floor, and just call it the fifth floor. In Hong Kong, some buildings even skip all floors with the numbered 4, such as,4,14,24,34 and all 40-49 floors. So, a building whose highest floor is 50 may have only 36 floors actually.
56. From the article, we can learn that some people would pay much more money for . A. the phone numbers with 8s C. the emperors’ robes

B. the Summer Olympic Games D. the wedding celebrations
57. Why would a man like to send 99 roses to his lover? A. Because he thinks that women love roses the best.
B. Because the number 9 has a connection to the emperors of China. C. Because e hopes that he will be in love with the woman for a long time.
D. Because he wishes that he will have lots of children with the woman in the future. 58. In Hong Kong, you may NOT find the floor in some buildings. A. 50th

B. 46th

C. 35th

D. 17th
59. What can we learn from the article?
A. The shape of a word makes Chinese think that a word is lucky or unlucky. B. The Beijing Olympic Games opened at 8:00 p.m. on August 8, 2021. C. Chinese prefer to decorate weddings with things in pairs. D. Roses mean long lasting in Chinese. 60. What is the article about?
A. Numbers and ancient stories in China. B. Lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese culture. C. Ways to find your lucky and unlucky numbers D. Different meanings of numbers in different countries.

Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. Is that true? The answer is definitely no. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following table is a day's life of a pop star. Feb. 10, 2021 5:00 7:30 8:30 9:45
Woke up and had breakfast in the hotel, packed bags. Took taxi to airport. Plane took off half an hour later than usual for the bad weather.
Plane landed. Waited for luggage for half an hour. Signed for fans at the airport. Arrived at the hotel and had a short rest.
10:00 Started out to attend the meeting with fans and gave an interview to the local reporters. 11:00
Went to radio station to attend the live show.
12:00 Had lunch with local producer.
13:00 Went to theatre and prepared for the night's show. The lighting of the theatre was good, but the band did poorly.
17:00 Back to hotel. Tried to have a rest. Still worried about the band. 18:00 Had supper, but eat little.
18:30 Went to theatre again and got ready for show.
19:30 Sang very well, and audience gave a warm welcome. The band improved a little. 22:00 Show was over. Very tired from it.
23:00 Back to hotel. Took a bath. Too excited to sleep, so watched TV 0:00
Fell asleep, with TV on.
61. The pop star went back to the hotel on February 10, 2020. A. once

B. twice C. three times

D. four times
62. According to the table, the pop star was good at ________. A. singing

B. dancing

C. making faces
D. playing the piano
63. The pop star felt after the performance. A. tired and sad

B. excited and sad

C. sad and bored D. tired and excited
64. The band did in the rehearsal. A. better in the show than C. best

B. worse in the show than D. worst

65. This passage mainly tells us that ________. A. pop stars are not rich in fact
B. young people had better not be pop stars
C. there are many young people wanting to be pop stars D. pop star don’t have an easy life as they seem to have 五、写作局部 第一节单词拼写
66. My English teacher told me to c every new word five times. 67. The prize is a new computer, so I really want to w the game. 68. The a of the information on the Internet is huge. 69. A few people were hurt in this car a .
70. The writer wrote many famous books i some of my favourite novels. 71. Students should make good use of their i and learn more at school. 72. People in the c live a quiet and peaceful life.
73. Mo Yan has great a in writing and he got the Nobel Prize. 74. The little boy r that he was wrong and apologized to his mum. 75. The watch is made of g and diamond. How valuable it is! 第二节完成句子
76. 中国人很久以前就发明了指南针。
Chinese people invented compass . 77. 无人知晓恐龙何时灭绝。
Nobody knows when dinosaurs . 78. 南方人以饺子、面条等为主食。
People in the north feed on dumplings, noodles, . 79. 杰克昨天向哥哥应战打一场网球赛。
Jack his brother a game of tennis yesterday. 80. 著名音乐家莫扎特出生于音乐家庭。
Mozart, a famous musician, a musical family.
81. 妈妈容许我这个暑假带我去香港。
Mum me to Hong Kong this summer
82. He is too young to look after himself. (改为同义句
He is young he look after himself. 第三节书面表达
假设你是Jack,看了爱因斯坦传记后,写一篇你的读后感。请依据以下提示写一篇约70词的英语短文。 书中内容:
1. 伟大的发明家和迷信家; 2. 生于德国一个贫穷家庭; 3. 刻苦专研、成就清楚。 读后感
1. 愈加了解爱因斯坦; 2. 想成为一名迷信家; 3. 努力学习。
Last week, I read a book about Einstein’s life.

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