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专题限时检测(十四) 完形填空之说明文体和议论文体



(2017·南京高三三模)Research shows that when we are absorbed in an activity, even minor distractions (分心) can have a huge effect. According to a study, regaining our __1__ drive following an interruption can take about 20 minutes.

Multitasking (多任务), as many studies have shown, is a myth (谬论). A more accurate __2__ of what happens when we tell ourselves we are multitasking is that we're rapidly __3__ between activities, sucking our mental energy. And the __4__ can be surprisingly serious. An experiment found that we lose as many as 10 IQ points when we allow our work to be __5__ by distractions like emails and text messages.

The __6__ is that multitasking is enjoyable. It's fun to satisfy your curiosity. Who knows what that next email or text message holds __7__ Finding out provides immediate satisfaction. __8__ resisting distractions and staying on task requires __9__ and mental effort.

So, what are we to do?

Our strategy is to change the __10__ to move temptation further away: shut down your email program or __11__ your phone. It's a lot easier to stay on task when you're not __12__ fighting off mental desires.

The alternative, which most of us consider common, is __13__ to dieting in a bakery. We all need the willpower to resist the temptations, but doing so comes with __14__ costs to our limited supply of willpower.

Another worthwhile __15__ is to collect similar activities together, keeping transition (转换) time to a __16__ point. Instead of spreading phone calls, meetings and emails throughout your day, try __17__ related tasks so that there are fewer transitions.

In some jobs, multitasking is __18__. Some of us truly do need to stay __19__ with our clients, colleagues and managers. So it's worth noting that limiting disruptions is the only solution.

Remember, the more you do to minimize task­switching over the course of the day, the more ability you'll have for activities that actually __20__. Even small changes can make a big difference.


1A.initial          Bpersonal

Cinner Dambitious

解析:选A 注意力被打断以后,重新获得最初的干劲可能大约需要20分钟。initial“最初的

2A.plan Baccount

Cprediction Dinsight

解析:选B 根据下文中的“is that we're rapidly ... mental energy”可知,此处指的是对发生了什么的更准确的描述。account“描述,符合语境。

3A.switching Bswinging

Cswapping Dshuttling

解析:选A 根据语境及最后一段中的“task­switching”可知,此处指我们在活动间进行快速转换。switch“改变,转换

4A.benefits Breasons

Cconsequences Dchallenges

解析:选C 根据下文中的“we lose as many as 10 IQ points ...”可知,此处指后果可能会出奇地严重。consequence“后果,符合语境。

5A.guided Bchanged

Cadapted Dinterrupted

解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处指当我们允许我们的工作被诸如电子邮件和短信这样使人分心的事情打断(interrupted)时。第一段中的“interruption亦是提示。

6A.advantage Bemphasis

Ctrouble Dpractice

解析:选C 根据下文中的“multitasking is enjoyable ... provides immediate satisfaction”及“resisting distractions ... mental effort”可知,此处指问题(trouble)是同时做几件事情是很有趣的。

7A.in stock Bin store

Cin check Din possession

解析:选B 谁知道下一封电子邮件或短信里会有什么呢?hold sth. in store“储藏着,就要出现

8A.As a rule BAs a result

CIn short DIn contrast

解析:选D 相比之下(In contrast),抵制令人分心的事并继续把注意力放在任务上需要自制力(discipline)和脑力。as a rule“通常as a result“结果in short“总之in contrast“相反,相比之下

9A.patience Bdiscipline

Ccourage Dattention

解析:选B 参见上题解析。

10A.expectation Btask

Cenvironment Dvision

解析C 根据下文中的“shut down your email program ...可知我们的策略是通过改变环境(environment)来转移诱惑关闭电子邮件程序或把手机调至静音(silence)状态。environment“环境,符合语境。

11A.replace Bsilence

Canswer Dpick

解析:选B 参见上题解析。silence“使安静,使不说话,符合语境。

12A.continuously Bfinally

Cpassionately Ddirectly

解析:选A 当你不再持续地抵抗精神欲望时,把注意力保持在任务上要容易得多。

13A.similar Brelevant

Csuperior Dopposite

解析:选A 根据下文中的“dieting in a bakery ... limited supply of willpower”可知,这个供替代的选择与在面包店节食有相似之处。be similar to是固定用法,意为……类似

14A.affordable Bbasic

Cconsiderable Dmodest

解析:选C 但要做到这一点需要付出相当大的代价。considerable“相当大的,符合语境。

15A.research Baspect

Creaction Dapproach

解析:选D 另外一个重要的方法(approach)是将类似的活动聚集在一起,把(任务)转换所需的时间保持在最低(minimum)点。approach“方法和上文中的“strategy”对应。

16A.minimum Bmaximum

Cturning Dfixed

解析:选A 参见上题解析。minimum“最小的,最低的。下文中的“minimize”是提示。

17A.analyzing Bgrouping

Cassigning Dundertaking

解析:选B 根据上文中的“collect similar activities together”及下文中的“so that there are fewer transitions”可知,尝试把相关的任务进行分组。group“把……分组,将……分类,符合语境。

18A.disturbing Bannoying

Cunavoidable Dunnecessary

解析:选C 在有些工作中,同时处理多项事情是不可避免的。unavoidable“不可避免的,符合语境。

19A.sympathetic Bloyal

Caccustomed Dconnected

解析:选D 我们中的有些人确实需要和顾客、同事以及经理保持联系(connected)

20A.matter Bfunction

Cwork Dinterfere

解析:选A 一天中,你任务切换的次数越少,你就越有能力来应对真正重要的活动。


(2017·南通、泰州高三一模)Do you see the glass as half­full rather than half­empty? Such clichés (陈词滥调) are __1__ questions, as researchers examine with great care the power of positive thinking. Research is proving that optimism can __2__ you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, __3__ to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to __4__ loneliness and painful shyness. If we could teach people to think more positively, it would be like protecting them against these __5__ illnesses.

Your abilities count but the belief that you can succeed __6__ the result. When things go wrong the pessimist tends to __7__ himself. I'm not good at this” he says. I always fail. But the optimist looks for other __8__. Negative or positive, you are what you think. If people feel hopeless they don't __9__ to acquire the skills they need to succeed.

A sense of control is the real test for __10__. The optimist feels in control of his own life. If things are going badly, he __11__ quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and __12__ for advice. The pessimist feels like a toy of fate and moves slowly. He doesn't seek advice, since he __13__ nothing can be done. Many studies suggest that the pessimist's feeling of helplessness __14__ the body's immune system. The pessimist doesn't take good care of himself. Feeling passive and unable to avoid life's __15__ he expects ill health and other misfortunes, no matter what he does. He eats junk food, avoids exercise, and __16__ the doctor.

Most people are a(n) __17__ of optimism and pessimism, but are in favor of one direction or the other. It is a pattern of __18__ learned at our mother's knee. It grows out of thousands of cautions or __19__ negative statements or positive ones. Pessimism is a hard habit to __20__ but it can be done. So, if you are a pessimist, there are ways ...


1A.specific Bscientific

Cphysical Duniversal

解析:选B 根据语境,尤其是下文中的“researchers”和“Research”可以推断,人们把玻璃杯看作半满而不是半空是科学问题。scientific“科学的,符合语境。

2A.help Bforce

Cforbid Dtrain

解析:选A 乐观主义有助于让你更加快乐、健康和成功。help“帮助,符合语境。

3A.for instance Bat best

Cin fact Dby contrast

解析:选D 上一句话中说到了乐观主义的积极作用,而本句话介绍了悲观主义的消极作用,故by contrast“对比起来,相比之下,符合语境。此处表示相比之下,悲观主义导致绝望、疾病和失败,并且和抑郁(depression)、孤独以及痛苦的胆怯有联系。

4A.kindness Bcarelessness

Cpassion Ddepression

解析:选D 参见上题解析。

5A.severe Bmental

Cterminal Dmajor

解析:选B 如果我们可以教会人们更积极地思考,就会保护这些人不受精神疾病的困扰。根据上文中的“hopelessness loneliness painful shyness”等词可知,mental “精神上的,符合语境。

6A.challenges Bcontradicts

Caffects Dabuses

解析:选C 你的能力非常重要,但是相信自己能成功的信念也会影响结果。这与第一段提到的乐观主义会催生积极结果相呼应。故affect“影响,符合语境。

7A.correct Bcomfort

Cassist Dblame

解析:选D 根据语境及下文中的“‘I'm not good at this’ he says.‘I always fail.’”可知,在事情进展不顺利时,悲观主义者往往会责备自己。blame“责怪,指责,符合语境。

8A.excuses Bopportunities

Cexplanations Dadvantages

解析:选C 上一句话中已经说到,当事情进展不顺利的时候,悲观主义者往往会责备自己。而本句与其构成转折,故此处表示但是乐观主义者会寻找其他的解释。explanation“解释,说明,符合语境。

9A.bother Bagree

Cwait Dhesitate

解析:选A 如果人们感到绝望,他们是不会费心去获得他们成功所需要的技能的。bother to do sth.意为费心做某事

10A.ambition Bsuccess

Cconscience Dcourage

解析:选B 这是本段的主题句,强调一个人的成功可以通过其是否能自控得以验证,这与下文中的“The optimist feels in control of his own life.”以及“The pessimist feels like a toy of fate”吻合,前者强调乐观主义者掌握人生,而后者强调悲观主义者受命运的摆布,这些态度影响了这两类人是否能够成功。故success“成功,符合语境。

11A.runs Bacts

Cquits Dturns

解析:选B 本句话中的“quickly ... forming a new plan of action ...”说明,乐观主义者看到事情进展不顺利时,会立即行动起来寻找解决方法,形成新的行动计划,并且向别人征求意见。act“做事,行动,符合语境。

12A.standing up Bmaking up

Clooking out Dreaching out

解析:选D 参见上题解析。reach out for advice意为征求意见,与下文中的“doesn't seek advice”相对应。

13A.suspects Bdenies

Cassumes Dpretends

解析C 根据上一句中的“... feels like a toy of fate and moves slowly ...可知悲观主义者认为自己是受命运摆布的人。所以他不会向别人征求意见,因为他认为无计可施。assume意为假定,认为,符合语境。

14A.weakens Brestores

Cimproves Ddefends

解析:选A 很多研究表明悲观主义者绝望的感觉会削弱人体的免疫系统。weaken意为削弱,与下文中的“expects ill health”吻合。

15A.aims Bgifts

Cblesses Dblows

解析:选D 结合语境可知,悲观主义者认为自己无法避开生活的打击。blow意为打击,挫折,符合语境。下文中的“ill health and other misfortunes”都属于打击的范畴。

16A.consults Bignores

Cpraises Dfollows

解析:选B 根据本句中的“He eats junk foodavoids exercise”可知,悲观主义者吃垃圾食品、避免运动,这些都是消极面对生活的表现,由此可以推断他们对医生(的建议)也不重视。ignore意为忽视,符合语境。

17A.result Boption

Cmix Dimage

解析:选C 根据语境,尤其是下文中的“but are in favor of one direction or the other”可知,大部分人身上既有乐观主义也有悲观主义,即大部分人是两种情感的综合体。mix意为混合,混合体,符合语境。

18A.thinking Bbehavior

Cexpression Dcomplaining

解析:选A 无论是乐观主义还是悲观主义,都与人的思维有关。thinking意为思维,思考,符合语境。第一段中“positive thinking”亦是重要提示。

19A.pressures Bfavours

Ccriticisms Dencouragements

解析D 下文中的“negative statements“positive ones相对立故本空所填词的语义要与上文的“cautions的语义相对应caution意为警告与之相对应的是encouragement鼓励

20A.develop Bassess

Cbreak D understand

解析:选C 根据语境,尤其是上文的“a hard habit”和下文的“but it can be done”可知,悲观主义的思维习惯虽然很难被改掉,但是还是可以做到的。break a habit意为改掉习惯


(2017·南京盐城连云港高三二模)Order is the best manager of time. It illustrates many subjects. Thus, obedience to the natural law is order. Virtue is order. The world began with it. __1__ was once common before its establishment.

The merchant, the clerk and the laborer are all of the same __2__ born with the same expectations and affected by similar influences. They are, it is __3__ born in different positions, but it __4__ with themselves whether they shall live nobly or evilly. They may not have their choice of riches or poverty, but they have their __5__ of being good or evil.

People of the highest position, __6__ culture and education, have often as great hardships as the common people. They have to make their incomes go much further. They have to __7__ their social status. __8__their incomes may be less satisfactory, they are desperate to __9__ and bring the children up as gentlemen.

Hume, a famous historian, was a man of good family but his __10__were very small when he was young. In his autobiography, he uses his own case as a(n) __11__ of the advantages of frugality (节省). Despite a considerable debt, his mother, a widow, __12__ met the difficulties and eventually overcame them. Though her income was less than that of many highly paid men, she educated her children well and brought them up __13__.

Hume says, While studying in France, I __14__ a plan of life which I have steadily and successfully pursued. I determined to make a __15__ frugality supply my shortage of fortunes and to __16__ my independence. At thirty­six he thought himself rich. These are his own words: My appointments, with my frugality, had helped me reach a fortune which made me __17__.

Goethe says, It doesn't matter within what circle an honest man acts, provided he knows how to __18__ that circle. What is the best government” Goethe asks. That which teaches us to __19__ ourselves! Let every one only do the right in his place, without __20__ himself about the confusion of the world.


1A.Chaos BOffence

CPunishment DCondemnation

解析:选A 在秩序建立之前混乱一度是司空见惯的事情chaos“混乱offence“冒犯punishment“惩罚condemnation“谴责Chaos和上文的Order (秩序)对应

2A.origin Brace

Cnature Dinterest

解析:选C of the same nature“具有相同的特征符合题意nature“特征本质origin“起源出身race“种族interest“兴趣

3A.hopeful Bstrange

Cvital Dtrue

解析:选D it is true充当插入成分表明所说的话是正确的

4A.agrees Brests

Ccorresponds Dconflicts

解析:选B 但生活得高贵还是邪恶取决于他们自己rest with“取决于符合语境agree with“和……一致同意适合correspond with“与某人通信……一致conflict with“与……冲突

5A.idea Boption

Cfreedom Dintention

解析:选B option和上文的choice相对应idea“想法option“选择freedom“自由intention“意图

6A.in defence of Bin course of

Cin anticipation of Din respect of

解析:选D 在文化和教育方面职位最高的人和普通人所经历的困难通常一样in respect of“关于符合语境in defence of“为了捍卫in course of“在……的过程中in anticipation of“期待

7A.give up Bdepend on

Clook for Dkeep up

解析:选D 他们得保持他们的社会地位give up“放弃depend on“依赖look for“寻找keep up“保持维持

8A.Since BThough

CUnless DWhen

解析:选B 尽管(Though)他们的收入可能不是很令人满意但他们一心要教育(educate)好他们的孩子把他们培养成绅士

9A.educate Bencourage

Cblame Dspoil

解析:选A 参见上题解析educate(教育)bring up(培养)对应spoil“宠坏

10A.ambitions Bachievements

Cmeans Dcontributions

解析:选C 但他年轻的时候财富少得可怜ambition“抱负achievement “成就means“金钱财富contribution“贡献下文的“Despite a considerable debt her income was less than ...”是提示

11A.assurance Bconsequence

Cillustration Dcriterion

解析C 他用自己的情况作为例证来说明节约的好处illustration“说明例证符合题意assurance“保证consequence“结果criterion“标准

12A.bravely Bstubbornly

Csharply Dtentatively

解析:选A 勇敢面对并最终克服困难bravely“勇敢地stubbornly“固执地sharply“剧烈地tentatively“踌躇地

13A.faithfully Bplainly

Cgratefully Dvirtuously

解析:选D 她把孩子教育得很好把他们培养成有道德的人virtuously“有道德地正直地符合题意faithfully“忠诚地plainly“朴素地gratefully“感激地感恩地

14A.proposed Bmade

Cdiscussed Dapproved

解析:选B make a plan“制订计划符合题意

15A.rigid Bcasual

Cliberal Dflexible

解析:选A 我决心要以严格的(rigid)节俭来应付我那有限的财产以此保持(maintain)我的独立自主rigid“严格的casual“随便的liberal“自由的flexible“灵活的

16A.balance Brestore

Cvalue Dmaintain

解析:选D 参见上题解析

17A.attractive Bproud

Cindependent Dknowledgeable

解析:选C 我的预约和节俭帮助我积累了财富这让我能够独立independent (独立的)和上文的independence对应

18A.fit in Bmove in

Cend in Dengage in

解析:选A 如果他知道如何适应那个圈子故选Amove in“搬进搬入end in“以……结束engage in“参与

19A.protect Bjustify

Cgovern Ddisplay

解析:选C (政府)教我们管好自己protect“保护justify“证明……正当display“展示

20A.questioning Btroubling

Cscolding Dabandoning

解析:选B 让每个人在他的位置上只做正确的事情而不用担心世界的混乱trouble oneself about“担心question“质疑scold“训斥abandon“抛弃

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