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电子商务发展史 发展历史 时间表timeline

时间:2012-10-03    下载该word文档
电子商务发展时间表timeline 主要信息来自维基百科
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Commerce 以及网文《电子商务20年简史》

1979年: 迈克尔·奥尔德里奇发明了网上购物。英国花大力气研究 Videotext,这是一个双向信息传送服务,当时很多公司对此表现出兴致。然而在这个背景上,Michael Aldrich 1979 年给了 Videotext 一个远程购物的概念,这就是现代电子商务的最初设想。与此同时,美国也有了同样的服务,如 The Source CompuServe
1981年: 英国的汤姆森假日是第一个B2B网上购物
1984年: 盖茨黑德镇Gateshead SIS/Tesco是第一个B2C网店,72岁的Mrs Snowball是第一个在家中网购用户。
1984年:在19844月, CompuServe公司在美国和加拿大推出的电子商城。 这是第一个全面的电子商务服务。
1985年:英国日产公司 在线向客户销售汽车和金融产品 1987年, CompuServe 的一个分支 Swreg 推出软件开发社区,这是开发者们使用的一个在线市场,可以销售自己的软件产品,电子商务最初应用在软件行业。
1990年: 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李编写出第一个网页、网页浏览器和网页服务器,使用的是NeXT电脑。
1992年:特里·布劳内尔Terry Brownell使用RoboBOARD / FX发起第一个完全图形化的,图标导航的BBS在线购物
199410月, 网景使用代号Mozilla发布了Navigator浏览器。必胜客在其网站上提供网上订购。 最早的网上银行开通,试图提供鲜花速递,网上杂志订阅。汽车、自行车和成人用品都可以在网上买到。1994年年底网景1.0推出,SSL加密使得交易更加安全。
1995年:1995427日星期四,英国CompuServe公司的产品经理保罗·斯坦菲尔德, W·H·史密斯的商店在CompuServe英国网站的购物中心,购买了一本书。这是英国全国第一个安全交易网购服务。WH史密斯 乐购 维尔京 / 优惠价 ,普遍店/ GUS INTERFLORA Dixons的零售 过去的时代, PC世界(零售商)和创新WH Smith, Tesco, Virgin/Our Price, Great Universal Stores/GUS, Interflora, Dixons Retail, Past Times, PC World (retailer and Innovations )等推出了这一特色服务。
1995年:杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)推出Amazon.com网站。第一个24小时联播,仅仅通过互联网在线的非商业广播电台——香港电台和NetRadio开始广播。 戴尔和思科开始积极地使用互联网进行商业交易。计算机程序员皮埃尔·奥米迪亚(Pierre Omidyar)创办拍卖网站eBay
1996年:B2B电子市场IndiaMART在印度成立。 1998年:电子邮票可以从Web上购买和下载打印。 1998年:阿里巴巴公司在中国设立。

1999年:域名Business.com750万美元价格出售给eCompanies公司,这是1997年花149,000美元购买的。 P2P文件共享软件Napster启用。 ATG商店推出网上销售装修物品,顾客可以在家中上网购买。
2000年: .com网络泡沫的破灭
2001年: Alibaba.com200112月实现了盈利。
2002年: eBay$ 15亿美元收购贝宝。通过几个有针对性的领域,而不是中央门户网站销售产品,基于这种新的理念,利基零售公司WayfairNetShops成立。 2003年: Amazon.com宣布取得第一个年度利润。
2005年:尤瓦塔尔Yuval Tal创建Payoneer—— 一个安全的网上支付分销解决方案 2007年: 域名Business.com3.45亿美元被RH Donnelley收购。 2008年:美国的在线销售额达到2040亿美元,比上一年增加17% 2009年: Zappos.com Amazon.com 9.28亿美元收购。

2010年:据报道Groupon拒绝了谷歌600亿美元的收购报价。相反,该团购网站说干就干,2011114IPO(首次公开募股)上市。 这是自谷歌以来规模最大的IPO
2011年: Diapers.com的母公司Quidsi.com,被Amazon.com5亿美元现金和4500万美元的债务和其他义务收购。专门从事砖和砂浆企业网上购物网站的创建、开发和运行的公司GSI Commerce,被eBay24亿美元收购

The timeline for e-commerce progression 1979: Michael Aldrich invented online shopping[2]
1981: Thomson Holidays, UK is first B2B online shopping[citation needed]
1982: Minitel was introduced nationwide in France by France Telecom and used for online ordering.
1984: Gateshead SIS/Tesco is first B2C online shopping and Mrs Snowball, 72, is the first online home shopper[3]
1984: In April 1984, CompuServe launches the Electronic Mall in the USA and Canada. It is the first comprehensive electronic commerce service.[4] 1985: Nissan UK sells cars and finance with credit checking to customers online from dealers' lots.[citation needed] 1987: Swreg begins to provide software and shareware authors means to sell their products online through an electronic Merchant account.[citation needed] 1990: Tim Berners-Lee writes the first web browser, WorldWideWeb, using a NeXT computer.[5] 1992: Terry Brownell launches first fully graphical, iconic navigated Bulletin board system online shopping using RoboBOARD/FX.
1994: Netscape releases the Navigator browser in October under the code name Mozilla.
Pizza Hut offers online ordering on its Web page. The first online bank opens. Attempts to
offer flower delivery and magazine subscriptions online. Adult materials also become commercially available, as do cars and bikes. Netscape 1.0 is introduced in late 1994 SSL encryption that made transactions secure.
1995: Thursday 27 April 1995, the purchase of a book by Paul Stanfield, Product Manager for CompuServe UK, from W H Smiths shop within CompuServes UK Shopping Centre is the UKs first national online shopping service secure transaction. The shopping service at launch featured WH Smith, Tesco, Virgin/Our Price, Great Universal Stores/GUS, Interflora, Dixons Retail, Past Times, PC World (retailer and Innovations.[6] 1995: Jeff Bezos launches Amazon.com and the first commercial-free 24 hour, internet-only radio stations, Radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting. Dell and Cisco begin to aggressively use Internet for commercial transactions. eBay is founded by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb. 1996: IndiaMART B2B marketplace established in India. 1998: Alibaba Group is established in China.
1999: Business.com sold for US $7.5 million to eCompanies, which was purchased in 1997 for US $149,000. The peer-to-peer filesharing software Napster launches. ATG Stores launches to sell decorative items for the home online. 2000: The dot-com bust.
2001: Alibaba.com achieved profitability in December 2001.
2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion.[7] Niche retail companies Wayfair and NetShops are founded with the concept of selling products through several targeted domains, rather than a central portal. 2003: Amazon.com posts first yearly profit.
2004: DHgate.com, China's first online b2b transaction platform, is established, forcing other b2b sites to move away from the "yellow pages" model.[8] 2005: Yuval Tal founds Payoneer - a secure online payment distribution solution 2007: Business.com acquired by R.H. Donnelley for $345 million.[9]

2009: Zappos.com acquired by Amazon.com for $928 million.[10] Retail Convergence, operator of private sale website RueLaLa.com, acquired by GSI Commerce for $180 million, plus up to $170 million in earn-out payments based on performance through 2012.[11] 2010: Groupon reportedly rejects a $6 billion offer from Google. Instead, the group buying websites went ahead with an IPO on November4, 2011. It was the largest IPO since Google.[12][13] 2011: Quidsi.com, parent company of Diapers.com, acquired by Amazon.com for $500 million in cash plus $45 million in debt and other obligations.[14] GSI Commerce, a company specializing in creating, developing and running online shopping sites for brick and mortar businesses, acquired by eBay for $2.4 billion.[15]
2012: US eCommerce and Online Retail sales projected to reach $226 billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2011.[16]

珠海城市职业技术学院 刘二涛 Emailliuertao@gmail.com 翻译草草,如有不当,请指正。

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