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Xiao Min is a Chinese girl. She 1 drawing very much, but she can't use her hands to draw.
She lost both of her 2 in an accident several years ago. Now she is learning to draw with her mouth. Drawing makes her feel 3 She spends most of her time 4 every day. She says she wants to have an art show in Beijing, and it is her 5 to be an artist in the future. 1. A. hates 2. A. legs 3. A. sad 4. A. teaching 5. A. dream
B. loves B. eyes B. good B. playing B. duty C. needs C. hands C. safe C. singing C. prize D. avoids D. ears D. hot D. drawing D. fact After school, everybody left the school and went home except Wang Yong. He was still outside the school gate. His 6 usually came and took him home from school, but today, she was not there. Wang Yong 7 for 20 minutes and (hen he walked home alone. When he got home, he knocked on the door because he did not have the 8 To his suiprise, no one answered the door. Wang Yong thought his mother was in the toilet, so he waited patiently. After a few 9 there was still no answer. Wang Yong 10 again, but still no one answered the door. He didn't know what to do. Just then he heard the 11 voice of his neighbor, Li Ming. Li Ming's mother asked Li Ming to invite Wang Yong to stay in their house. Wang Yong and Li Ming p 1 aved 12 till evening when Wang Yong's mother came back. Wang Yong 13 Li Ming and his mother before he went back to his home. Wang Yong's mother explained that she had a headache and she had to see 14. From thisexperience, Wang Yong learned an important lesson, ''Neighbors should 15 each other.u 6.
A. fatherB. neighborC. motherD. teacher
7. A. waitedB. walked C. ran D. slept
1. BC 2. BD 3. A【分析】
文章大意:文章介绍了 Xiao Min失去了双手,用嘴画画,梦想在北京开画展。
1. 句意:小敏是一个中国女孩,她非常喜欢画画。
hates 讨厌;loves 喜欢;needs 需要;avoids 避免。根据下文 Now she is learning to draw with her mouth.嘴画画,可知是喜欢画画,故选B
2. 句意:她在几年前的一次事故中失去了双手。
legs 腿;eyes 眼睛;hands 手;ears 耳朵。根据上文 but she can't use her hands to draw.不用
能手画画,可知失去了双手,故选Co3. 句意:画画让她感觉很好。
sad伤心的;good好的;safe安金的;hot热的。根据上文可知她非常喜欢画画,结合Drawingmakes her feel...,应该是画画让她感觉很好,故选B
4. 句意:她每天花大部分时间画画。
teaching教;playing玩;singing I唱歌;drawing画画°根据上文可知她非常喜欢画画,所以应该是每天用大部分时间画画,故选D
5. 句意:她的梦想是将来成为一名艺术家。
dream梦想;duty责任;prize奖励;fact事实。根据后面to be an artist in the future应该是梦
6. CA 7. DB 8.
9. BD 10.
AC 【分析】本文主要讲述了王勇的妈妈因为生病不在家,没带钥匙的王勇不能进入家门,后来邻居邀请 王勇来自己家玩,告诉我们:邻居之间应该互相帮助。
6. 句意:他妈妈通常会来接他放学回家,但今天,她不在那里。
faiher 父亲;neighbor 邻居:mother 母亲:teacher 教师。由下文tkWang Yong thought his mother was in the toilet, so he waited patiently...Wang Yong's mother explained that she had a headache" 町知,通常都是王勇的妈妈来接他回家。故选C
7. 句意:王勇等了 20分钟,然后独自走回家。
waited 等待;walked 走;ran 奔跑;slept 睡觉。由上文"but today, she was not there"可知,妈
妈没有来学校接他,所以王勇等了妈妈20分钟,wail for等待。故选A
8. 句意:当他回到家时,他敲门因为他没有钥匙。
book书;bag包;ball球;key钥匙。由“he knocked on the door”J"知,他因为没有钥匙,所 以敲门。故选D
9. 句意:过了几分钟,仍然没有人回答。
seconds 秒;minutes 分钟;days 天;weeks 周。由上文"Wang Yong thought his mother was in the toilet, so he waited patiently.,,可知,王勇以为妈妈在厕所,所以等了几分钟。故选B
1(. 句意:王勇又敲了敲门,但还是没有人开门。
asked 询问;rang 鸣铃;knocked 敲;shouled 叫喊。由上文t4he knocked on the door...there was still no answer"可知,王勇第-•次敲门之后又等了几分钟,仍然没有人回应,所以又敲了敲 门。故选C
11. 句意:就在这时,他听到了邻居李明亲切的声音。

friendly 亲切的;ugly 丑陋的;serious 严重的;low 低的。由下文“Li Ming's mother asked Li Ming to invite Wang Yong to stay inheir house”可知,李明邀请王勇来自己家,所以李明的声音是 亲切的。故选A
12. 句意:王勇和李明玩得很开心,直到晚上王勇的妈妈回来了。
sadly 悲伤地;happily 开心地;badly 恶劣地;politely 礼貌地。由上文“Just then he heard the friendly voice of his neighbor..."可知,王勇听到李明邀请自己去他家的亲切的声音,所以可 推知李明和王勇玩得很开心。故选B
13. 句意:王勇在回到家之前感谢了李明和他的妈妈。
touched 触摸:admired 饮佩:treated 对待:thanked 感谢。由上文"Li Ming's mother asked Li Ming to invite Wang Yong to stay in their house.”可知,李明和妈妈邀请王勇来自己家玩,所以王勇 对他们表示感谢。故选D
14. 句意:王勇的母亲解释说她头疼,必须去看医生。
a doctor 医生;an actor 演员;a waiter 侍者;a reporter 记者。由上文"she had a headache”可知,
15. 句意:邻居之间应该互相帮助。
DC 【分析】本文是四个活动的广告,详细地介绍了它们的地址、开放时间、费用和联系方式等。
16. 细节理解题。根据表格一中的句子
Shanghai Wild Animal Park. There are more than 200 kinds of animals. Visitors can see tigers, lions, bears, monkeys and other animals in a more natural environment.可知如果你想看老虎和狮子,你可以去上海野生动物园,故选A
17. 细节理解题。根据表格四中的句子
You can (ake part in many water activities. The large wave pool is the most popular one among them. Tel: 021-6478-3333.可知约翰应该打电话 021-6478-3333来了解更多关于水上
18. 细节推理题。根据表格二中的句子 Shanghai Ocean Aquarium.以及
Ticket: 180 yuan for adults 90 yuan for children. nJ知格林夫人和她5岁的儿子去上海海洋水族馆,他们应该付270 (180+90=270,故选 C
19. A 20. B 21. B 22. D 【分析】
文章大意:本文章主要讲述了布莱克先生因为健康问题,医生让他少吃肉和甜食。可是他偷 偷把给妻子做的蛋糕吃完了,为了不挨骂,他做了一个一模一样的,最后竟然蒙混过关了。
19. 细节理解题。根据 Mr.Black was too fat. His wife was worried about his health and took him to sec a doctor.布莱克先生太胖了,他的妻子担心他的健康,带他去看医生。可知,布莱克先 生的问题就是太胖了,故选A
20. 细节理解题。根据 The next morning, Mr.Black made a nice cake, and his wife ate half of it. 二天早上,布莱克先生做了一个美味的蛋糕,他的妻子吃了一半。可知,蛋糕是布莱克先生 做的,故选B
21. 细节理解题。根据
The next morning, Mr. Bl ack made a nice cake, and his wife ate half of it.After his wife went out, Mr.Black cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it.It was very delicious.Then he cut a bigger piece of it and ate it.In several minutes, he finished the rest of the cake.第二天早
上,布莱克先生做了一个很好的蛋糕,他的妻子吃了一半,然后他的妻子出去了。布莱克先 生切了一小块蛋糕吃了起来,非常好吃.然后他切了一大块蛋糕吃了。几分钟后,他吃完了 剩下的蛋糕。以及
He made another cake very quickly, ate half of it and left the other half on the table.他很快又做了一个蛋糕,吃了一半,把另一半留在桌子上。可知,布莱克先生一共吃
He made another cake veiy quickly, ate half of it and left the other half on the tabic. When his wife came back at noon, she was very happy to sec the half of the cake. 他彳艮快
又做了一个蛋糕,吃了一半,把另一半放在桌子上。当他妻子中午回来时,她看到那一半蛋 糕非常高兴。可知,布莱克太太之所以高兴是因为他以为布莱克先生没有吃蛋糕,故选D
23. AC 24.
BC 【分析】本文主要介绍了我们应该怎样成为一名有礼貌的拜访者,文中给出了三点建议。
23. 细节理解题o 根据第二段"The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time.”可知,如果你被邀请去朋友家,你应该准时到达。故选A
24. 细节理解题。根据第三段"This could be a box of chocolates for you to share, or maybe a CD that you can enjoy together. You can also bring some flovvers.,,可知,当你去朋友家时,你可以带张 CD, —盒巧克力或者是一些花,文中没有提到带“钱''作为礼物。故选C
25. 细节理解题。根据第四段"When you visit your friend's house...You should tell them who you are” 可知,当你见到你朋友的父母时,你应该首先告诉他们你的名字。故选B
26. 最佳标题题。根据第—段"Going to a friend's house is very exciting...So remember to be polite.M 及最后一段“Be polite to your friend and your friend's parents, and you will be invited again."
知,本文主要介绍了我们去朋友家拜访时,应该怎样做才能成为一名有礼貌的拜访者,文章 为此给出了三点建议,故“怎样成为一名有礼貌的拜访者”可作为本文标题。故选C
27. AB 28.
DC 【分析】这是一篇环保类阅读。在生活中,我们每时每刻都在制造垃圾;文章具体介绍了塑料袋、橡
27. 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句"When TV sets or computers are broken, they will become electronic waste/'nf知电视或电脑坏了,将会成为电子垃圾。故选A
28. 细节理解题。根据第二段中"Wc like to use plastic bags because they arc convcnicnt.,,可知塑料 袋很方便,所以人们喜欢使用塑料袋。故选B
29. 词义猜测题。根据下-"...it will stay unchanged for a long time."可知橡胶长时间保持不,即它在大自然中不易分解,所以break down意思是分解气故选D
30. 判断推理题。根据最后一段第一句"Everyone should play a part in saving our world.”可知每个 人都应该在拯救我们的世界中发挥作用,即人人都可以做点事情来拯救世界。故选C
32. DB 33.
FE 【分析】短文讲了每一个新学年都会有一个新的开始。详细地介绍了新学期应该怎样做,注意哪些等。
31. 根据后句"When you miss a day, or even a class, it's easy to fall bchind.,,可知,说的是坚持上课, 结合选项,应说每天去上课。故选A
32. 根据后句"Dont write down everything, just the main points."可知,说的是记笔记,结合选项, 应说同时,在课堂上认真听并做笔记。故选D
33. 根据前句“Ask questions”可知,说的是问问题,结合选项,应说不要害怕问问题!故选34.
根据后句44If possible, you can find a study partner and do homework with him or her."可知,说的 是做作业,结合选项,应说养成每天在同一时间做作业的习惯。故选F
中艮据前句Tf sports aren't your thing, try joining a club. Keep your old friends, but get some new ones, too.”可知,说的是交朋友,结合选项,应说当你加入俱乐部时,和某人交朋友会更容 易。故选E 25. improve【详解】
句意:我们W以通过听磁带来改善发音。根据tlby listening to tapes'5通过听磁带:及首字母提 示可知,应该是"改善‘‘我们的发音。情态动词can后用动词原形improve。故填improve□twelfth 【详解】句意:我的生日是十二月,一年中的第十二个月。根据My birthday is in December44我的生日 是十二月”,结合首字母提示可知,十二月是一年中的第十二个月,表示顺序,用序数词, twelfth“第十二”,定冠词the后用序数词,故填twelftha
26. noisy【详解】
句意:在学校,我们有很多规则——不要吵闹,不要在课堂上吃东西由上文的At school,结合首字母提示,可知,在学校我们不可以吵闹,be动词后使用形容词作表语,所以用形 容词noisy"吵闹的”,故填noisy
27. widely【详解】
句意:这本由莫言写的小说被广泛阅读,很多人已经读过了。由下文的“Many people have read it.”可知,这本由莫言写的小说被广泛阅读,使用副词widely修饰谓语动词,故填widelyodeaf 【详解】句意:老亨利是聋的,他什么也听不见。由下文的He is unable to hear anything, nf知,老亨 利是聋的,结合首字母提示,使用形容词deaf聋的”,在句中作表语,故填deaf
28. south【详解】
句意:广州在中国的南部,离香港不远。由“and it is notfrom Hong Kong”可知,此处介绍 广州的地理位置,据常识可知广州位于中国南部,in the south of......的南部。故填southopandas 【详解】句意:成都研究基地有许多熊猫。它们是中国的象征。由“They arc a symbol of China”可知, 此处指的是“熊猫",旦many修饰可数名词复数,故此处应为复数名词pandas。故填pandas
29. worst【详解】
句意:这是我去过的最差的餐厅。它的菜式和服务一点都不好。根据空后I have ever beent。“我去过的”可知这是表示范围,把作者去过的所有餐厅进行对比,再加上空前the,所以 这里用形容词的最高级。根据下一句“Its dishes and senice aren't good at all.”可知这家餐厅的 菜式和服务都很差;结合首字母w的提示可知,这里用“最差的"worst。故填worsto
空前 T-shirts 和下文“because they make people feel more comfortable."以及提 示词c可知,由棉制成的T衫让人们感觉舒服,所以这里用不可数名词“棉”cotton。故填 cotton o
45. argued【详解】
句意:去年我父母经常争吵。幸运地是,他们之间的关系变好了。由4tLuckily, the relations betweenhem have become better”可知,父母的关系变好了,故可知他们去年经常争吵。argue with sb和某人争吵,固定短语,由句Last year可知,本句为一般过去时,故应用其过去 式。故填argued o【分析】
46. the 47. better 48. really 49. When 50. have drunk 51. feeling 52. for 53. opinions 54. us 55. different 文章主要介绍了喝水与我们大脑之间的关系,以及每天我们应该喝多少水。
46. 句意:但除了感觉累,我相信大多数人很快就会感到口渴。由“Will you feel tired...being tired” 及句子结构可知,此处应加定冠词the,特指累的感觉。故填the
47. 句意:你喝 了一些水就会感觉好多 o "I believe most people will feel thirsty soon. You will
8. A. book 9. A. seconds 10. A. asked 11. A. friendly 12. A. say 13. A. touched 14. A. a doctor 15. A. fight 二、阅读单选
B. bag B. minutes B. rang B. ugly B. happi Iy B. ad mi red B. an actor B. know C. ball C. days c. knocked c. serious c. badly c. treated c. a waiter c. help D. key D. weeks D. shouled D. low D. politely D. thanked D. a reporter D. educate 第二节阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中 选出最佳选项. Shanghai Wild Animal Park There are more than 200 kinds of animals. Visitors can see tigers, lions, ears, monkeys and other animals in a more natural environment. Address 178 Nanliu HighwayTel 021-6118-0000 Openine hours: 9 a. m. - 4:30 p. m. Ticket: 200 yuan Shanghai Ocean Aquarium The Shanghai Ocean Aquaium has 10,000 kinds of fish and sea life , including penguins, sharks and so on. Address: 1388 Lujiazui Ring RoadTel: (21-5877-9988 Opening hours: 9:30a.m.-5 p. m. Ticket: 180 yuan fbr adults 90 yuan for children Gongqing Forest Park The Gongqing Forest Park has more (han 300,00( trees. The park is a popular place fbr rela xing activities. Visitors can fly kites or simply lie in the sun. Address: 2000 Jungong RoadTel: 021-6574-0586 Opening hours:8 a.m.-6 p.m.Ticket: 30 yuan Dino Beach
feel much...right away after you drink some water.**可知,当你口渴时喝完水就会感觉好多 了,
此处暗含比较,目.句中feel为系动词,应接形容词作表语,much又修饰比较级,故应用所 给形容词的比较级better。故填belter
48. 句意:事实上,这并不简单。分析句子结构可知,句中不缺任何成分,故应用其副词形式 really作状语,修饰形容simple。故填really
49. "引导时间状语从句。故填Wheno
“...wc drink, it is quiet”,when"50. 句意:然而,我们的大脑仍然知道我们以前喝过水。由句中before可知,此处为现在完成时 态,从句主语we为人称复数,故应用助动词have。故填have drunk
51. 句意:你将不再感到口渴。stop doing sth停止做某事,故此处应用所给动词的动名词形式。 故填 feelingo52. 句意:但事实上,当你感到口渴的时候,喝这些东西对你没有好处。Fh^drinking those things is not good...you"可知,此处缺少介词for, be good for对有好处。故填for
53. 句意:以下是一些医生的意见。由“doctors...”可知,此处为名词所有格,故空格处应为名词, 由句中are可知,此处应为名词复数形式。故填opinions
54. 句意:有些医生建议我们每天喝八杯水,而另一些医生说这太多了。句中advise为动词,其 后应接人称代词宾格us作宾语。故填us
Dear Mrs. Green,
On my way to school, I was late because I saw a traffic accident and helped to save the injured. Il's
impolite to be late. I'm really sorry. When I arrived at the intersection this morning, I saw a traffic accident. Someone was badly hurt, so I helped them dial 120 for help at once. As a witness, I went to the police station to describe the accident. I thought it was my duty to do so. I stayed at the police station for more than half an hour, so I was late for English class. But 1 promise 1 won't be late again. Here, I would like to say sorry to you. Please accept my apology. Yours, Wang Lin【详解
1. 题干解读:本文是一封道歉信,注意其基本格式。根据题目要求可知,本文主要就英语课
迟到一事向英语老师表示道歉,内容包括:对自己的行为表示抱歉;说明迟到的原因;最后 表示以后决不迟到的决心。
2. 写作指导:本文以第一人称进行叙述;时态以一般过去时为主,主要介绍迟到的原因,包
括事情发生的时间、地点及经过等;写作时注意条理清晰,按照要点分段叙述,文章措辞要 简明扼要、态度诚恳,符合道歉信的基本表达要求。
It is the only water park in the city. You can take part in many water activities. The large wave pool is the most popular one among them. Address: 78 Xinzhcn RoadTel: 021-6478-3333 Opening hours: 10 a.m.-lO p.m. Ticket: 120 yuan ( weekdays 170 yuan (weekends 11. Where can you go if you want to see tigers and lions? A. To the Shanghai Wild Animal Park. B. To the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium. C. To the Gongqing Forest Park. D.
To the Dino Beach. 12. Which telephone number should John call to learn more information about water activities? A. 021 - 6118 -0000. B. 021 - 5877-9988. C. 021 - 6574 - 0586. D.
021 - 6478 - 3333. 13. Mrs. Green and her 5 - year - old son will go to (he Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, and (hey should pay. A. 90 yuan B. 180 yuan C. 270 yuan D.
360 yuan
Mr.Black was too fat. His wife was worried about his health and took him to see a doctor. "Don't eat meat or cakes, " the doctor said to him. "I'm going to stop him from eating them, doctor, n his wife said. The next morning, Mr.Black made a nice cake, and his wife ale half of it. After his wife went out, Mr.Black cut a very small piece of the cake and a(e it. It was very delicious. Then he cut a bigger piece of i( and ate it. In several minutes, he finished (he rest of the cake. "My wife will be very angry, " he said to himself. " What should I do? "Then he had an idea. He made another cake very quickly, ate half of it and left the other half on the table. When his wife came back at noon, she was very happy to see the half
of the cake. 14. Whal was the matter with Mr.Black? A. He was too heavy. B. He slept too long. C. He was too worried. D. He had too much stress. 15. Who made the cake? A. The doctor. B. Mr.Black. C. The doctor's wife. D.
Mr.Black's wife. 16. In the morning, Mr.Black ate. A. half a cake B.
one cake C. one and a half cakes D.
two cakes 17. Why was Mrs.Black happy to see the half of the cake? A. Because she saw her husband waiting for her. B. Because the cake on the tabic was very delicious. C. Because she was hungry and wanted to cat the cake. D.
Because she thought her husband didn't eat the cake.
Going to a friend's house is very exciting. You may spend time with a friend and get to see
where he or she lives. So remember to be polite. The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come "around 3 (X", that means you can arrive a little bit after 3 00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time. Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend's house. This could be a box of chocolates for you to share, or maybe a CD that you can enjoy together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his or her house. When you visit your friend's house, you may also meet his or her parents. You should tell hem who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his
parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect 尊重)and hen they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them madam or sir. It is a cool thing to visit a friend's house. Be polite to your friend and your friend's parents, and you will be invited again. 18. When should you arrive if you are invited to a friend's house? A. Almost on lime. B. An hour earlier. C. As late as possible. D.
As early as possible. 19. When you visit your friend's house, you'd better NOT bring as a little gift. A. a CD B. some flowers C. some money D.
a box of chocolates 20. What should you do when you see your friend's parents? A.
Keep quiet. B. Tell them your name first. C. Tell them why you are there. D.
Call their names directly. 21. What's the best title (标题)for this passage? A. When to Arrive B.
What to Bring C.
How to Be a Polite Visitor D. How to Be a Polite HostAll of us live in one world. While we arc eating food, drinking water, wearing clothes, watching TV, using computers and so on, we are producing waste every moment. When we finish reading a newspaper, the paper will become waste. When TV sets or computers are broken, they will become electronic waste. Plastic bags are often used in our everyday life. The number of used plastic bags is increasing day by day. We like to use plastic bags because they are convenient. When we get home, we throw the plastics away. These are called "white pollution", as most plastics arc white. Rubber is also common in our daily life. Many of our products arc made of rubber, just like the tyres 轮月台)and the bottom
part of our shoes. It's true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time. The old rubber pollutes environment very badly because it can't break down easily in nature-it will stay unchanged fbr a long time. This is really a big problem all over the world. Everyone should play a part in saving our world. For example, when we go shopping, we can bring cloth bags instead of plastic ones. And we should do something to recycle rubber. Our small actions can make a difference and lead to a better future. 22. Which of the following things probably becomes electronic waste? A. The TV set. B. The plastic bag. C. The newspaper. D.
The rubber. 23. Why do we like to use plastic bags? A. Because they are very light. B. Because they are convenient. C. Because they arc always used. D.
Because they are used several times. 24. What does the underlined phrase "break down" mean in Chinese? A. 中断 B. 影响 C. 利用 D. 分解
25. What can you learn from the passage? A. Few of our products are made of rubber. B. Only scientists can help to save our world. C. Everyone can do something to save our world. D.
The new plastics pollute the environment badly. 三、阅读还原65
With every new school year conies a fresh start. What are you going to do differently and
better? When you are preparing yourself, keep in mind the following: 26. When you miss a day, or even a class, it's easy to fall behind. The best way to stay with the development of the class is to be there! If you have to miss a class, make sure you meet with your teacher to find out what you missed.32. Don't write down everything, just the main points.
Ask questions,33. Believe it or not, most teachers want you to learn and they are always there to help you. If you aren't comfortable asking questions in front of the class, go to talk to the teacher after class. Take your homework seriously. Uke it or not, homework is a necessary part of school. There's not much you can do to get around it34. If possible, you can find a study partner and do homework with him or her. Try new things and get new friends. Try a new sport, something you think you will be good at. If sports aren't your thing, try joining a club. Keep your old friends, but get some new ones, loo. 35. Remember, it's up to you to decide what kind of school year you're going to have. Make full use of it while you can! A.
Go to class every day. B. Don't be afraid to ask questions! C. Don't always ask the teacher questions. D.
Also, listen carefully and take notes in class. E. Making friends with someone is easier when you join a club. F.
Makc it a habit to do your homework at the same time every day. 四、根据首字母填空
34. Wc can i our pronunciationby listening to tapes. 35.
My birthday is in December, the t month of a year. 36. Al school,we have many rules -don't be n , don'teat in class, ... 37. This novelwritten by Mo Yan is wread, many peoplehave read it. 38.
Old Henry is d. He is unable to hear anything. 39.
Guangzhou is in the sof China, and it is not far from Hong Kong. 40. There are many p at the Chengdu Research Base. They are a symbol of China. 41. This is the wrestaurant that I have ever been to. Its dishes and service aren't good at all. 42. People prefer to wear T-shirts made of cin summer because they make people feel more comfortable. 43. Last year my parents often awith each other. Luckily, the relations between them have become better. 五、语法填空

Imagine that you are running in a park on a very hot day. Will you feel tired? The answer is yes. But besides46. feeling of being tired, I believe most people will feel thirsty soon. You will feel much47. (good right away after you drink some water. Your body needs water, so it tells you to drink. It's simple, right? Actually, it's not48. (real simple. There is a special part in our brains. When our blood is too salty, it says, "Drink!" 49. we drink, it is quiet. Water does not go into our blood right away. However, our brains still know that wc50. (drink before. How? When you swallow (fast, your brain knows and thinks you are drinking water. If you drink something else, your brain will still be quiet. It will still think you are drinking water. Maybe you drink cola or even oil. You will stop51. (feel thirsty. But in fact, drinking those things is not good52. you when you feel thirsty. You should just drink water because your body needs it most. How much water should we drink each day? Here arc doctors'53. (opinion . Some doctors advise54, (wc to drink eight cups of water every day, while other doctors say that's too much. On a hot day, you lose a lot of water. So, maybe you should drink more. Every person's body has55. (difference needs. 六、书信作文
56. 假如你是王林,今早上学路上目击了一场交通事故并帮助抢救伤者,因而 退到。你的英语老师Mrs. Green不了解情况批评了你。请用英语给她写一封致歉信。 内容包括: 1. 迟到是不礼貌的,我很抱歉;
2. 到达十字路口时,目击了一场交通事故:
3. 有人受伤严重,我前去帮助并拨打了 120 4. 作为目击者,我去了警局描述事故经过; 5. 所以英语课迟到了,我承诺以后不再迟到。
1. 词数80词左右(开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 不能出现自己的真实信息. 参考词汇:目击者witness Dear Mrs. Green,
Please accept my apology.
Yours,Wang Lin
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