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. 完形填空(本大题共1 5分,每小题1分)



I wrote my first note to my mother and it said, "Hi, Mom! Have a nice day! 46 , Marie!" I was twelve when I wrote it, and I 47 the note into her change purse(零钱包). My mother

worked 48 a cleaner in a clothing factory. I knew that when she bought meals in the dining

hall, she had to 49 changes in her purse. I didn't know that she always kept that note, and

carried 50 with her.

After that, I 51 folded the small piece of paper into my mother's change purse, she and I left each other secret notes. My mother usually hid her notes in the fridge, under a lamp __52__ beside the TV set. I even found one hidden in my shoe. Gradually, I understood 53 notes became the records of our days, ideas and wishes. But to my mother and me, they were a life-long communication with each other that 54 else shared.

On October 20, 2018, my mother 55 after an illness. I stood near her bed, holding her

hand. I didn't cry on that day when my mom passed away(去世). A week 56 ,I even didn't

cry. I was so thankful 57 she no longer had aches and pains.

46. A. Respect B. Love C. Kindness D. Friendship

47. A. threw B. carried C. folded D. pushed

48. A. on B. for C. out D. as

49. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up

50. A. them B. that C. it D. one

51. A. carefully B. carelessly C. suddenly D. angrily

52. A. still B. but C. or D. yet

53. A. their B. my C. her D. our

54. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. everybody

55. A. lived B. cried C. left D. died

56. A. late B. later C. latest D. lately

57. A. when B. that C. because D. although

58. A. found B. lost C. wrote D. hid

59. A. reads B. read C. reading D. has read

60. A. excited B. perfect C. happy D. sad




. 完形填空


I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was___26___ ,for my whole world was dark. A young boy ran up to me, out of___27___ .He stood right before me with his head down and said___28___ ,“Look, what I’ve found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and___29___ .I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.____30____,he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his___31___and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too. That’s___32___I picked it. Here, it’s for you.” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must____33____it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I____34____.”Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not_____35_____, because he was blind. Tears came down my face as I____36____him for picking the best one.“You’re welcome,” he smiled and then ran off to____37____.I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my

pain. Through the eyes of a blind child,_____38_____I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I myself had been____39____.I decided to see the beauty in life, and____40____every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.

26. A. hopeless B. colourful C. simple D. wonderful

27. A. mind B. trouble C. work D. breath

28. A. sadly B. excitedly C. angrily D. strictly

29. A. fresh B. dead C. alive D. heavy

30. A. So B. Or C. However D. And

31. A. nose B. head C. ear D. eyes

32. A. how B. when C. why D. where

33. A. buy B. receive C. break D. accept

34. A. want B. dislike C. admire D. have

35. A. cry B. speak C. smile D. see

36. A. forgave B. thanked C. paid D. hated

37. A. sleep B. study C. play D. dance

38. A. at most B. at times C. at first D. at last

39. A. blind B. useful C. cheerful D. deaf

40. A. waste B. forget C. lose D. enjoy

【答案】26. A 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. D


26. 句意:我感觉我的生活毫无希望。A. hopeless绝望的没有希望的;B. colourful丰富多彩的;C. simple简单的;D. wonderful精彩的,绝妙的由后句“for my whole world was dark因为我的世界是黑暗的。可知我此时的心情是绝望的,故答案选A。

27. 句意:一个小男孩上气不接下气地跑到我跟前。A. mind精神,头脑;B. trouble 麻烦;C. work工作;D. breath呼吸。由上文A young boy ran up to me一个小男孩跑到我面前,可知此处表达的意思是:累的上气不接下气,“out of breath”意为上气不接下气,故答案选D。

28. 句意:他低着头站在我面前兴奋地说。A. sadly悲伤地;B. excitedly兴奋地;C. angrily 生气地;D. strictly严格地由下句“Look what I found!”可知这个小男孩有了一个新发现,所以表现为很兴奋,故答案选B。

29. 句意:花已经干枯死了。A. fresh新鲜的;B. dead 死的;C. alive活着的活泼的;D. heavy重的。由上句“The flower was dry”(花儿已经干枯了)可知这朵花已经死了,故答案选B。

30. 句意:然而,他坐在我旁边,把花放在鼻子上,惊讶地说。A. So因此;B. Or或者; C. However然而;D. And而且。再结合上句 he could take his dry flower and go off to play和下句he sat next to my side,可知,作者以为小男孩会走开,然而小男孩却在自己身边坐了下来,故选C。

31. 句意:然而,他坐在我旁边,把花放在鼻子上,惊讶地说。A. nose鼻子;B. head头;C. ear耳朵;D. eyes眼睛。根据下文“It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too.”smell意为"闻起来",闻要用鼻子,故答案选A。

32. 句意:这就是我为何要摘这支花的原因。A. how怎么样;B. when何时;C. why为什么; D. where在哪儿。联系上句It smells sweet and it's beautiful, too.可知此处小男孩表达的意思是这就是我为何要摘这支花的原因”,that's why意为那就是的原因”,故答案选C。

33. 句意:但是我知道我必须接受它。A. buy购买;B. receive收到;C. break打破;D. accept接受。由下文“or he might never leave不然,他是不会离开的以及So I accepted the flower所以我接受了可以推知此处的句意为我知道我必须接受它,否则他可能永远都不会离开,故答案选D。

34. 句意:这正是我所想要的。A. want想要;B. dislike不喜欢;C. admire羡慕;D. have有。由上文的句子So I accepted the flower于是我接受了这支花推知作者想安慰小男孩,于是说这正是我所想要的,表示想要,用want表示,故选A。

35. 句意:就在那时,我第一次注意到这个男孩看不见东西。A. cry哭; B. speak说;C. smile笑;D. see看见。根据下文“he was blind他是个盲人可知,他看不见东西。故答案选D。

36. 句意:我含泪感谢他摘到一枝最漂亮的花。A. forgave 宽恕;B. thanked 感谢;C. paid 付款;D. hated讨厌。根据下文“You're welcome不用客气。可以推知作者感谢小男孩为自己摘了一朵最美的花,thank sb. for doing sth.意为感谢某人做某事故答案选B。

37. 句意:然后跑到一边玩去了。A. sleep睡觉;B. study学习;C. play 玩;D. dance跳舞。联系上句“he smiled”和下文“I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain(痛苦)可知小男孩跑去玩了,故选C。

38. 句意:透过一个盲童的眼睛,我终于看到问题不在世界,而在于我自身。A. at most最多;B. at times 有时;C. at first 最初;D. at last终于。联系上下文可知,此处作者想要表达自己终于找到的问题的根源问题不在于世界,而是在于自身,故答案选D。

39. 句意:对于过去的这么多年,我算是白活了。因此我决定要看到生活中的美。A. blind失明的;B. useful有用的;C. cheerful令人愉快的;D. deaf聋的。作者认为这些年看不到外面精彩的世界,寓意为自己的眼已瞎了,故答案选A。

40. 句意:我决定去看生活中的美丽,享受我生命中的每一秒。A. waste浪费;B. forget忘记;C. lose丢失;D. enjoy享受。根据上文“I decided to see the beauty in life可知,我这时决定去发现生活中的美丽,享受我生命的每一秒。故答案选D。

点睛:完形填空题与单项选择题不同,它给出的是一篇意思较为完整的短文。做该题型试题时,首先应跳过空格通读全文,以全文为背景,联系句子的上下文进行推理和判断,从4个选项中选出一项进行试填。考生可以从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面去考虑。最后应再把全文通览一遍,细心检查所选答案能否使短文上下连贯,前后呼应,词句通顺,使短文意思完整。检查时还应从语法、惯用法、逻辑推理和事情发生的情节等方面进行考虑,以达到准确无误之目的。第2小题是考查名词词义辨析,out of breath意为上气不接下气,结合上文“A young boy ran up to me,可知小男孩上气不接下气地向我跑过来,故答案为D;第5小题是考查连词辨析,通过上下语境判断,前后句是表示转折关系,故答案选C。





My mother used to ask me, "What is the most important part of the body?" When I was

young, I thought 46 . was very important to us, so I said, "My ears, Morumy." She said,

"No. Many people are deaf but still live a 47 life. Keep thinking and I will ask you


Several years 48 before she asked me again. This time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it 49 . be our eyes.” She looked 50 me and told me,

"You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct. Many people are blind, 51 . they still

live happily." Over the years, she asked me many times and always 52 answer was, "No.

But you are getting 53 every year, my child."

Then last year, my grandpa 54 . Everybody was crying. When it was our 55 to say our final goodbye to him, my mother asked me, "Do you know the most important body

part yet, my dear?" I was 56 when she asked me this. I always thought this was a game

57 her and me. I saw her eyes with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder." I asked, "Is it because it holds up my 58 ?" She replied, "No. It is

because it can hold the head of a friend or a relative when he or she 59 . Everybody needs a

shoulder to cry on soruetime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends,

so you will 60 have a shoulder to cry on when you need it." That was when I realized

what the most important body part is.

46.A. report B. sound C. noise D. music

47.A. happy B. hard C. unhappy D. sad

48.A. came B.left C. passed D. walked

49.A.can B.may C.must D.would

50.A. up B. at C. for D. around

51.A. but B. or C. and D. also

52.A.mine B.my C.its D.her

53. A. old B. older C. clever D. cleverer

54.A.cried B.lost C.died D.dying

55.A. turn B. way C. duty D. task

56. A. surprising B. surprised C. exciting D. excited

57.A.between B. among C. above D. from

58. A. hand B. head C. foot D. arm

59.A. laughs B. smiles C. shouts D. cries

60.A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes


【解答】46B.考查名词,Areport 报道Bsound声音 Cnoise噪音 Dmusic音乐,根据后文"so I said"My ears因此我说是耳朵",可知耳朵是听"声音"的,前文作者认为是"声音"对人很重要.
47A.考查形容词,Ahappy幸福的 Bhard努力的 Cunhappy 不开心的Dsad难过的,根据Many people are deaf but 很多人是聋的,但是,由此可知but是转折意义,前文的"""幸福"是事情相对立的两面,符合转折的用法,故选A
48C.考查动词,Acame Bleft离开 Cpassed经过 Dwalked走,根据题意"几年过去了",时间的流逝可用"pass"表达,故选C
49C.考查情态动词,Acan可以 Bmay或许 Cmust 一定Dwould将要,根据题意"视力对我们很重要,因此它一定是眼睛",可知此处表猜测,结合四个选项,肯定句情态动词表猜测时,May意思是或许,must意思是一定,结合语境,几年后我对自己的猜测表示很有把握,故选C
50B.考查介词,Aup 向上Bat…Cfor为了…Daround大约,根据题意"妈妈看着我说…"look at看着,是固定用法,故选B
51A.考查连词,Abut 但是Bor或者 Cand Dalso也,根据第一段Many people are deaf but still live a47A life很多人是聋的,但他们过着幸福的生活,可知和题干的句型结构是一样的,也表示转折关系,故选A
52D.考查代词,Amine我的(名词性) Bmy我的(形容词性) Cits它的 Dher她的,根据前文she asked me…她问我,可知是妈妈在问我问题,然后再对我的回答评断对错,因此后文的No,是妈妈的回答,故选D
53D.考查形容词,Aold 老的Bolder更老的 Cclever聪明的Dcleverer更聪明的,根据But you are getting但是你在变得,可知我的回答都是错误的,but转折后的意思是妈妈认为我在进步,每年都在变得"更聪明",比以前聪明要用比较级,故选D
54C.考查动词,Acried Blost失去 Cdied Ddying垂死的,根据后文Everybody was crying大家都在哭,可知是奶奶"去世了",应用动词die的过去式.故选C
55A.考查名词,Aturn转变 Bway方法 Cduty职责 Dtask任务,根据语境,葬礼上"轮到"我跟爷爷辞别,可知考查句型it's ones turn to do sth轮到某人做某事,故选A
56B.考查形容词,Asurprising惊讶的 Bsurprised惊讶的 Cexciting激动地 Dexcited激动的,根据后文I always thought this was a game我一直认为这只是一个游戏,可知当我听到妈妈在爷爷葬礼上问我这个问题时,是感到"惊讶的",修饰人用surprised,故选B
57A.考查介词,Abetween....之间Bamong之中 Cabove在上面 Dfrom,根据her and me,可知是在她和我之间,两者之间用between,故选A
58B.考查名词,Ahand Bhead Cfoot Darm胳膊,根据后文妈妈说it can hold the head of a friend or a relative when he or she59)它可以支撑朋友或亲戚的""当他或者她哭泣的时候,可知妈妈想表达的意思是当自己的亲戚或朋友哭泣的时候,可以让他们把""靠在自己的肩膀上哭泣,妈妈之所以否定我的答案,是题干中我说肩膀支撑的是自己的"",故选B
59D.考查动词,Alaughs大笑 Bsmiles微笑 Cshouts大喊 Dcries哭,根据后文Everybody needs ashoulder to cry on soruetime in life生活中每个人都需要一个肩膀依靠着哭泣,可知此处说的是当人""的时候需要一个肩膀.故选D
60C.考查副词,Anever从不 Bhardly几乎不 Calways 总是Dsometimes有时,根据I only hope that you have enough love and friends,我只希望你有足够的爱和朋友,结合语境"人总是需要一个肩膀哭泣的",故选C


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