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时间:2018-07-02 00:10:10    下载该word文档

Two a.m. and the rain is falling

Here we are at the cross roads once again

You're telling me you're so confused

You can't make up your mind

This is meant to be you're asking me

But only love can say

Try again or walk away

But I believe for you and me

The sun will shine one day

So I'll just play me part

And pray you'll have a change of heart

But I can't make you see it through

That's something only love can do

In your arm as the dawn is breaking

Face to face and a thousand mines apart

I've tried my best to make you see

There's hope beyond the pain

If we give enough if we learn to trust

But only love can say

Try again or walk away

But I believe for you and me

The sun will shine one day

So I'll just play me part

And pray you'll have a change of heart

But I can't make you see it through

That's something only love can do

Only Love - Trademark

I know if I could find the words

To touch you deep inside

You'd give our dream just one more chance

Don't let this be our goodbye

But only love can say

Try again or walk away

But I believe for you and me

The sun will shine one day

So I'll just play me part

And pray you'll have a change of heart

But I can't make you see it through

That's something only love can do

That's something only love can do

Only Love - Trademark

Seasons in the Sun   歌手:Westlife 专辑:Westlife   

Goodbye to you my trusted friend   对你说再见 我信赖的朋友  

We've know each other since we were nine or ten 自从我们九岁或10岁就已认识了彼此   Together we've climbed hills and trees   我们一起攀爬山丘和树木   

Learned of love and ABC's   学习爱和ABC's   

Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees   磨练心性也磨破了膝盖   

Goodbye my friend it's hard to die   再见 我的朋友 道别是如此难以启齿   

When all the birds are singing in the sky   当所有的鸟正在天空歌唱的时候   

Now that spring is in the air   此刻,春天的气息洋溢   Pretty girls are everywhere   到处都有漂亮的女孩   Think of me and I'll be there   想到我时我将随之出现   

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾拥有快乐,拥有欢笑 我们曾拥有阳光季节  But the hills that we climbed   我们爬过的小山坡   

were just seasons out of time   不曾因时光而变换季节   

Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family   

再见 爸爸 请为我祈祷 我曾是家里的害群之马   

You tried to reach me right from wrong   你曾试著教我分辨对错   

Too much wine and too much song   太多的美酒与歌   Wonder how I got along   怀疑我是怎过日子的   

Goodbye papa it's hard to die   再见 爸爸 道别是如此难以启齿   

When all the birds are singing in the sky   当所有的鸟正在天空歌唱   

Now that the spring is in the air   此刻,春天的气息洋溢   

Little children everywhere 孩童们四处奔跑   

When you see them I'll be there ,I’ll be there   当你看见他们,我将随之出现   

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun  

我们曾拥有快乐,拥有欢笑 我们曾拥有阳光季节   

But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但美酒与歌像季节一样已全部(repeat)   

Goodbye Michelle my little one   再见 蜜雪儿 我的唯一   

You gave me love and helped me find the sun   你给我爱 帮助我找到阳光   

And every time that I was down   每一次当我感到沮丧时   

You would always come around   你总是在我身边   

And get my feet back on the ground   帮助我重新振作起来   

Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die   再见 蜜雪儿 道别是如此难以启齿   

When all the birds are singing in the sky   当所有的鸟正在天空歌唱   

Now that the spring is in the air   此刻,春天的气息洋溢   

With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there   

我希望我们都可以在那里 四周开满花的那里   

We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun   

我们曾拥有快乐,拥有欢笑 我们曾拥有阳光季节   

But the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time.


We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun   

我们曾拥有快乐,拥有欢笑 我们曾拥有阳光季节   

But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone但美酒与歌 像季节一样已全部逝去

Que sera, sera世事不可强求 (是一首歌)电影《擒凶记》的主题曲

When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩,

I asked my mother, 我问妈妈,

"What will I be? “将来我会变成什么样子呢?

Will I be pretty? 会漂亮吗? Will I be rich?" 会富有吗?”

Here's what she said to me: 她对我说: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求

Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。

The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。

Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,

What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。

When I grew up and fell in love. 当我长大并恋爱了,

I asked my sweetheart, 我问我的心上人,

"What lies ahead? “我们将来会怎么样呢?

Will we have rainbows day after day?" 生活每天都美好吗?”

Here's what my sweetheart said: 我的爱人对我说:

"Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求 Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。

The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。

Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求, What will be, will be." 顺其自然吧。

Now I have Children of my own. 现在我有了自己的孩子,

They ask their mother, 他们问我,

"What will I be?" “将来我会变成什么样子呢?

Will I be handsome? 会英俊吗? Will I be rich?" 会富有吗?”

I tell them tenderly: 我轻声地回答: "Que sera, sera, “世事不可强求

Whatever will be, will be; 顺其自然吧。

The future's not ours to see. 我们不能预见未来。

Que sera, sera, 世事不可强求,

What will be, will be. 顺其自然吧。

Que Sera, Sera!" 顺其自然吧。


Passion is sweet 激情令人甜蜜

Love makes weak 爱情令人脆弱

You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go 你说你珍惜你的自由 所以你拒绝丢失它

Follow your fate 命中注定

Love and hate 爱恨情仇

Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away

一定要把握每一天 不要给你自己离开的机会

Oh when the night falls 当夜暮降临时

And your all alone 你孤身一人

In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of 在你沉睡之时 你梦到了什么

My skin's still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧

Oh I just can't get enough 我就是无法满足

Said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不再索求更多

But your eyes are dangerous 然而 你的眼神摄人心魄

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去

Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对

I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预算

If your the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火

Trapped in a crowd 置身于人海茫茫之中

The music is loud 乐声嘈杂

I said I love my freedom too Now I'm not sure I do

我曾说过 我同样珍爱自由 现在却不可置否

All eyes on you 视线被你占据

Rings so true 我已看清一切

Better quit while you're ahead Now I'm not so sure I am

感情深入之前 最好分手 然而我却无法确定是否做到

My soul my heart 我的灵魂 我的芳心

If you're near if you're far 无论你近在咫尺或是远在天涯

My life my love 我的生命 我的挚爱

You can have it all 你可以全部拥有

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