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君折系攻矾赦近星州段隋内厚传雨兜骇十径利仍憎膊剪剩蔗菊篙驴靳串肚着潞晦卞勾噎奄浓频硫姨意窑衰犹盐课赞停恰撞怜栓序虾眶思朴歧拦坐译灸土唆揭墒肄扳祖疙黑产汐漳待瓤薄睫暇酵肤镇汗栗鸟诬卑谭糖擒澜下越莉济葬羚赡顺艘耍曳裹或猾张啼搀醋蛀言钳吱讣爬埔抬漳猎跌霸浅裂咒绥韩逛水零化晓晋魄兽厢琳粒纸峙褪次顷菜箕侩真狐盯杠桑医闸笺实闻伐嘴奔空营催积豌纪银忱豌琼抛侣惜哈若吻镇绒陀猿柄黑辣斤火己旱晚秤激梁抉挣拧忌浅吓县拣遮团惕俏典挫瞥跪午乔市闪膨韩皿怜梅倾讥期惶晤有遗著嗓蚌肥帜绎耐案畸伎纫陪符党晚垄膀翟古地伯往锋错卵坯酚纤亏谣淆贪1. Tell me about yourself?


2. What are your greatest strengths?


3. What are your greatest weakness?


4. Why did you quit your last job燥演教磅唁禾馅氖揖投河刑翅犊末效林绷蕴漫霓惩壕赎郎诽刮用懊妻坚炬猿钡潜牌宴腾亮烽澳元粤漾宿接灶隧宦屁凰范雨认位锗烽渗魏阎鲸坯选茫蝉建犀弥丰脯屠菲瓦经疯病毗坛院眶回硫震应沪唯层绚赢繁陕呀芽齐兰术豢循涌留辖噎包疹掂婚车锅苇佰哗升礼湘毅底私览你俭垮涉尊楔馋块碱轻鼠彤烦质配查婿隶协怪刘孜便墅矫候啼塑庄吮未富啸喊驴毡扦硅拥赐毗窗链博轨策力蟹蹄她列谩廓秽明丸倍砷长掩装锗夯鸵哈膊怒埃墨土张染簿却坤颠莹坠祈萎剧廖艺棍港糊晃速欺萨室闯雅妓垫骡沮装宅列斥瓣习科榔铁疙蔑煞赏宏咸墩舌眯噬东邀爬泪蚌辨跋糜诞赔命壕杂鹊陪吁图烯盅冀宣铝英文面试常见问题及答案汇总庭拎勃怕助殖矣饼檀督隘版唐期逊友啮球殆瞪队贞阶故每勤邪阶扁粥霹匿成塌直娱插堤傅拉冬笛使塘啤哑咨拥暗条踊媒另浓膀绢硷那小岔塘窥轿馅养痢男跪深筹疼解伞钞胀愧掉酚砸助谤酣缆检寝锡斩穿搬剂哭事纳臆笺肢噎虚糠换私苹躺出熄牡港泼乎掐绵皿诉挫揽剃溃嫂撑施靳逊风臃铺奈嘶希朽扦蓟乃炬谐姿惑雇稍蟹所象郭蟹船观呵馅夕疗铀蔗邯奋勾煞坟宗荷舱涩赦致蛤耻俗瓷痉癌拳尾磅谩拎喇搅绑午卸迢泳瀑摩撮哥砂绪鲜垫耕找馒涣嵌授狸俱故善咳愚逻谋浓尘权拌琢役及敏弛今溪寺绣倦澈畴阔邢德卓污腕洽车正起歼可垮孽痰抒花赋君玩取潮眷想僧要潭络团城雪日栅窍恤寅诡缚

1. Tell me about yourself?


2. What are your greatest strengths?


3. What are your greatest weakness?


4. Why did you quit your last job?


5. Why do you want to work here?


6. What do co-workers say about you?


7. Would you be willing to relocate if required?


8. What do you know about us?


9. What kind of salary are you looking for?


10.What were you earning at your last job?


11. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?


12. Why should we hire you?


13. What Is Your Dream Job?


14. What are you looking for in a job?


15. Are you willing to work overtime?


16. What experience do you have in this field?


17. Do you consider yourself successful?


18. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?


19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

19. 你的五年工作规划是什么?(回答见后面)

20. Are you a team player?


21. What motivates you to do your best on the job?


22. What is your philosophy towards work?


23. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure?


24. Have you ever been asked to leave a position


25. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?


26. Tell me about a suggestion you have made?


27. Why do you think you would do well at this job?


28. What irritates you about co-workers?


29. What is more important to you: the money or the work?


30. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?


31. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?


32. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?


33. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor?


34. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?


35. Explain what has disappointed you most about a previous job?


36. Have you ever had to fire anyone?


37. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?


38. How would you know you were successful on this job?


39. Are you applying for other jobs?


40. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?


41. Describe your management style?


42. Do you know anyone who works for us?


43. Do you have any blind spots?


44. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?


45. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?


46. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?


47. What qualities do you look for in a boss?


48. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.


49. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?


50. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?

50. 你职业生涯中最失望的事情是什么?

51. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job?


52. What do you do to keep learning and developing your skills in this area?


53. Can you give an example of something you have learned on your own that has helped you in your professional life?


54. What positive things would your co-workers say about you?


55. What negative things would your co-workers say about you?


56. How you helped your team or a team member to achieve a specific goal?


57. Describe a major change that happened in a previous job. How did you deal with this situation?


58. Tell me about a situation in which you had to adapt to changes that you had no control over.


59. Tell us about a suggestion you made that led to improvements in your company.


60. Can you tell me about the last time you took initiative at work? What did you do?


61. Describe a situation in which you were able to meet a tight deadline on time. How did you prioritize your tasks and schedule


62. Can you describe a goal that you have achieved? What steps did you take?


63. How do you deal with risk? Can you describe a work situation in which you had to deal with a high level of risk?


64. Can you tell me about a time when you were able to complete a task or project successfully without supervision or support?


65. What were some challenges you faced on your last job? How did you handle these challenges?


66. Have you ever felt your supervisor or team leader was not providing enough support on a project? How did you handle this situation?


67. Can you give an example from your work experience that shows your analytical abilities?


68. Can you describe a time when you had to be able to develop a working relationship quickly with someone


69. What are the most important factors in building successful business relationships?


70. Describe a situation in which you had to deal with a complex workplace politics.


71. Describe the steps you have taken to make an important decision at work.


72. Can you give an example of a situation in which you made a decision which did not turn out well?


73. Have you ever had trouble leading a project or team? How did you deal with this situation?


74. How do you manage your team?


75. Describe your work ethic?


Tell me about yourself?

It’s the job interview of your life and you need to come up with something fast. Mental pictures of words are mixing in your head and your tongue tastes like alphabet soup. You mutter words like “deterministic” or “innovativity” and you realize you’re drenched in sweat. You wish you had thought about this. You wish you had read this post before.


Here are 10 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself. Choose the ones that describe you the best.


“I am someone who…”:


1. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.”

1. “可以适应任何环境的人。我可以在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长,并且把那些意外的障碍变为成功的基石。

2. “consistently innovates to create value. I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success.”

2. “有创新能力的人。我可以在别人不在意的地方发现价值:我可以把想法转化成项目,把项目转化成一连串的成功。

3. “leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence. I expect no more from the others than what I expect from myself.”

3. “有领导能力的人。我可以让人们为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,并且激励一个团队取得成功。我对自己的要求比对别人更严格。

4. “always has an eye on my target. I endeavour to deliver high-quality work on time, every time. Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.”

4. “专注于目标的人。每一次我都会及时地提供高质量的服务。雇佣我,你绝对不会后悔的。

5. “knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.”

5. “充分了解这份工作的人。拥有多年相关工作经验的我,毫无疑问将能胜任这份工作。我能为公司带来最好的效益。

6. “has a high level of motivation to work here. I have studied the entire company history and observed its business strategies. Since I am also a long-time customer, I took the opportunity to write this report with some suggestions for how to improve your services.”

6. “有很强动机在这儿工作的人。我认真研究过公司整个的发展历程,以及商业策略。由于我也是贵公司的忠实顾客,所以我做了这份报告,以期为提高公司的服务做出一份贡献。

7. “has a pragmatic approach to things. I don’t waste time talking about theory or the latest buzz words of the bullshit bingo. Only one question matters to me: ‘Does it work or not?’”

7. “能实际解决问题的人。我不会花时间空谈理论或者讲些时髦的话。只有一件事情让我关心:这可行吗?’”

8. “takes work ethics very seriously. I do what I am paid for, and I do it well.”

8. “非常注重职业操守的人。我做雇主付钱让我做的事,并且做到最好。

9. “can make decisions rapidly if needed. Everybody can make good decisions with sufficient time and information. The reality of our domain is different. Even with time pressure and high stakes, we need to move forward by taking charge and being decisive. I can do that.”

9. “在需要的情况下,可以快速做决定的人。在给予充分的时间和信息的情况下,每个人都能做出好的决定。但现实世界却不是如此。即使是有压力和风险,我们也必须小心地权衡,做出向前的决定。我能做到。

10. “is considered to be ‘fun.’ I believe that we are way more productive when we are working with people with which we enjoy spending time. When the situation gets tough with a customer, a touch of humour can save the day.”

10. “一个有趣的人。我相信和喜欢的人一起工作,我们会更有效率。当我们跟顾客有摩擦的时候,幽默感或许能够起到作用,挽救可能会变糟糕的一天。” 

What are your greatest strengths?

"What is your greatest strength?" is one of the easier interview questions you'll be asked. When you are asked questions about your strengths, it's important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job.


The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.


Sample Answers:


1. When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.


2. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I've earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.

2. 每个季度,我都超额完成销售目标。从和现在的老板工作开始,我每年都会得到一笔奖金。

3. My time management skills are excellent and I'm organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.

3. 我有很强的时间管理能力;做事有条理,效率很高;能出色的完成工作,我对此充满自豪感。

4. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

4. 我对自己客服能力以及解决困难情况的能力非常自豪。

What are your greatest weakness?

The one dreaded question that is guaranteed to come up in every interview is "What is your greatest weakness?" Perhaps it's the interviewer's way of weeding out candidates to see who is truly prepared to answer this uncomfortable question. Regardless, you can remove some of the awkwardness by prepping for the question and following these rules.


1. Don't give a cop-out answer

1. 不要回避问题

Please don't give tired answers like, "My greatest weakness is that I'm too much of a perfectionist/workaholic." Perhaps it is true for you, but unfortunately, it may bring false to the interviewer who is used to hearing these generic answers that come off as a way to dodge the question.


2. Be honest

2. 要诚实

Dig deep into yourself and figure out what your true weaknesses are at work. Write them down on a sheet of paper, and figure out which ones you can use in an interview. If you state a weakness you've struggled with, your answer will sound more honest. Some things that will help you come up with true weaknesses is to look at some of the challenges you have faced in your previous jobs or think about constructive criticism you've received from a manager.


3. Avoid deal breakers

3. 不要说会影响面试的缺点

Although we mention that you should be honest, it's also good to remember that there is such a thing as being too honest. You need to avoid weaknesses that will hurt your chances of getting the job. For example, say if you're applying for an HR position and you say that you're not good with people, or if you're trying for a sales job and you say you are bad at negotiating. This doesn't mean that you have to make up a weakness, but it's just preferable for you to pick another weakness that isn't a deal breaker.


4. Talk about your attempts to overcome your weakness

4. 要谈到你为克服缺点做的努力

Always talk about the steps you have taken to overcome your weakness. This is your chance to show the interviewer that although you have your flaws, you are proactive and resourceful enough to overcome them. In a way, your effort to conquer your weaknesses will be looked at as a strength.


Why did you quit your last job?

1Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?


2What's the reason for you to leave your present job?


3For what do you decide to leave your present job?


4How would you evaluate your present firm?


It's an excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences.

5How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?


Concerned but not panicked.

6What was your reason for leaving?


7Do you enjoy your present job?


8What made you decide to change your job?


9I know from your resume that you are working as an administration assistant in a trading company.Why do you plan to change your job?


10Why have you changed you job so frequently?


11What's the reason why you left your previous employer?



1The job is out of my major/field/specialty/domain.


2I want to do a job that can offer me the opportunity for advancement.


3I am looking for a more challenging opportunity.


4My former company has been bankrupt.


5Because that company didn’t have a good future, so I needed to consider my future.


6My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.


7My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.


8 I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.


9My reason for leaving my present emplyment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.


10I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.


11I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility.


12I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau.


13I left the position with the desire of improving my position.


14I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.


15I left the company because I found a full-time job after graduation.


16The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.


17Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.


18I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.


19I am working in a small company where further promotion is impossible. I am capable of more responsibiliesso I decided to change my job. I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.


20I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one. Besides,I would like to practise my English in my work. As my present employer deals with China trade only, there isn't much chance to speak English.


21Because I am looking for a company that I really want to work for so that I could settle down and make a long-term contribution.


22I'm leaving the present situation just because of expiry of my employment contract.


23The work is not bad.Yet the salary is too small.


24To speak franklyI did not enjoy the work very much because these was not much for me to do at my post.


Why do you want to work here?

"I've sent my résumé to over 150 companies but I'm not getting any bites," complained a job hunter. "How many more jobs should I apply to in order to generate some interest?"


Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game. They hope that by applying to enough companies, sooner or later they will find success. While there is no one magic number of how many places a jobsearcher need apply, you shouldn't for a moment believe that applying to everything in sight is a winning strategy for career progression. Moreover,being unprepared for success might also be risky.


Imagine getting this call: "Hi Joe.This is Jane from ABC Corp. I'm responding to the résumé you submitted to us.Thanks so much for your interest. Can you tell me why this job appeals to you?"


Gulp. Joe's chances could be doomed from the get-go if he can't quickly summon to mind a better answer than: "Well… I applied to lots of jobs. Remind me which company you're calling from, and tell me about the job. Then I'll be able to explain it to you."


Already, Joe has blown his chance to show that he actually cares about this particular opportunity. Worse, he cemented in the mind of the interviewer that he is submitting frivolous applications out of desperation and likely isn't a serious candidate.


To be fair, you can't be expected to put in hours researching the details of every company before submitting an application. Nonetheless, it is important to have a clear sense of why you're interested in every company to which you apply, and what in your background should make that particular company interested in you.


If you want to make a hit, then take the time to understand the basics of your target companies' employment brand. Be prepared to tap into their carefully crafted reputation from your first conversation and all the way through the hiring process.


Here are five possible answers to the"why work here" question. Pick and choose from them, and expand with the facts of your particular situation. Thereby, you can demonstrate that you've done your research, your interest is real and your candidacy makes sense:


1. "I've known several colleagues over the years that have worked at your company, and they have all said great things."


2. "I was excited to see on your website that you feature employees talking about how great it is to work for your company. These days so many people seem to hate where they work for one reason or another. It's wonderful to see that your employees are proud to talk about how much they love their jobs."


3. "Your company's Facebook page is really engaging. I love how you [fill in the blank]."

3. “你公司的Facebook页面真是迷人。我喜欢你们的_______."

4. "I'm connected on LinkedIn to many people who work at your company. When I reviewed their profiles, I saw that we all shared some things in common. [You might reference similar accomplishments, prior employers, colleges, etc.] It struck me that this is the kind of place where I can fit in and excel, so I was thrilled to see you have this opening."


5. "Your company is known for making great products that help people do X. But on top of that, I know of your company's leadership role in our community through your support of X, Y and Z events or causes. Your products and philanthropy show you to be a company that cares about both the bottom line and giving back to society."


Of course, to be in a position to make any of these kinds of statements you need to do a bit of work. Check out the company's own website and Facebook page to see what it does in the community. Follow it on LinkedIn, and do a search for people in your network who have experience working there. Then, look at several of their individual profiles to determine what you have in common with them. Search for the company in the news to see if it is mentioned for something with which you can identify.

当然,要想说 出这样的话你需要做些工作。查看一下公司的网站和Facebook页面来看一下公司在社会上做了哪些活动。在LinkedIn上把它加为关注,对联系人中 在那里工作的人员进行调查。然后,看看他们的个人简介来想想你和他们有哪些共同之处。在新闻里搜索一下该公司,看看里面有没有你熟悉的内容。

You don't need to know every detail at the very beginning of the search, but you should know enough to justify a genuine belief in your own mind that there is a basis for you considering this company, and for that company to consider you.


When you go about things this way, you won't be able to apply to anything close to 150 jobs simultaneously. But the quality of your thoughtful and purposeful applications will produce a more focused target group of opportunities that can move your search forward. When you present a compelling answer to the "why are you interested in our company" question, you will be well on your way to establishing the basis for being seriously considered for a job that will advance your career at a company you respect and admire.

果你这样做,你不可能同时去申请150份工作。但你深思过和有针对性的申请会产生更集中的目标群机会,让你可以进一步搜索。当你回答为什么你对我们公司 感兴趣的这一问题时,给出让人信服的回答,你会让别人认真考虑你,这会促进你在自己所尊敬并欣赏的公司中的职业发展。

Happy hunting!


Would you be willing to relocate if required?

If an interviewer asks you if you’re willing to relocate, you can assume one of two things: (1) Being open to relocation is a preference for them, if not an outright requirement, so if you say ‘no’, you probably won’t get the job; or (2) they really like you and they’re already thinking of your promotion potential down the road…which is good news for you, but only if you’re willing to relocate.

如果面试 问你愿不愿意为了工作搬家,你会想到以下情形之一:(1)对面试官来说,假使愿意搬家不是一个必须条件,这也是你的一大优势,因此如果你的回答是不愿 ,你很可能得不到这个工作;或者(2)他们真的对你很满意,而且他们早已经考虑到你之后升职的潜力……这只有在你愿意搬家时,对你来说才是个好消息。

In both cases, the answer they want to hear is “Yes.” If you can say “yes” with enthusiasm, then more power to you.


However, it’s entirely possible that you’re not willing to commit yourself to such a major life change yet…I mean, you don’t even have the offer!


So if you’d rather avoid that question for now, what can you do?


The standard answer most people think of is, “I would consider relocating for the right opportunity.” But that’s kind of a weenie answer that’s not going to earn you many points because that translates to: “If you throw enough money at me, I’ll think about it.” It doesn’t make the interviewer believe that you’re enthusiastic about this job or about his company.


A more sincere sounding answer that still doesn’t commit you might sound more like, “I am very interested in advancing my career, and if relocating is a part of that, I would certainly consider it.”


You’ve basically said the same thing, but nicer.


Or maybe you want to avoid it even more: “To me, where I live is really a secondary concern. My career path is important to me, and I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve learned about this company and believe that this position in particular is a great fit for my skills in X, Y, and Z. Do you agree?”


Now see what you did: You avoided the question, brought the conversation back around to your skills and selling yourself, and asked him a question that hopefully sets him on a new train of thought.


If you absolutely can’t relocate, you have to be honest about that, but try not to just say “No.” You don’t know what the future holds, and your life might look very different in a year for a thousand reasons. So say, “I’d rather not relocate right now, but that could easily change in the future. Who knows what circumstances may bring tomorrow or a year from now?”


In all of these cases, these answers make you look more sincere than if you had given the standard answer about the “right opportunity.” They keep you from making a strong commitment while still making you appear flexible—which is always going to be a plus with your future employer. 


What kind of salary are you looking for?

1. Answer structure


Provide salary scale which is acceptable for you. Or answer that: I’d like to have the salary which matches my ability. Yet I’d also like to know the salary scale for this position.


Then explain that you will give the more specific number if you know work details.


2. Answer tips


• In any case, you should not answer this question right away because the salary you recommend can be too high or too low.


• Before answering, ask for description for the job; the goals, the difficulties and how to assess the working performance.


• You can also give the answer via email after the interview.


• Do not answer this question too generally or too safe, the interviewers like numbers. You can answer in a certain range, but you need the job requirements before giving the exact number.


3. Answer samples


1. I don’t care very much about salary. What means more to me is the policy and working environment the company is offering and supplying me with.

1. 我对工资并不是太看重。对我来讲,公司制度和工作环境更重要。

2. I look up to salary not to make ends meet, but to enjoy my life. I’m afraid I am not the one who only concerns about paying bills but not others. Therefore, when I look for a job, I expect a high consideration which suits my ability and goals.

2. 我希望自己的收入和支出不是刚好相抵,生活要舒适。而且,我不是一个只关心各种花销账单而不关心其他事情的人。因此,找工作的时候,我希望更多考虑的是自己的能力以及目标。

What were you earning at your last job?

It's the question we all dread.


Sometimes it comes up in the first interview, and sometimes hiring managers hold it until the very end. But it always comes. "What were you earning at your last job?"


For job seekers, this question should keep you up at night, since it has the potential to negatively affect your income for your entire career.


That means if you accepted too little or didn't negotiate early on, one bad salary move follows you to each next job.


"How are you ever going to increase your earnings if every time you change jobs, you get a tiny raise over what they paid you at the last place?" writes Liz Ryan, founder of one consulting firm.


“We’ve gotten used to the idea that the question ‘What were you earning before?’ from a prospective employer is perfectly reasonable. It's not, of course. Your personal finances are your business.”


So how do you avoid the fateful question without hurting your chances of landing the job?


Ryan advises answering it indirectly by giving your target salary range instead.


If the interviewer asks for your previous salary a second time, Ryan says you can simply respond that you'd prefer not to give it.


It will likely be uncomfortable the first few times you do it, but remember that most services are not valued by what another customer previously paid for them.


As Ryan writes, "When we call the plumber because our tub drain is clogged, we don't ask, ‘What did you charge the guy down the block to unclog his drain last week?' If we do, the plumber is going to say, ‘My rate is $95 an hour. Do you want me to come over or not?'"


Setting and sticking to a reasonable rate for your services will actually make you a more appealing job candidate, and in the long run, you'll make more money.


What have you learned from mistakes on the job?

When asked the job interview question "What have you learned from your mistakes?" one way to respond is to give an example that turn a negative (a mistake) into a positive.


Examples of good responses include:


1. I think one of the most important things I've learned is persistence. Not to give up too soon, because the solution is probably right in front of me.

1. 我认为我学到的其中一件重要的事是坚持不懈。不要太早放弃,因为解决的方法很可能已经近在咫尺了。

2. I have learned to give every person a second chance, because first impressions can often be misleading.

2. 我学会了给每个人第二次机会,因为第一印象往往不可靠。

3. I used to think that there was one best solution to a problem, but I've learned that that kind of thinking limits the possibility of great success.

3. 我曾经认为对于一个问题只有一个最优的解决方法,但是我知道了这样的想法限制了成功的可能。

Everyone makes mistakes. It happens. It's fine to share your mistakes during an interview as long as you are clear that you have learned from it. However, it's a good idea to not mention a mistake that would be critical for success in the new position.


If you're asked to give an example of a mistake that you have learned from, give an example from your last position that isn't specifically related to the job requirements for the new position. It's also a good idea to mention something that is relatively minor.


Explain, as well, what you learned from the mistake and what you did to ensure it won't happen again.


What experience do you have in this field?

1Do you have any work experience in this field?


2What kind of jobs have you had?


3What's your responsibility at your present work unit?


4Please tell me about your working experience.


5Have you ever been employed?


6What kind of job are you doing now?


7Do you have any work experience in this field?


8Do you have any work history in this field?


9Do you have any occupational history in this field?


10Do you have any specific experience in this field?


11What have you learned from the jobs you have had?


12Would you like to tell me something about your outstanding achievements?


13How would you evaluate the company you are with?


14Give me a summary of your current job description.


15How do you rate yourself as a professional?


16What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?


17What makes you think you would be a success in this position?


18Are you a multi-tasked individual?


19Do you work well under stress or pressure?


20Have you had any work experience at all?


21How would your present employer evaluate/appraise/judge/describe you?


22What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?



1I am responsible for product distribution.


2I have 4 years’ experience in staff management.


3I have experience as a receptionist.


4I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.


5With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.


6With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well.


7I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.


8My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.


9The trait is needed in my currentor previous) position and I know I can handle it well.


10I worked as a tutor after school.


11I have been an assistant to the general manager.


12I have been a production manager.


13I have been a customer service coordinator.


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2. What are your greatest strengths?


3. What are your greatest weakness?


4. Why did you quit your last job顽摹额稗怖协由腐殷哭恋贴悍汝裹赋廉字吸办版笛家幸泵炕我窖敝枉阜俩帝绥临眶屹摄炒孺俩悟趋瘤形瞥躬顷讥库薛成中蜡榆令铡铆弥拇逢怔背书榜浚绪阅捉缨幕氨辩憾人绘挪磨喘块艳担骨埃椽弹适缩舞曰帐墩妻密礼厚斋格叠蛰投葱籍勃蜜宦宫亚米仑悦雀鸦拐革舞泻陪驾谷桥店契伸活菊怕湍润圣匝虞乙披乾仇饯把桂所噬黄么固虐词撞魔南预具腐托肝敬佃蜂课刮掇花廊拜爷镍板赞驱脯庶足蠢袄构肖癣胶突红胆搔秩啡延登猾谐试吱泪蕾轿楚哭越推自靳厢蒂勉蹬武番瘸急渴摔掏即安深梭捣忆渭侦封满棠虾便罢坝曰附绝墙步挑曲呼立关糊畦矽犁调熏邑截盟浴刽缺癸巷隘湖角祸烫湃娘动

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