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时间:2011-11-22 09:56:13    下载该word文档

I think that it is not realistic to cry for help from him. Actually, he himself needs help, too.我认为向他求助是不现实的……

More and more people are realizing an urgent need of combating the air pollution.越来越多的人正在意识到与空气污染作斗争……

Some clear signs are that some old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the youth.有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统……

Many of us think that it is hard to understand the notion that the universe is eternal.我们许多人觉得宇宙……

It’s small wonder that a handful of profiteers become rich suddenly during a night, for there are many loopholes in the laws and the regulations.因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞

The unprecedented growth of tourist trade has brought about a sudden prosperity to the small border town of only 300 inhabitants before.旅游事业的空前

In the light of this piece of information, this country is already capable of making nuclear weapons.根据这一消息,改国已经具有制造核武器的能力

He has staked all his money on the highly risky enterprises regardless of his friends’ repeated warnings.他不顾朋友的反复警告……

Some say the best response toward unjust criticism is to forgive and forget.有人说对于不公平

For God’s sake, why didn’t you ring me?天哪,你为什么不给我打电话

In desperation, I kicked the door open, only to find that he was lying in bed unconscious.

绝望之中,我一脚……The mechanic angrily flung aside his tools and refused to work any longer.那机修工……

It was so childish of Mark to walk out of the conference just because his ideas were challenged by some delegates. 马克也太孩子气了……

She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.她很感激的是他保住了自己的工作……

Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.勇敢,无私和意志力再牛虻……

If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish/pull down what you have built.如果你没有得到当地……

1. The highlight of the circus show was the performance of the great panda, whose clumsy and funny movements amused all the spectators.马戏团演出……

2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the Swiss Air flight yesterday—it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on board were killed幸好你昨天没有搭乘瑞士航空公司的……

3. It never occurred to him that the handicapped girl would feel ill at ease when anyone offered to help her.他从未想到,当有人提出帮助那个……

4. As a man who enjoyed being in control and who took great delight in giving orders, Charles soon adapted himself 作为一个喜欢控制一切,从发号施令……

5.In the past 12 years, Amy has learned to manage by herself. She enjoys being independent and doing everything for herself.在过去二十年,艾米已学会……

6. It was a matter of course for Amy to refuse to go out with Charles, for she objected to being treated as a handicapped person dependent on others.艾米拒绝跟查尔斯……

1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of traveling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfather’s study spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit.我小时候完全被周游世界……

2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London’s biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population今下午一枚定时炸弹……

3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station and confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.再父亲的陪同下……

4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.再与简定婚后,……

5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyone’s surprise, the speech he made at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.教授以严厉而著称……

6. It’s amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.这么多人原以为社区的利益……

1.The increasing prosperity of the country was in a large measure attributable to the government’s pursuit of a policy of economic reform. 那个国家日益繁荣再很大程度上……

2. The black leader took it as his sacred obligation to fight hard all his life to achieve racial equality.这位黑人领袖……

3. The year 1976 saw the deaths of Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong, the three leading architects of the People’s Republic.1976年人民共和国……

4. On more than one occasion I reminded the principal of his promise to stand up for the legitimate interests of retired teachers.我不只一次的提醒校长……

5. The theme of the story is that a person’s destiny is closely tied up with that of the whole nation.这个故事的主体思想是……

6. The large fortune the young man fell heir to enabled him to live out his dreams.那个亲年继承的一大笔……


1. 任何没有计划,漫无目的的方法都是不可取的。No haphazard hit-or-miss…..

2. 人们早就认识到一位高级管理人员不是因为他的职位高才获得很大的词汇量。那样说乃是本末倒置It has long since been satisfactory…

3. 对英语的掌握不仅能促进大脑的思维能力,它将保证你的成功。建立你的自信、丰富你的人格魅力、扩大你的知名度A command of English will…

4. 词汇具有爆发力,短语中充满炸药;一个简单的词可以毁掉一段友谊,也可做成一大笔买卖Words are explosive….

5. 这里有娱乐型的词汇智力体操,有趣的关于语言的小故事以及很多词语的不同搭配用法,使得我们的语言交流丰富、灵活、充满生气There are entertaining verbal calisthenics…


6. 当然了,不是所有的毕业生都将跃入这冰冷的现实世界之水。Not all of then,of course…

7. 有些人是因为要在拿一个学位以便在他们那个自认为只有文凭才是唯一货币的社会圈子里令人刮目相看Some are doing it to acquire…

8. 在耶路,他们参加的戏剧,音乐小组的活动少了,参加校内各种组织少了,参加运动也少了,花在散步聊天以调节一下过紧的生活节奏的时间少了At yale,they play in fewer…

9. 我并非不希望他们名利双收,特别是那些行将毕业的学生,他们学得更苦。钱也更不够花。Tt is not that I dont wish

10. 美国的繁荣始终得益于不怕离经叛道的男女志士。America has always been nourished…


11. 每个人都可以凭自身的能力成为名胜者--一个重要作用、勤于思考、明白事理、独创累累成果的人Each can be a significant….

12. 真诚的人以了解自己、赤诚展示自己并成为一名可以相信、富有同情心的人来体验自己的真实性The authentic people experiences…

13. 他从自己的成就中获得快乐而无妒忌之心Without guilt he enjoys his own….

14. 胜者成功地完成了从完全依赖到自立、再到相互依存的过度。而败者却没有完成这一过度。他们往往半途而废,逃避为自己负责Winners successfully make the transition…

15. 相反,他试图操纵别人使之按自己的心愿行事,同时尽力实现他人的期望Instead,he tries to manipulate…


16. 他面孔稚嫩、像个中学生,可两眼缺却闪现出狂热分子的冷森森的目光。他的沿眼睛深沉多思,分明是那种见惯了死亡的汉子的眼神His face was the face of a student…

17. 他滚过屋顶,到了后面的一座烟囱旁边,躲在后面慢慢抬起身子,直到眼睛与挡墙的顶部齐平He rolled over the roof..

18. 狙击手躺了好一会。他小心的扶弄着受伤的手臂,谋划着怎么逃出去,他不能坐等明天,让人发现自己负伤呆在屋顶上The sniper lay for a long time nursing his …

19. 距离约为五十码——再黯淡的光线里这一枪很难打中,更何况他右臂疼痛难忍,像有成千上万的恶魔死死缠住他一样The distance was about fifty yard….

20. 他从口袋里掏出那瓶威士忌,一口喝了个精光。他醉醺醺的,无所顾忌了Taking the whiskey bottle from…


21. 然而,遗憾的是,托马斯大夫似乎并没有弄懂历史为我们提供真正教训——那就是,在任何技术取得重大突破之前,总会有一种我们如何看待自己和我们如何行动方面的剧变It is pity,however,that Dr……

22. 任何怀疑我论点的读者可能都会记得,在医疗事故诉讼案中,内科医生的典型辩护词是:“我遵守了标准的医疗程序,”而不是“我做了治愈者所必须的事情。”Any render who doubt my contention….

23. 我的猜想是,你很快就会作为不受欢迎的病人被他抛弃My guess is that you will….

24. 由于接受了人类的种种不幸&苦难大多是有其生物属性决定的这样一种观点,医疗业在过去的一百年中得到了蓬勃发展For the medical profession has blossomed….

25. 既然我们有充分的客观证据表明我们的办法确能治病救人,你自然以为医疗界同行们会纷纷前来,请我们把我们的技术教给他们Since we have ample objective….


1艾伦奥斯汀像一只紧张的小猫在佩尔街居民区爬着一段黑黢黢、嘎吱作响的楼梯。他在昏暗的过道里费力地看了好一会,才看到一扇门上模糊地写着他要找的名字Alan Austen, as…

2.“我亲爱的先生,”老头回答道,“我的存货虽然不多,尽管如此,它却是品种齐全.而且我卖的东西,严格地说,不能用普通这个字眼来形容它.”My dear sir…..

3.即使货比较贵,如果需要的话,他会攒钱买它的It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford…

4.”哎呀!” 艾伦说道,企图显示出一种科学公正的样子.”真是太有趣了.”Dear me said Alan,,,,,,

5.”是的,她想成为你的一切.””她已经是我的一切,但她根本不在乎这一点.” Yes she will want to be everything to you …


1. 她的容貌有一种室外自然的清秀之美.我想她一定住在新泽西.There ‘s a fresh outdoor look about her…

2. 她的脸色甜美清新,不施粉黛.she has a sweet face with….

3. 银行里的同事都很好,量他们有自己的生活圈子;另外,我不能请求任何人提供一间备有家具的出租房.因此,大家各走各的,自行其事..The fellow in the bank are all right but….

4. 门开了,人群开始拥入.她随着人流涌来,无法抗拒.The door opens and the people…

5. 火车转着弯,车轮在铁轨上滚动发出尖叫声好像新汉普夏的乌在歌唱.我的心狂跳着The train swings around a turn and the wheels….


1. 人们经常注意到,那些活在或已经活在死亡阴影下的人在做每件事时会乐滋滋的.It has often been noted that those who live..

2. 正如老话所摩拳擦掌那样:真到失去时珍惜所拥有的;直到病时才意识到健康的重要It is the same old story of not….

3. 假如我不习惯于这种回答,那么我可能会表示怀疑的.因为很久以前我就想念看得见的人很少看到东西.I might have been incredulous had I not been …

4. 如果随着第三个是晚上黑暗的到来,.你知道你将永远不再看到升起的太阳了,那么你阍臬度过这黑暗来临之前的三天呢?If with the oncoming darkness of the …

5. 但对一些不经常接触的朋友,我只有一些不完整的印象,这些印象来自一次握手,来自用我的指尖从他们嘴唇上得到的话语,或来自他们轻拍我的手掌but of casual friends I have only an incomplete….


1. 那些能胜任最高职务并保住其地位的人都从不停止自身的发展与完善.从不停止对自己的知识结构的不断更新.The men who rise the highest and stay,,,

1. 你是否诚实地制作过一个归纳自己优缺点的表格----如实地把你的长处死在一边,而把不足之处列在另一边?Have you ever drawn up an honest…

2. 第四,要处变不惊,或者如每明威所言,从容应变.遇到麻烦紧张不安的生意人是不会有多大作为的Fourth,calm under pressure,or as…

3. 涉及巨额资金,风险极大,董事长自然要刨根问底.With so much at stake,the …


1. 在白人奴隶主看来,奸些最早运来的非洲人皮肤黝黑,毛发浓密,鼻子平塌,一半像人一半像猴.To the white slave owner…

1. 从童年开始,奴隶们就受到这样的训诫,说他们什么也不是,而且永远什么也不是.From childhood,slave were taught that…

2. 这些对待黑人的态度帮助奴隶主使奴隶制度合法化,而且很快发展成为人们看待整个各种族的一成不变的偏见These attitudes about blacks helped slave owners to ….

3. 1865,美国南北战争(也称为州际战争)终于结束了,但成千上万的人死于这场战争

4. 其结果是,他们无法真正参与到争取改善自身地位的政治进程中去.Consequently,they were helpless to…..


1. 从表面上看,二氧化碳多了,就意味着全球要变暖,而地球变暖就有可能导致洋面上升,夏季酷热,森林枯死,地球上的沿海城市被水淹没More carbon dioxide on the face…...

2. 正试图致富的国家的人们可能会发现他们自己对种舒适的条件的向往将会落空,或至少被推迟Those in countries trying to…..

3. 温室效应的存大是一个不争的事实.That the greenhouse effect exists is not a matter of dispute

4. 如果没有这种效应,地球的温度就会比现在低大约摄氏三十度,而生命就几乎不能存在Without this effect,the earth would…

5. 例如,在上一个冰河时代横扫整个欧洲和北美洲的冰川就是由于大约十一万五千年前夏季平均气温下降了摄氏两度而引发的The glaciers that rumbled over Europe and North America during the ….

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