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近义词辨析essential - indispensable - necessary - vital

时间:2010-11-28 09:24:45    下载该word文档

近义词辨析essential, indispensable, necessary, vital


First published in 1927, the charts remain an ________ source for researchers. CET-42004.06

A) identical B) indispensable C) intelligent D) inevitable





辨异identical意为“完全相同的;十分相似的”exactly the same or alike,如:This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year. (这就是我们去年住过的旅馆。) That umbrella is identical to the one I lost. (把伞跟我丢的一模一样。) indispensable意为“不可或缺的”(so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without),如:Fine dictionaries are indispensable for learning a foreign language.(学外语离不开好词典。) intelligent意为“聪明的;智能的”(having or showing intelligence; smart),如:She is described as the most intelligent woman in the village.(人们认为她是村里最聪明的女人。) inevitable意为“不可避免的”(certain to happen; unavoidable),常修饰不利的事物,如:It seems inevitable that they’ll lose.(看来他们难免会输。) 综合上述分析及考题的语境,本题应选B)


In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play ________ roles in raising children.

A) incapable B) indispensable C) insensible D) infiniteB


indispensable的近义词常见的有essential, necessaryvital等,下面对它们的用法逐一说明:

essential意为“本质的;基本的;必不可少的”(central to the nature of sth.; basic; extremely important),强调某物或事涉及本质或客观上十分必要,如:an essential part of the English character (英国人性格的本质部分). If you’re going hiking in the mountains, a decent pair of boots is essential. (去山里远足的话,一双好靴子是必不可少的。) It is essential to read any document carefully before you sign it. (签字之前,一定要认真阅读文件。)

indispensable意为“不可或缺的;绝对需要的”(unable to be dispensed with, or done without; absolutely necessary),强调某人或物起着不可替代的重要作用,如:His long experience at the United Nations makes him indispensable to the talks. (他在联合国长期工作的经验使他成为该谈判不可或缺的一位参与者。) These drugs are almost indispensable in the fight against the disease. (这些药物对于治疗此病几乎是不可或缺的。)

necessary意为“必要的,必需的”(positively needed; required to be done, achieved, or present),但通常不强调某物或事绝对必要,如:The doctor says it may be necessary for him to have an operation. (医生说,他可能需要动手术。) It is necessary that we all (should) be there.(我们有必要都到场。)
vital意为“维持生命所必需的;关键的”(essential for life; crucial),强调一旦缺少某物或事将导致严重的问题,如:The heart performs a vital bodily function. (心脏起着维持生命的重要作用。) It is vital to get medical supplies to the area as soon as possible. (尽快为该地区提供医疗用品是至关重要的。) The point is vital to my argument. (这一点对我的论证极为重要。)

essential, indispensable, necessaryvital除了在语义侧重点方面存在上述差异外,它们在习惯搭配及构句模式方面主要有以下异同点:四个词均常接介词toforindispensable外,其余三个词可用于it is + adj. (+ for sb.) + to do sth.it is + adj. + that…句式中,这意味着indispensable通常不用于修饰某事。


1. essence n. the basic nature, or the most important quality or feature of sth. 本质;精髓;特色

【例in essence实质上;the very essence of the essay文章的精髓

2. dispense v. to give or provide (sth.) 分发;提供

【例There is a vending machine that dispenses snacks. 有一台出售零食的自动售货机

dispense with (sth./sb.): get rid of ; do away with 省掉;免除;摆脱

【例Let’s dispense with the formalities! 咱们就别客套了!

3. necessitate v. to make (sth.) necessary 使成为必需;需要

【例It’s an unpopular measure, but the situation necessitates it.


necessity n. something that is necessary; the need for sth. 必需品;必要性

【例a necessity of life一种生活必需品

Is there any necessity for another election?


4. vitamin n. 维生素,维他命

【例a good source of vitamin C 维生素C的好来源


一、根据括号中的中文提示,用essential, indispensable, necessaryvital的适当形式完成句子。

1. ____________________________如有必要,我会熬通宵, to get it finished.

2. She suggests that they ______________________________省去所有致辞at the wedding.

3. The animal _____________________受了致命伤.

4. The nation’s unemployment rate ______________________________仍基本未变.


There are a myriad of public health concerns which legislators and regulatory agencies address that relate to pharmacists(药剂师) and the products they 1 . Pharmacists are in a prominent position to provide background data, legislative content and exposition to local, state and 2 governments. Through health screenings and health education, pharmacists play a(n) 3 role in prevention as well as access to care. In light of work force shortages among health professionals, pharmacists may 4 as first responders, providing clinical advice to include over-the-counter (OTC) relief that may aid in decreasing 5 emergency room visits for common conditions. Pharmacists are often involved 6 the clinical management of chronic diseases, and minor disease diagnosis and 7 . Further, pharmacists provide an excellent source of human capital to the community by 8 primary prevention through health education. Primary prevention is the 9 of public health. Consequently, greater emphasis regarding the role of pharmacists in the public health infrastructure needs to be 10 .

A) sense B) act C) recognized D) vitamin E) dispense F) key G) treatment H) among I) federal J) unnecessary K) in L) conducting M) intelligence N) essence O) identify



1. I’ll stay up all night, if necessary 句意:如有必要,我会熬通宵来做完它。

2. dispense with speeches altogether 句意:她建议省去婚礼上的所有致辞。

3. was vitally hurt 句意:这只动物受了致命伤。

4. has remained essentially unchanged 句意:该国的失业率仍基本未变。



1. E) dispensepharmacist在英式英语中的对应词是dispensing chemistdispense此处意为prepare and sell (medicines)即“配制、销售(药品)”。

2. I) federal在美国,pharmacists除了配制、销售药品外,还要向各级政府部门提供相关数据、立法依据或进行情况说明。local, state and federal governments意为“地方政府、州政府及联邦政府”。

3. F) key key此处意为vital, crucial即“关键的”。 在疾病预防及医疗服务方面,pharmacists也都发挥着关键作用。

4. B) actact as意为to perform the role or function of,即“充当(某角色)”。

5. J) unnecessary。他们提供的及时的医疗服务有助于减少不必要的急诊数。

6. K) inbe involved in sth.意为take part in sth.,即“参与某事”。

7. G) treatmentminor disease diagnosis and treatment意为“小病的诊治

8. L) conductingconducting primary prevention through health education意为:在(社区)健康教育中开展基层防病工作。

9. N) essenceessence此处意为the most significant aspect,即“最重要的方面”。此句意为:基层防病是公共卫生工作最重要的方面。

10. C) recognized。作者进而呼吁人们更加重视pharmacists在公共卫生工作中的作用。

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