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时间:2020-04-07 16:49:37    下载该word文档




As space science develops(发展), man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.

Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. The harm(伤害)of the radiation won’t be found until their children even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective(有效的)medicine has been found so far.

Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen. It’s reported that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion(爆炸)in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size. A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).

Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish. Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something to help improve the space environment.

1Most of the man-made things flying in space are____________.

A. satellites B. spaceships C. space shuttles D. space rubbish

2The radiation from the sun and other stars is ______ to spacemen.

A. good B. helpful C. useful D. harmful

3The underlined word “fragments”means “______”.

A. 碎片 B. 泡沫 C. 烟雾 D. 飞碟

4The passage talks about _________ kinds of danger in space.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

5Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Scientists have found out ways to solve any problem in space.

B. Every one of us can have a travel to space in ten years.

C. The harm of the radiation may be found in the spacemen’s children.

D. Space is really dangerous, so it doesn’t interest anyone on the earth.


1D 2D 3A 4A 5C



1D推理判断题。根据About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish.可知人造的东西在太空中成为垃圾的比例为1-30%-10%=60%。故选D

2D细节理解题。根据文中信息When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. 可知来自太阳和其他星体的辐射对宇航员有害,故选D

3A词义猜测题。根据A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).可知爆炸会产生碎片,一片小的碎片会给飞船带来损害。故选A

4A细节理解题。根据Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen.可知在太空中宇航员可能遇到的危险有:辐射和太空垃圾,共两种。故选A

5C细节理解题。根据The harm of the radiation won’t be found until their children even grandchildren are born.可知辐射的危害可能在宇航员的孩子甚至孙子身上发生。故选C




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No Money? No Worry!

Chinese customers can also pay by:

1.If you want to buy a chicken pizza at half price, you should go on     

A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday D.Thursday

2.At weekends, you should pay     dollars for a large cola and a small Hawaii pizza. 

A.seven B.ten C.twelve D.fourteen

3.You can get your meal at     all the week. 

A.8:00 am B.10:00 pm C.noon D.midnight


[主旨大意] 这是一则广告,介绍了一家比萨店的营业时间,联系方式和付款方式。

1.D 细节理解题。由chicken pizzahalf price可知,这是周四的特卖,故选D

2.B 细节理解题。由weekendslarge cola, Hawaii pizza可知,这段时间没有特价,两件商品原价$6+$4=$10。故选B

3.C 细节理解题。由all the week和最小营业时间11:00a.m.-9:00p.m.可知,中午是都可以买到餐的时间,故选C


阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。

No one knows exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it is said that it began in the early 1900s. Jazz was a new kind of music, for America and the world, and New Orleans was its birthplace.

Who were the jazz pioneers? Most were blacks. This music was not written down, and at first only blacks played it. It was hard for white musicians to learn the new style. But soon they, too, were playing jazz.

The popularity (普及) of this music spread. By the 1920s, there were many famous jazz musicians, both black and white. And Louis Armstrong was the best one.

Louis Armstrong was a born musician. He was not only talented (有才能的) but also hard-working. He also had a good sense of humor and a big, good-natured smile. These personal qualities were valuable in his rise to fame. After he became famous, he traveled around the world. It seemed that everyone wanted to hear Louis play. But life was not always easy, especially at the beginning.

Louis Armstrong was born in 1900 in New Orleans. When Louis was still a kid, his parents separated, and Louis lived with his mother who could hardly read. How hard their life was can easily be imagined. And yet Louis smiled through everything. He later wrote, “My whole life has been happiness. Life was there for me and I accepted it. Whatever happened has been beautiful to me. I love everybody.”

1. What can we know exactly from the first paragraph?

A. Who invented jazz. B. Where jazz was invented. C. When jazz was invented.

2. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to “ ”.

A. Jazz pioneers. B. New styles. C. White musicians.

3. What made Louis Armstrong become the best jazz musician?

A. His talent and hard work. B. His family background. C. His good sense of humor.

4. Which of the following best expresses Louis Armstrong’s attitude (态度) to life?

A. He laughs best who laughs last. B. Failure is the mother of success.

C. When you smile, the world smiles back.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The development of jazz. B. The influence of jazz on Americans.

C. The development of jazz and its best musician.

参考答案1—5 BCACC


 When did you last say I love you to your father? If you can't remember, then you can get the chance this Father's Day on June 18.

Generally compared to a mother's gentle love, a father represents(代表) qualities like independence(独立), confidence, courage and adventure.

Also, a caring father can help their children get along with others, according to a study on Live Science. Fathers not only lead their children into their social circle but also teach them how to act and control their feelings.

For example, Microsoft founder Bill Gates was quiet and didn't like to talk with others when he was a little kid. So his father often held family parties and let Bill play games with family members. Games like soccer and swimming seemed to be silly at that time but they improved my ability of leading and cooperating(合作), Gates once said in an interview with US Fortune magazine.

US actor Will Smith learned important lessons from small things taught by his father. His father once planned to pull down a wall of their shop and rebuild it. But little Will thought it was impossible. After a year and a half, they did it. You don't try to build a wall. You are going to lay a brick() every day. And soon you have a wall, he said on the TV show Charlie Rose.

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters, British poet George Herbert(1593—1632) once said. Do you agree?

1.What chance can you get on the coming Father's Day?

A.To express love to your father.

B.To remember your father's love.

C.To celebrate and relax yourself.

D.To get mountains of presents.

2.Which of the following belongs to a father's qualities?

A.Independence, confidence, courage and gentle love.

B.Confidence, patience, adventure and courage.

C.Independence, confidence, courage and adventure.

D.Confidence, courage, adventure and gentle love.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A.Bill Gates changed much with the help of his father.

B.Bill Gates liked parties very much when he was young.

C.Soccer and swimming were popular a long time ago.

D.A child should be quiet no matter where he or she is.

4.What does the sentence One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters mean?

A.The growth of a child needs 100 schoolmasters.

B.One father is more important than 100 schoolmasters.

C.A father plays an important role in kids' growing.

D.Schoolmasters mean nothing to a child's growth.


[主旨大意] 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文章。文章主要讲述了父爱的力量,父爱代表了独立、自信、勇气和冒险,文章还举例讲述了父爱对孩子们的影响。有人说:一个父亲胜过100个老师。

1.A 细节理解题。承接第一段首句你上一次对父亲说我爱你是什么时候,此处应该是指对父亲表达爱的机会。故选A

2.C 细节理解题。由文章第二段“…a father represents qualities like independence, confidence, courage and adventure.可知,父爱代表独立、自信、勇气和冒险。故选C

3.A 段落大意题。由文章第四段可知,比尔·盖茨小的时候比较内向,父亲为此常举办家庭聚会,并支持他的爱好:游泳和足球。这些体现了父亲对他的帮助。故选A

4.C 句子理解题。本文通过实例证明:父亲对孩子的影响至关重要。故选C


I’m planning my summer vacation. I don’t know what kind of holiday I should have—a lazy one or an exciting one. __46__ We stayed in an excellent hotel, which had three swimming pools. It was quite expensive but we really enjoyed ourselves.

This year, Joanna is going to Greece with her parents. _47__ Ling wants us to go on an adventure(冒险) holiday in Africa. __48_ She said it would be interesting and better than having a lazy holiday because we would learn about the world around us. I’m not sure where to go.

__49__ It doesn’t mean walking across the desert(沙漠). Ling said she’d like to see elephants and lions and have some wonderful experiences. I think she’s bored of lying in the sun all day and wants to have a change. _50_ However, it is less than half that amount(金额) if I go to Portugal(葡萄牙)for two weeks. Which one should I choose?



1C 2D 3E 4B 5A



1C根据下文“We stayed in an excellent hotel, which had three swimming pools. It was quite expensive but we really enjoyed ourselves”的描述可知,这里是描述过去的事情。结合选项可知应选C

2D根据上文“I’m planning my summer vacation.”以及下文“Ling wants us to go on an adventure(冒险) holiday in Africa.------ I’m not sure where to go.”的描述可知,乔安娜已经有计划了,只有作者和玲要去哪里还在计划之中结合选项可知应选D

3E根据短文“I’m not sure where to go以及It doesn’t mean walking across the desert”的描述并计划选项可知,这里指的是玲希望和作者在沙漠行走并露天睡觉。故应E

4B根据短文“It doesn’t mean walking across the desert”以及“I think she’s bored of lying in the sun all day”的描述并结构选项可知,这里指的是作者希望在海滨悠闲的度假故应选B

5A根据下文“However, it is less than half that amount(金额) if I go to Portugal(葡萄牙)for two weeks”的描述可知,这里指的是去非洲需要的经费。结合选项可知应A


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