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Fall is the third season of a year . There are three months in fall : July , August and september .
The weather in fall is cool , Sometimes it's windy . I can wear my jackets and jeans .
秋天气候很凉爽,有时会刮风,我可以穿上我的茄克和牛仔裤。 I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends. 我经常放风筝,和我的朋友徒步旅行。
And there are many fruits in fall , Just like :apples , bananas , oranges… And the Mid Autuain Festival is in fall , too . 秋天还有很多水果,如苹果,香蕉,桔子,中秋节也在秋天。 So I like fall very much . 所以我很喜欢秋天。
It was, as I have said, a fine autumnal day, the sky was clear and serene, and naturethat rich and olden livery which we always associate with the idea of abund(wore ance. The forests had put on their sober brown and yellow, while some trees of the tendered kink had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple and scarlet. Streaming files of wild ducks began to make their appearance high in the air; the bark of the squirrel might be heard from the groves of beach and hickory nuts, and the pensive whistle of the quail at intervals from the neighboring stubble-field.
It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn. .

At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean.
What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects. 一幅多么美丽的油画。秋天是收获的季节。而不劳者将一无所获。我要努力学习,以便所有的功课都获得丰收。 (81words
瞧,那边的老大爷正在收割,他技术娴熟地挥舞着镰刀,一会儿,那密不透风的稻田便被割了好几垅,好像是一条条通往幸福的金光大道。远处的谷场上人们也在忙得不亦乐乎… 秋天,无论什么地方的秋天都是美的;可是,家乡的秋天总有一种它乡不能超越的美丽。
但是,最美的是家乡秋天的傍晚,尤为动人是那月色。 我家原来住在小山村。 那座小山村,就像位多情抚媚的少女。展现在我们的面前。
家乡的秋天,正是丰收季节。稻子熟了,远远望去,像铺了一地的“金子”。 玉米熟了,农民伯伯把它们垛在木头架上,像一座金字塔;大豆熟了,农民伯伯把它们晒在场院里,发出耀眼的金光。像一些散碎的小金子;高粱也熟了,红红的。 狗尾巴一样 穗子,正在向人们招手呢!啊!我爱这丰收的秋天。家乡的秋天,是凉爽的季节。

人们都坐在院子里乘凉,享受秋天带来的好。啊!我爱这凉爽的秋天。 家乡的秋天,是落叶的天下。树上的黄叶一片一片的慢慢从树梢上飘落下来。 它们像无数只金色的蝴蝶,有的在飞舞,有的在游戏;还有的在玩耍。片片黄叶落在地上,好像给大地妈妈盖上了一床金色又柔软的被子。 啊!我爱这黄叶飘落的天下。家乡的秋天,是快乐的。
一些良家妇女么,都在一起打毛衣,或凑在一起闲聊。几乎都有事做。 只剩下我们小孩了。我们跑去山坡上,那儿,上面全是深厚的草,一望无际。 我们上山时折几把树枝叶,到了山顶,把树枝叶垫在屁股底下。“呼”!还没等你留过神来,就已经滑进水田里去了。
啊!我爱这充满快乐的秋天。家乡的秋天是我的天下,因为家乡才是真正的家。 啊!我爱家乡,更爱家乡的秋天!秋天,无论什么地方的秋天都是美的;可是,家乡的秋天总有一种它乡不能超越的美丽。但是,最美的是家乡秋天的傍晚,尤为动人是那月色。
我家原来住在小山村。那座小山村,就像位多情抚媚的少女。 展现在我们的面前。这小山村并不大,却有五十多户人家。
大的家庭也有五六个人,小的家庭也有三四个人。家乡的秋天,正是丰收季节。 稻子熟了,远远望去,像铺了一地的“金子”。玉米熟了,农民伯伯把它们垛在木头架上,像一座金字塔;大豆熟了,农民伯伯把它们晒在场院里,发出耀眼的金光。
像一些散碎的小金子;高粱也熟了,红红的。狗尾巴一样 穗子,正在向人们招手呢!啊!我爱这丰收的秋天。
大地穿上了一件金黄色的毛衣。人们都坐在院子里乘凉,享受秋天带来的好。 啊!我爱这凉爽的秋天。家乡的秋天,是落叶的天下。

家乡的秋天,是快乐的。天空尉蓝尉蓝的,偶尔飞过几只小鸟,农村如此宁静。 人们各做各的去了,我们村的大人们要不去田里种田了,要不去做生意了 。一些良家妇女么,都在一起打毛衣,或凑在一起闲聊。 几乎都有事做。只剩下我们小孩了。
autumn is a very beautiful season.the yellow leaves of the old trees fall down to the ground,just like some lovely butterfly. meanwhile the crops on the farm begin to mature,and give people a deep impression.fall is a beautiful season as well as a harvest period.

标题 Autumn
Autumn usually comes after summer, it is my favorite season. The leaves of trees turn yellow when autumn comes. In the autumn, the sun is not hot any more, every day is cool and windy. I like going out with my friends in autumn. We may go to the park or play football on the playground, sometimes we will go fishing when the whether is good. How cute autumn is! 个人原创 复制粘贴自重好伐
My favourite season is autumn. When autumn comes ,the weather is very cool and there is much wind. Autumn is a harvest season.Farmers are busy getting in crops .They are tired but very happy .
I like autumn.I like playing basketball,football and table tennis. I also like playing tennis.I like playing games with my good friends. I like skipping,too. At weekends , I skip with my best friend. We have a good time. Sometimes I climb the hills with my parents.We take a lot of food with us ,such as hamburgers ,eggs ,bread and so on .We also take a camera.with us .We have a picnic on the hill.We also take many pictures. We feel very happy.
The weather is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere. The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days, as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, "weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.Weather most often results from temperature differences from one place to another. On large scales, temperature differences occur because areas closer to the equator receive more energy per unit area from the Sun than do regions closer to the poles. On local scales, temperature differences can occur because different surfaces (such as oceans, forests, ice sheets, or man-made objects have differing physical characteristics such as reflectivity, roughness, or moisture content.Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences. A hot surface heats the air above it and the air expands, lowering the air pressure. The resulting horizontal pressure gradient accelerates the air from
high to low pressure, creating wind, and Earth's rotation then causes curvature of the flow via the Coriolis effect. The simple systems thus formed can then display emergent behaviour to produce more complex systems and thus other weather phenomena. Large scale examples include the Hadley cell while a smaller scale example would be coastal breezes.The strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream. Most weather systems in the mid-latitudes are caused by instabilities of the jet stream flow (see baroclinity. Weather systems in the tropics are caused by different processes, such as monsoons or organized thunderstorm systems.Because the Earth's axis is tilted relative to its orbital plane, sunlight is incident at different angles at different times of the year. In June the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, so at any given Northern Hemisphere latitude sunlight falls more directly on that spot than in December (see Effect of sun angle on climate. This effect causes seasons. Over thousands to hundreds of thousands of years, changes in Earth's orbital parameters affect the amount and distribution of solar energy received by the Earth and influence long-term climate (see Milankovitch cycles.On Earth, common weather phenomena include such things as wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes and ice storms. Almost all familiar weather phenomena occur in the troposphere (the lower part of the atmosphere. Weather does occur in the stratosphere and can affect weather lower down in the troposphere, but the exact mechanisms are poorly understood.[1]The atmosphere is a chaotic system, so small changes to one part of the system can grow to have large effects on the system as a whole. This makes it difficult to accurately predict weather more than a few days in advance, though weather forecasters are continually working to extend this limit through the scientific study of weather, meteorology. It is theoretically impossible to make useful day-to-day predictions more than about two weeks ahead, imposing an upper limit to potential for improved prediction skill.[1] Chaos theory says that the slightest variation in the motion of the ground can grow with time. This idea is sometimes called the butterfly effect, from the idea that the motions caused by the flapping wings of a butterfly eventually could produce marked changes in the state of the atmosphere. Because of this sensitivity to small changes it will never be possible to make perfect forecasts, although there still is much potential for improvement.The sun and oceans can also affect the weather of land. If the sun heats up ocean waters for a period of time, water can evaporate. Once evaporated into the air, the moisture can spread throughout nearby land, thus making it cooler.

Ah! Autumn is coming. The golden leaves, how beautiful the red maple leaf. In this an invigorating autumn climate season, we progress together, sing together. Let us Study hard, make progress every day. 啊!秋天来了。
让我们好好学习,天天向上。 望采纳。


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