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时间:2018-06-30 12:58:01    下载该word文档
1、 概览 您的主屏幕可能看起来不同,取决于您拥有的机型以及您是否已重新排列了图标。 1.1附件 配件用途 耳机:听音乐、视频及接听电话。使用内建麦克风交谈。短按中央按钮可以接听,长按中央按钮,结束通话。听音乐时,按下此按钮一次来播放或暂停播放歌曲 Dock接口至USB电缆:使用电缆将手机连接至电脑以进行同步和充电。电缆可以与选购的基座配合使用,或者直接插入手机。 USB电源适配器:使用附带的电缆将电源适配器连接到手机,然后将其插入标准电源插座以给手机充电。 SIM卡推出工具:推出 SIM 卡托架。 手机保护套:为了保护手机防止磨损。 1.2按键 有几个简单按钮,使您可以轻松地开启或关掉手机,菜单(返回)按钮 和 音量调节按钮之间的切换 1、 概览 您的主屏幕可能看起来不同,取决于您拥有的机型以及您是否已重新排列了图标。 1.1附件 配件用途 耳机:听音乐、视频及接听电话。使用内建麦克风交谈。短按中央按钮可以接听,长按中央按钮,结束通话。听音乐时,按下此按钮一次来播放或暂停播放歌曲 Dock接口至USB电缆:使用电缆将手机连接至电脑以进行同步和充电。电缆可以与选购的基座配合使用,或者直接插入手机。 USB电源适配器:使用附带的电缆将电源适配器连接到手机,然后将其插入标准电源插座以给手机充电。 SIM卡推出工具:推出 SIM 卡托架。 1.2按键 有几个简单按钮, Power键:使您可以轻松地开启或关掉手机。 主屏幕按钮:可以让您随时退回到主屏幕界面。 侧键:切换键,可以在菜单(返回)按钮 和 音量调节按钮之间切换 如果您当前没有使用手机,则可以锁定它以关闭显示屏,从而节省电池电量。 如果已锁定手机,则触摸屏幕不起任何作用。手机仍可以接听电话,接收短信以及接收其他更新。您也可以听音乐并调整音量,以及使用耳机上的中央按钮(或 Bluetooth 耳机上的等效按钮)来播放或暂停播放歌曲,或者接听或结束通话。 默认情况下,如果您不触摸屏幕的时间达到一分钟,则手机会锁定。 锁定 按下“Power键”按钮。 解锁 按下主屏幕按钮键或Power键点亮屏幕后拖移滑块实现解锁。 关机 按住Power键按钮几秒钟,直至出现手机选项-关机,选择关机,手机会关闭应用程序进入到关机状态。开机长按住“Power”按钮几秒,直至出现开机标志。 主屏幕按钮 随时按下主屏幕按钮以返回到主屏幕,该屏幕包含您的手机应用程序。轻按任一应用程序图标,即可开始使用。若要查看您最近使用的应用程序,请长按主屏幕按钮 。请参阅 “打开和切换应 用程序”。 当切换按钮上拨时,+ 按钮为菜单按钮,- 按钮为返回按钮;当切换按钮下拨时,+按钮为音量调高按钮,-按钮为音量调低按钮。 1.3状态图标 屏幕顶部状态栏中的图标提供有关手机的信息: 状态图标含义 信号显示 显示您是否处于网络覆盖范围以及是否可以拨打或接听电话。信号格数越多,信号越强。如果没有信号,则信号格会被替换为“无服务”。 GPRS显示可以使用运营商的 GPRS 网络,并且手机可以通过 GPRS 网络接入互联网。 WI-FI 显示手机已通过 Wi-Fi 网络接入互联网。信号格数越多,则信号越强。 锁屏 显示手机已锁定。请参阅开机按键的说明。 闹钟 显示设置了闹钟。请参阅 “闹钟”设置。 蓝牙 白色图标:蓝牙已打开,并且耳机或车载套件这类设备 已连接。无图标:蓝牙已关闭。请参考设置中WIFI设置项 电池 显示电池电量或充电状态。 2、 使用入门 2.1安装SIM卡 如果SIM卡未预先安装,则必须安装它,然后才能使用手机。 安装 SIM 卡: 2.1.1将回形针的一端或 SIM 卡推出工具插入 SIM 卡托架上的孔中,用力按并一直往下推,直至托架弹出。 2.1.2拉出 SIM 卡托架并将 SIM 卡放入托架中。 2.1.3使 SIM 卡与托架平行,将 SIM 卡置于顶部(如图所示),小心地装回托架。 2.2 USB使用 在开机状态下连接USB,拉下通知栏,选择USB 连接,之后选择打开USB 存储设备,此时您就可以操作电脑进行手机与电脑之间的数据传输了;同时与电脑USB连接后还可以为手机充电。 3、 基本功能 3.1使用应用程序 高分辨率屏幕和简单的手指手势使得使用手机应用程序很容易。 打开和切换应用程序 若要在手机上打开应用程序,请在主屏幕上轻按其图标。 返回到主屏幕:将切换按钮向上扳动,按侧键的“-”按钮 。 切换到其他主屏幕:快速向左或向右滑动手指,或者在一行圆点的左右轻按。 前往第一个主屏幕:按下主屏幕按钮 。 查看最近使用的应用程序:长按主屏幕按钮。屏幕底部会显示四个最近使用的应用程序。快速向左滑动手指以查看更多应用程序。 拖移手指来滚动不会选取或激活屏幕上的任何内容。 快速滑动手指来迅速滚动屏幕。 在具备索引的列表中查找电话本:轻按字母,跳转到以该字母开头的内容。沿索引拖移手指来快速滚动列表。 选取联系人:轻按列表中的联系人。显示某人的联络信息供您呼叫该联系人。 放大或缩小 查看照片、地图时,您可以进行放大或缩小。将您的手指合拢或张开来进行放大和缩小。查看照片时,连按两 次(快速轻按两次)以放大,再次连 按两次以缩小。查看地图时,连按两次以放大,用两个手指轻按一次以缩小。 以纵向或横向模式查看 许多应用程序都可让您以纵向或横向模式观看屏幕。转动手机,显示屏也会转动显示内容,并自动调整以适合新屏幕方向。 以下应用程序都支持纵向和横向模式: UCWEB 音乐播放器 照片 3.2自定主屏幕 您可以自定主屏幕上的图标的布局,包括屏幕底部的 Dock 图标。如果您愿意的话,可以将它们排列在多个主屏幕上。您也可以整理应用程序,方式是将它们收集在文件夹中。 重新排列图标 您可以按所需的任何顺序排列主屏幕上的图标。 重新排列图标: 3.2.1 触摸主屏幕图标上的任一图标并按住不放,直至它开始晃动。 3.2.2通过拖移图标来进行排列。 3.2.3 按下主屏幕按钮 以存储排列。 将图标移到另一个屏幕:在排列图标时,将图标拖到屏幕的那一侧。 用文件夹进行整理 文件夹可让您整理主屏幕上的图标。您最多可以将 12 个图标放入一个文件夹中。当您创建文件夹时,手机会自动根据您用来创建该文件夹的初始图标,给该文件夹命名,不过,您随时都可以根据需要更改名称。类似于单个图标,文件夹可以重新排列,方法是在主屏幕上四处拖移它们。文件夹可以移到新的主屏幕或移到 Dock。 创建文件夹:触摸一个图标并按住不放,直至主屏幕图标开始晃动,然后将该图标拖到另一个图标。 手机会创建新的文件夹,包括两个图标,并显示该文件夹的名称。您可以轻按名称栏,并使用键盘输入不同的名称。 添加墙纸 您可以将某个图像或照片设定为屏幕的墙纸。您可以选取手机附带的图像、来自“相机胶卷”的照片或从电脑同步到手机的照片。 设定墙纸: 1.在第一屏,或屏幕空白处,长按会出现 选择壁纸来源菜单 ,选择其中一种。 2.轻按“确定”,屏幕显示所选中的壁纸。 3键入 任何时候,只要您需要键入,屏幕键盘就会出现。 输入文本 1、 轻按文本栏(如备忘录或写信息)以调出键盘。 2、 轻按键盘上的键。刚开始时,可以仅用食指键入。使用熟练后,可用两个拇指以更快地键入。 键入时,字母会出现在您的拇指或其他手指的上方。如果您触摸到错误的键,您可以将手指滑动到正确的键。只有在手指离开键后,字母才会被输入。 删除上一个字符,轻按删除按钮 。 切换输入法 轻按切换按钮 ,切换其他输入法 显示数字、标点及符号 请按数字键 ,轻按符号键 以查看更多标点符号。 键入不在键盘上的字母或符号触摸相关字 母或符号并按住不放,然后滑动以选取变体。 编辑—剪切、拷贝和粘贴 触摸屏可让您轻松地更改您所输入的文本。屏幕放大镜可帮助您将插入点精确地放置到期望位置。所选文本上的抓取点可让您快速地选择更多或更少的文本。您也可以在应用程序内或在多个应用程序之间剪切、拷贝和粘贴文本。 放置插入点:触摸屏幕并按住不放以调出放大镜,然后拖移以定位插入点。 输入法 可选输入法有拼音、手写、英文大写、英文小写以及数字。 并非在任何情况下都可以使用全部输入法。请时常检查屏幕上的指示符号,以确定当前使用的输入法。 输入文字时,要在可用的输入法之间切换,请反复按指示符号,直到屏幕上显示所需输入法的指示符号。 拼音输入法 拼音字母已经全部显示出来。您只需按一下所需要的拼音字母。手机就会提供合理的拼音字母组合。 使用拼音输入法输入汉字: 1、您只需按一下所需要的拼音字母即可输入该拼音字母(字母“ü”在屏幕上对应于“v”)。 2、滚动至所需汉字,然后点选即可。 手写输入法 该手机支持手写输入法, 手写输入是一种非常人性化的输入方式,手写功能给人们带来的方便已经得到了大家的认可。本手机支持手写文字的输入法,您只需长按输入框,选择输入法,切换到QQ 输入法,再次点击输入框,调出输入法,按输入法左下方的切换钮,切换到手写输入法 数字输入法 在此输入法状态下按数字键输入对应的数字。 符号输入法 点选图中所示符号位置,可切换至符号输入法,点选需要的符号即可选择需要的符号。 3.4搜索 您可以在手机上搜索应用程序,如iPod、iReader 等。 前往“搜索”:在首要主屏幕上,从左到右快速滑动手指。从“搜索”屏幕,按下主屏幕按钮 ,以返回到首要主屏幕页面。 搜索手机资料:在屏幕上找到搜索应用。点击搜索框前面的蓝色图标,弹出一个选取框,在该选取框中,可以选取搜索类型。 3.5重新启动和复位手机 如果某些功能不能正常工作,请尝试重新启动手机,强制退出应用程序,或者复位手机。 重新启动手机:按住“开/关”按钮直至出现红色滑块。将手指滑过滑块以关掉 手机。若要再次开启手机,请按住“开/关”按钮直至出现开机标志。 如果您不能关闭手机,或者问题仍然存在,您可能需要复位手机。 强制退出应用程序:按住手机顶部的“开/关”按钮几秒钟,直至应用程序退出。 复位手机:手机耳机孔内有复位按键,在出现死机手机功能无法使用时,使用此按键,具体位置请查 看第一节“概览”。 4、 电话 4.1拨打电话 1、输入电话号码(固定电话号码前可能需加区号),然后按 通话键。 2、按通话记录可拨打最近拨打过的电话号码列表中的电话。 3、使用联系人姓名或电话号码拨打电话。请参见“联系人”。 要拨打国际长途电话,请长按“0”输入国际长途码(“+”字符代表国际拨出代码),然后输入国家或地区代码、区号(请根据需要输入,且区号前无需加“0”) 和电话号码。 4.2接听或拒绝接听来电 要接听来电,请点击屏幕中的接听。要结束通话,请点击屏幕中的结束通话。 要拒绝接听来电,请点击屏幕中的挂断或按开关机键拒接来电 。 在接通电话后,选择静音,对方将不能听到您的声音。 4.3拨打过程 要在通话过程中增大或减小音量,请按向上或向下侧键,在通话过程中选择静音、显示键盘、小键盘、免提听筒、添加、通话保持、联系人需拖动屏幕下方的滚球到需要操作的区域,便可进入。 1、静音 通话中请按“静音”您仍然可以听到对方说话,而对方听不到您说话。 2、拨号键盘 您可以 使用小键盘输入信息,不使用键盘仍要继续通话点击隐藏键盘,可以回到拨打界面;如果您使用完小键盘需要挂断电话,直接点击“结束通话”就可以了 3、免提 轻按免提,通话处于外放状态 4、增加通话 在通话过程中,如果您需要和第三方联系人通话,可以轻按“增加通话” 6、联系人 轻按“联系人”,您可以查到你需要的电话号码,并进行增加通话或发送短信 7、背景通话 通话过程中,使用 会退回到主界面进行其他操作,返回通话界面请轻点绿色背景状态栏 4.4呼叫等待 如果选择主界面→设置→通话设置→GSM通话设置→其他设置→开启来电等待,则当您在通话中接到新的来电时,网络会通知您(网络服务)。 要在当前通话中接听等待的呼叫,请按通话键。第一个通话会被保留。 4.5通话记录 请参看第五节 通话记录 4.6联系人 请参看第七节 通讯录 4.7语音信箱 语音信箱是一项网络服务,您可能需要先申请开通该项服务。有关更多信息及语音信箱号码,请向您的服务供应商咨询。 编辑:可编辑、删除您的语音信箱号码,按确认可储存该号码。 连接至语音:可拨打您在语音信箱号码功能表中储存的语音信箱号码。如果您有两个手机号码,则每个号码均可以有各自的语音信箱号码。 4.8个人收藏 个人收藏可让您快速访问最常见的电话号码。 将联系人添加到个人收藏列表:轻点 进入通讯录列表,选择联系人,即可保存至个人收藏列表。 编辑个人收藏列表:请按左上角 ,然后轻按联系人或号码旁边的 并轻按“删除”。 5、通话记录 通话记录 本手机可以记录未接 电话、已接电话和已拨电话的电话号码。手机如果在开机状态且位于网络服务区内时,在网络支持情况下,它才能记录未接电话和已接电话。 在未接电话、已接电话和已拨电话功能列表下,您可以查看通话的时期和时间、编辑或删除列表中的电话号码、将号码保存至电话簿。 1、未接:联系人显示为红色,可查看最近您未接听的电话号码的列表(网络服务)。 2、已拨:联系人显示为黑色,可查看最近您已拨出或试拨过的电话号码的列表。 3、已接:联系人显示为蓝色,可查看最近您已接听来电的电话号码的列表(网络服务)。 4、清除:您可以选择删除最近通话记录中的未接电话、已接电话、已拨电话列表中的号码。 5、点击联系人号码会直接拨打此号码,选择号码右侧 ,可查看此号码信息 6、消息 6.1编写发送消息 6.1.1、选择主界面→短信→点触右上角的撰写按钮。 6.1.2在文字栏中编写您的信息。 6.1.3可选择多方发送,当选择多方发送时候,可在发送号码中输入电话号码,也可从联系人中提取电话号码。 6.1.4在编辑界面,按“+”按钮(菜单按钮),选择添加主题,附加 后,该条信息,自动转变为彩信 ,彩信附件,可以通过点触输入框 左边的小图标,进行添加不同种类的附件。 6.2阅读和回复信息 6.2.1、手机默认短信聊天模式,进入短信聊天模式后,手机的短信存储状态为手机 。手机的所有信息、联系人和时间进行分类,联系人分类中,选择其中一位联系人,就可以看到所接收到的这个联系人的所有短信。 6.2.2、要查看收到的信息,选择短信直接点选。 查看消息界面可以通过长按内容弹出的功能选择框,拨打此消息联系人的电话,或者保存此消息的联系号码到电话本。 6.2.3、要回复信息,请直接点选“发送”,进入编写信息界面,编写回复信息。 7、通讯录 本手机具有使用名片夹式电话簿,存入手机上的每个联系人的信息可以含有多个电话类型(手机、住宅、单位、单位传真等),邮箱类型(家用邮箱、单位邮箱等),公司名称,网站,即时消息(Windows Live、QQ、AIM等),通讯地址 选项内容说明: 7.1、搜索:在“通讯录”中,点选通讯录列表顶部的搜索栏,在光标指定的位置输入拼音首字母或英文首字母,即可在众多的号码中定位到第一个满足条件的记录上,如查找“张”姓,在输入区输入“zha”字母即可迅速找到。 或者选择 点击屏幕右侧的字母条,点选要查找联系人的拼音或者英语首字母,姓名首字母为此字母的联系人会立即出现。 7.2、新建联系人:在通讯录列表顶部右侧选择“+”或者选 项中的“新建联系人”选项,就可以进入新联系人编辑界面,可以添加姓名、号码和其他信息;也可以给联系人添加照片。 7.3、显示选项:可以根据需要选择:仅显示有电话号码的联系人。 7.4、账户:可以设置账户与同步设置,可以添加账户,同步账户上的联系人信息 7.5、导入/导出联系人:可以从SIM卡/SD卡导入需要的联系人信息;也可以分享可见的联系人。 8、365日历 此处可查阅详细的日历情况,并可查阅过往及未来的日期状况。 并且您可以添加查看过往和未来的日历事件。 添加事件:点击进入日程,选择标题右侧的“+”,新建日程,选择日历日期,并输入事件信息,然后请按“保存”。可以选择全天的日程或者具体时间的日程。 账户信息:在“更多”设置中,可以选择用365日历账户或google账户登录,可以与网站及电脑版客户端同步,是数据不丢失。 提醒设置:在“更多”设置中,可以设置日历的提醒铃声 9、天气 1、主界面->天气,进入添加城市界面,选择城市也可选择自动定位 2、确定后,自动更新城市天气,滑动屏幕可以添加其他城市天气情况 注意:再使用此功能时,请确保手机日期的正确及网络连接正常 10、时钟 闹钟 进入工具文件夹,选择时钟 点击闹钟图标:可以添加新闹钟或者查看设置的闹钟 闹钟时间设定: 选择闹铃的时间,可以选择“+、-”来调整时间或者点击数字手写时间 闹钟重复设定: 设定在星期一到星期天的7天中具体哪一天响应 闹钟开关设定: 闹钟开启或关闭 闹钟铃声设定: 可以选择闹钟闹时的提示铃声 闹钟的提示方式 可以选择闹时是否有振动提示 闹钟的标签设定 可以在标签上书写具体的内容 在闹钟界面可以进行幻灯片的播放,闹钟主界面,点击幻灯片图片,播放幻灯片 在闹钟界面可以进入音乐界面,闹钟主界面,点击音乐图片,进入音乐应用 返回到主界面,闹钟主界面,点击主菜单图片,返回到主界面 11、备忘录 备忘录按上次修改日期的顺序列出,最近修改的备忘录在顶部。在列表中,您可以看到每条备忘录的前几个字。 添加备忘录:轻按“+”,然后键入备忘录并轻按“完成”。 阅读备忘录:轻按备忘录。轻按“→”或“←” 以查看下一条备忘录或上一条备忘录。 编辑备忘录:轻按备忘录的任何位置以调出键盘。 发送备忘录:请按备忘录,然后 请按“信封”图标,会以邮件的方式发出。 删除备忘录:轻按备忘录,然后轻按“垃圾桶”即可实现删除功能 。 12、邮件 在您正常使用电子邮件前,请注册电子邮箱帐户;并设置手机邮箱账户,点击电子邮箱账 户选项,新建帐号,根据提示将您的邮箱添加到手机。 发送并接收:可以定时接收,对方发给您的电子邮件 编辑电子邮件:编写邮件,填写收件人、抄送、密送、主题、附件、内容等 收件箱:接收的电子邮件存放的位置 发件箱:准备发送的邮件存放的位置 已发邮件:已经成功发送的邮件存放的位置 草稿:未完成或者保存的编写邮件存放位置 清空邮箱:选择此项可将手机中的收件箱、发件箱等邮件删除 删除已标记电子邮箱:可选择性删除邮箱中的邮件 模板:已经编辑好的邮件模板,可供您使用 13、设置 13.1无线和网络 飞行模式 飞行模式,当打开“飞行模式”时,停用所有的无线连接。若要拨打电话,您必须先切换至其他正常网络以启动电话功能。 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi设置决定了手机是否使用本地WiFi网络来连接Internet。由于WiFi使用的是无线局域网,所以只要此网络覆盖地点都可以连接。在某些地点,使用WiFi网络可能收到限制,请向当地有关部门咨询。 选择Wi-Fi,点击打开Wi-Fi 其他,接入点设置,可添加不同接入点 搜索网络,进入搜索网络后会自动搜索周边网络,搜索到后连接网络,就可以使用Wifi进行上网和收发邮件。 一旦您加入了某个网络,只要您的手机处于该网络范围内,他都会自动连接。 当手机加入到某个局域网后,屏幕顶部状态栏中的图标会提示信号强度,格数越多,信号越强。 蓝牙 打开蓝牙 设置名称:可以更改设备名称 可检测性:只有将蓝牙设备可检测性开启后,设备才能被其他人搜索到 扫描查找设备:点击扫描可以搜索到一定范围内的蓝牙设备,可以和搜索到的其他的蓝牙设备匹配 绑定与便携式热点:将您手机的移动数据连接通过USB或作为便携式Wifi热点分享 虚拟专用网设置:设置和管理虚拟专用网 移动网络:已启用数据,启用移动网络的数据访问功能 数据漫游: 漫游时连接到数据服务 网络模式:可以选择网络模式:GSM/WCDMA 自动选择;仅WCDMA;仅 GSM;首选WCDMA、GSM/UMTS 接入点名称 APN:插入相应的测试卡会自动选择不同的APN 新建APN:按menu键可以新建APN,根据不同的网络运营商设置不同的参数值,可咨询当地网络运营商 仅使用2G网络 省电 网络运营商 搜索网络:搜索所有可用网络 自动选择:自动选择首选网络 13.2、通话设置 固定拨号 启用固定拨号,可以添加固定拨号号码 语音信箱 语音信箱设置:可以添加语音信箱号码,具体可以咨询当地网络运营商 其他通话设置 GSM/UMTS通话设置 来电转接:可以选择始终转接、占线时转接、无人接听时转接、无 人接听时转接;可以根据需要转接到不同的手机号码上 其他设置 来电等待:开启来电等待功能;在通话的过程中其他来电可以接入。 13.3、声音 静音模式:除媒体和闹钟以外,所有声音均设为静音。 振动:仅在静音模式下来电振动。 来电:可选择手机的来电铃声。 通知铃声:可以选择通知的提示铃声。 反馈:按键操作音、选择操作音、屏幕锁定提示音、触感的音效。 13.4、显示 亮度:可对LCD背光亮度和LCD背光时长进行设置。 自动旋转屏幕:开启后,部分应用,当横屏握手机时,应用可以横屏显示。 动画:可以在无动画、部分动画、所有动画之间进行选择设置。 屏幕超时:调整屏幕自动锁定前的延迟:可以选择15秒、30秒、1分钟、2分钟、10分钟、30分钟. 13.5、位置和安全设置 我的位置 使用无线网络:使用无线网络在应用程序中查看位置。 屏幕解锁 设置屏幕锁定:可以使用图案、PIN或密码锁定屏幕。 SIM/RUIM 卡锁定 输入正确的PIN1码,开启密码后,需要输入PIN才可以使用电话;可以咨询当地运营商咨询密码,PIN1码只有3次输入机会,输入错误时,手机会被锁定。 密码: 可以开启输入时密码可见。 13.6、应用程序 未知来源:开启后将允许安装非电子市场提供的应用程序。 管理应用程序:可以管理和删除安装的应用程序 正在运行的服务:查看和控制当前正在运行的服务 开发:设置应用开发选项 13.6、账户与同步 常规同步设置 背景数据:应用程序随时可以同步、发送和接收数据 自动同步:应用程序自动同步数据 管理账户 添加账户:可以添加公司、Google账户,按照手机提示进行添加。 13.7、隐私权 备份和还原:备份我的设置和其他应用程序数据。 个人数据 恢复出厂设置:将清除手机上的所有数据。 13.8、SD卡和手机内存 以查看SD卡和手机的总容量和可用空间,也可卸载和格式化SD卡 13.9、搜索 网络搜索:设置google搜索项 电话:选择可搜索的项,在手机上可以搜索到相应的内容 13.10、语言和键盘 可以设置中文和英文;并可以对QQ输入法、百度输入法、用户词典进行设置。 13.11、语音输入与输出 语音输入:可以设置语音识别程序设置 13.12、辅助功能 可以通过电子市场、掌上应用汇下载相应的功能 13.13、日期和时间 自动:使用网络提供的 时间 设置日期:可以手动设置当前的日期 选择时区:可以选择不同的时区 设置时间:可以手动设置当前的时间 使用24小时格式:可以选择使用24小时格式或者12小时制格式 选择日期格式:根据需要选择不同的日期格式 13.14关于手机 状态消 息:显示该手机的电池状态、电池电量、本机号码、网络、信号强度、手机网络类型、服务状态、漫游、移动网络状态、IMEI号、IMEI SV、WI-FI MAC 地址、蓝牙地址、开机时间。 电量使用情况:可以查看目前手机的电量使用情况 法律信息:显示手机的型号、android版本、基带版本、内核版本、和版本号的相关信息 相册选项说明 14、相机 拍摄图像 选择主界面→相机。拍摄照片,可直接继续点击拍摄,手机会将拍摄的照片储存在图库中。通过此功能,您可以使用手机的内置照相机拍摄相片。照相机的镜头位于手机的背面,并以手机屏幕作为取景窗口。照相机生成的相片均为JPG格式。如下载到电脑内,请使用适当的软件查看! 摄像 滑动 切换到摄像状态,手机可长时间录制,录像生成的视频为3GP格式。 如果手机在存储空间不足以拍摄新相片,您就需要删除一些旧相片或“文件管理器”功能表中的其他文件以释存储空间。 点击 ,以打开或关闭闪光灯 15、计算器 可根据需要点选显示屏中的数字及运算符。 注意:此计算器精确度有限且仅可用于简单的计算。 16、语音备忘录 选择主界面→录音 。 点击屏幕左下方的图标,可以开始/停止 录音。 录音停止后,点击屏幕右下方按钮,可以进入到语音备忘录,界面,播放录制的文件。 录音选项说明: 播放 高亮需要播放的录音,之后再点触一下,高亮的录音。 扬声器 播放时,让声音可以从扬声器传出。 删除 删除存储的录音 共享 可通过Gmail,短信等方式发送录音文件 17、IReader 选择主界面→电子书,进入电子书架。 1、可播放文件管理器中存储的电子书。(支持TXT、umd格式) 2、电子书选项说明:按菜单按钮 选项名称 简述 打开 打开本地存放的可以支持的电子书文件。 书库 进入到SD 卡,可以查看到所有可以支持的电子书文件 排列 将书架上的电子书文件进行排列 设置 可根据个人喜好设置字型、字体大小、卷页、自动卷页、卷页速度、全屏幕、编码 关闭 关闭电子书 18、文件管理 选择主界面→ES文件浏览器。 通过此模块对图片、MP3、视频、录音、电子书等文件夹进行管理。 alarms——存放自定义闹钟铃声文件 Notifications——存放自定义通知铃声文件 Ringtones——存放自定义来电铃 声文件 recorder——录音文件夹 Videos——视频文件夹 Photos——相片文件夹 Picture——图片文件夹 My Music——音乐文件夹 Ebook——电子书文件夹 Tools——存放可安装apk文件 注意:为防止给您带来不便,请不要随意删除文件夹及其中资源。为方便您的使用部分文件夹为隐藏 文件夹。 19、音乐 选择主界面→iPod。将打开音乐播放器。 音乐播放器,会自动扫描SD 卡中可以支持的音乐。 表演者:将SD 卡中的音乐文件,按照表演者排列,如点击“陈奕迅”进入到该名歌手所演唱的歌曲,点击选中的歌曲可以进行播放 专辑:将SD 卡中的音乐文件,按照专辑排列,把相同专辑的音乐文件放到一起,点击一个专辑,可以列出该专辑的所有歌曲,点击选中的歌曲可以进行播放 歌曲:将SD 卡中的音乐文件,按照歌曲名称排列,点击歌曲名称,进行播放 播放列表:可以添加播放列表,将指定音乐文件,添加到新建的播放列表 视频:可以将SD 卡中,可以支持的文件,进行排列,点击,可以进行播放 20、图库 选择主界面→图库 图库可以将SD 卡中的图片和视频文件,按照不同的文件夹,堆叠显示 图片的放大缩小: 点击一个图片的文件夹,文件夹中的图片文件,预览,选择其中的一个图片文件,可以通过两指拨动图片进行放大,缩小,也可以点触零下图片放大,在点触两下恢复到原尺寸大小 图片的分享:在预览图片时,点触图片,点触菜单→分享 ,可以通过短信,蓝牙,Gmail将这张图片进行分享 图片的删除:在预览图片时,点触图片,点触菜单→删除,可以将该图片进行删除。 幻灯片预览:在预览图片时,点触幻灯片预览 ,将把图库中的图片,以幻灯片的形式进行预览。 图片的全选:点击一个图片文件夹,按菜单按钮,选择屏幕上的全选,或者选定指定的多张图片,可以将选中的多个图片进行,分享 ,删除等操作 21、FM收音机 在进入FM收音机之前,请确认耳机已经插入,否则将无法进入FM应用 搜索频道:点击搜索按钮,会自动进行频道搜索,当搜索到一个频道后会自动停止搜索。 微调频道:当搜索到一个频道时点击搜索旁边的微调按钮,可以进行频道的微调操作。 收藏频道:长触收藏区域,您可以将当前的FM频道添加到收藏区域中,方便下次使用。 扬声器播放:收音机播放时候点击右上方的耳机按钮,收音机声音转换到扬声器播放 后台播放:播放收音机时按HOME键后会退出收音机界面。收音机进入后台播放状态 22、Safari 本手机支持无线局域网(WIFI)、WAP服务、以及SIM卡供应商的 支持网络服务。使用前您应确保您需要的网络服务功能已经申请开通成功。 网际网络服务 首页:登陆主页。主页是您在启动的连接设置中所设定的WAP 站点。如果您没有进行设置,将使用厂商预先设定的站点。 书签:打开书签列表;选择书签可进行浏览、新建、编辑、设置主页或删除该书签等。 网络历史 记录,该项记录您之前上网所浏览过的网址。 已存网页:您通过存储的网页 请输入网址:您可以输入任意一个WAP 站点。 设置:进行上网浏览的设定,如果您处在无线局域网中,修改设置档选择WIFI。如果您使用GPRS网络,在设置档中选择您的网络运营商。 注:GPRS服务需要网络支持,必须开通后且处于GPRS网络覆盖区域时,才能使用GPRS服务。 如果使用WIFI 参考设置中WIFI设置 23、其他 23.1、APK应用 此手机支持安装APK应用,并提供一部分APK程序 供您使用。例如:MSN、金山词霸、Office、和一些小游戏等,都是 实用方便的工具。您也可以在手机上下载和安装APK程序。 具体操作有: 1、手机与电脑连接,将APK程序放入SDcard中的Tools文件夹中 2、打开APK应用选择安装即可进行程序的安装。 注:您也可以通过电子市场、掌上应用汇等下载您所需要的APK 应用,下载后可自动进行安装。 23.2、地图 搜索地图:可以搜索到您要找的地点 关键字查询:可以通过关键字查询当前城市您要找的地点 本地收藏:将您需要的站点收藏在我的收藏中,可快速浏览此地点 地图浏览:点击后可查看当前城市的地图 公交换乘:可以查询您所在地点到您需要去的地点的公交路线 图层设置:您可以设置不同的图层效果。 23.3、指南针 指南针,可以让您在陌生的地方正确的知道方向。 按侧上键调出菜单,可进行以下操作 校准:拿着手机画8字的形状,画2次。再把手机的屏幕面对你自己画8字,2次。这样就可以校正指南针了。然后点“关闭”。准完成后,可以正常使用指南针。 背景图:可以设置指南针的不同背景图。 样式:可以设置不同的指南针样式。 关于:可以查看指南针的相关信息。 注意:使用指南针功能时,请将手机水平放置。 23.4、QQ 本手机中的QQ支持使用WIFI与GPRS联网。当输入QQ号码及密码即可登录使用。 23.5、手电筒 本手机中预置手电筒的应用,当开启手电筒按钮后,手机可以做为一个小型的手电筒使用。 24、掌上应用汇\电子市场 掌上应用汇\电子市场,汇集了很多好用、好玩的工具可以提供您海量下载。 搜索功能:输入要搜索的内容可搜索到相关的信息,便于您更好的查 找和下载。 1 Phone preview Assemble SIM card When you register as a subscriber with a network operator, you get a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. With SIM card you can use all functions of the phone. The SIM card keeps parameters used for communications and your personal data including PIN (Personal Identity Number), phonebook, SMS and other system service. Warning: Do not bend or scratch SIM card; do not expose SIM c ard to static electricity, dust or water; please contact the network operator for help if SIM is lost. Turn off your phone before inserting SIM card. Please install SIM card as illustrated in pictures below: Warning: SIM is tiny; please keep it out of children’s reaching otherwise, small children may swallow it! 1.1 Phone Included Accessories stereo earphone: Listening to music, watching videos and receiving call. To speak using built-in microphone. Short press the central button to answer a call and long press it to end a call,, when listening music, press this button once to play or pause songs. USB data cable: Use USB data cable to connect mobile phones and a computer for transferring data and charging USB Power Adapter: USB data cable will use USB power adapter link to mobile phones, and then plug it in to a power outlet to charge mobile phone SIM Card Tools: fetch the SIM card Mobile phone holster For the protection of mobile phones, to avoid wear and tear Assemble battery Use only original batteries and fittings intended for use with your phone. Suggest placing your battery in protection box when it is not used. A new battery may achieve its best performance after continuous full discharge for several times. Charge your battery in time since over-discharge will damage your battery. When battery is charged full, cut down power supply first, and then remove the charger. It is normal that battery heats during charging. Battery usages Battery performance may be affected by many factors such as wireless network configuration, signal strength, operating temperature; functions or settings, phone components, voice and data transmissions or other application modes. To enable best battery performance, please abide by following rules: A new battery or one that has not been used for a long time shall be fully charged; The battery should be charged in temperature close to room temperature; It’s normal for the battery that has been used for long time to take longer time to be charged full. When the talk-time or standby time is noticeably shorter, it’s time to replace your battery. We recommend that you use only batteries approved by our company. Poor quality components will be harmful to your phone and dangerous! When the battery is empty or has not been used for a long time, it may take some time before the battery icon appears on the screen after being connected to charger. Note: take care of environm ent and your safety and do not dispose randomly! Warning: any short circuit may lead to explosion, fire or personal injury! 1.2 Button Phone has a few simple buttons, Scree home key:Can make you keep returned to the main screen interface. Side key:the switch key ,can switch between the menu key(back key) and volume key. Power button:When you press and hold this button you can power off or power on the phone;when your phone is opened,press this button to snooze or awake the display screen. If you cur rently do not use the phone, you can lock it to turn off the display screen to save battery power. If the phone is locked, the touch screen has no effect. Phone can still receive calls, receive text messages and receive other updates. You can also listen to music and adjust the volume, and use the center button on the headset (or the equivalent button on the Bluetooth headset) to play or pause a song, or answer or end a call By default, if you do not touch the screen for one minute, the phone will lock. Lock Press the Power button Unlock Press the Home button or Power button, then drag the slider Switch off Press the Power button for a few seconds, until the phone options –Power off, select power off, the phone will close the applications into shutdown. Switch on Press the Power button until the power on logo Home button Press the Home button at any time to return to the main screen, the screen contains your phone applications. Tap any application icon to get started. To view your recently used applications, please long press the Home button. Please refer to the "Open and switch application". Switch button When the Switch button is up, the + button is the menu button, the - button is the back button; when the Switch button is down, the + button is the increase volume button, the - button is the decrease volume button. 1.3 Status icon Top of the screen icon in the status bar provides information about the phone: Status icon Meaning Signal display Show you are in network coverage and whether you can make or receive calls. The more the number of signal format, the stronger the signal. If there is no signal, the signal format will be replaced with "no service ". GPRS Note you can use the operator's GPRS network, and access the Internet through the GPRS network. WI-FI Show phone has access the Internet through WI-FI. The more the number of signal format, the stronger the signal. LOCK Display your phone is locked. See page 2, Power button Alarm Display settings of the alarm. Please refer to page 18 "Alarm" Bluetooth White icon: Bluetooth is turned on, and the headset or car kit such equipment is connected. No icon: Bluetooth is turned off. See settings。 Battery Shows the battery or charging status. See settings。 1.4 Switch on and off the phone Don’t switch on the phone in some forbidden area. You can switch on and off the phone by pressing the power button. You can lock the screen by touch the button lightly. If the phone request for input the PIN, please input the right PIN (It may displayed as **** after input), then choose the “OK”. When the first time you switch on the phone and it is on the standby mode, it would request you whether get the network service from the ISP. Please affirm or refuse. Volume turnner You can set the volume by the side button while you are talking, listening the music or other multimedia. And this button also control the volume of ring tone, alarm and other voice. Antenna There is a internal antenna in the phone. Don’t touch the antenna area when it transmit or receive the signal if necessary. It could infect the talking and may cause the phone working under more power request state by touching the antenna. USB While the phone is turn off, it could work as a flash memory. When the phone connected with the computer via the data cable, the computer will display two mobile disks(The first one is the phone’s memory, the last one is the external T-FLASH memory). Choose any one of the disk, then you can exchange the data. At the same time connect with computer, the USB is charging the phone. Swing for shift the music You can shift the music by swing the phone while the audio player interface. Clockwise swing will shift to last song, anticlockwise swing will shift to next song. Direction select The pictures or video files displayed by the phone could circumgyrate as phone transverse or vertical circumgyrate. Touch screen Press any icon lightly to access the program: You can drag it up or down to scroll the screen. And in some program you also can drag it left or right. Rapid sliding fingers can quickly scroll the list menus, and will not select or activate any of the content.: You can blowup or deflate the pictures by puff or fold your two fingers on the screen. Standby mode When the phone is ready, and you didn’t input any words, the phone will switch to the standby mode. 2 Use introduction 2.1 Install SIM card If the SIM card is not pre-installed, you must install it before you can use your phone. Install SIM card: 2.1.1.Insert the one end of the paper clip or the SIM card Launch tool into the hole in the SIM Card tray. And has been pushed down by force until the tray pops out. 2.1.2、 Pull the SIM Card tray and put the SIM Card in it as shown in picture. 2.1.3 Parallel to the SIM card and the tray, SIM card is placed in the top (as shown), carefully replace the tray. 2.2 USB usage Connect the USB under power on state, pull down the notification bar, select USB connection, and then select Open USB storage device, then you can operate a computer for data transfer between phone and computers; the same time you can also charge the phone through USB con nection with the computer. 3 Basic functions 3.1 Use the application High-resolution screen and a simple finger gesture makes use of mobile applications is easy. Open and switch applications To open the application on the phone, please tap the icon on the main screen,. Back to the main screen: push the switch button up, then press the slide button “-”. Switch to other main screen: Quickly slide your finger left or right, or tap the left and right dots in a row. Go to the first main screen: press the Home button. View the most recently used application: long press the Home button. Bottom of the screen displays the four most rec ently used applications. Slide your finger quickly to the left to see more applications. Drag your finger to scroll will not choose or activate anything on the screen Quick Slide your finger to scroll screen quickly. To find the phone book in the list with the index: Tap the letters to jump to the content of that letter. Drag your finger along the index to quickly scroll through the list. Select Contact: Tap the contact list. Show a person's contact information for you to call the contact. Zoom in or out View photos, maps, you can zoom in or out. Close or open your fingers to zoom in and out. View photos, double click (tap twice quickly) to zoom in, double click again to zoom out. View the map, double click to zoom in, tap once with two fingers to zoom out. In portrait or landscape mode to view Many applications allow you to watch the screen in portrait or landscape mode. Turn the phone, the display will rotate the display and automatically adjust to fit the new screen orientation. The following applications support portrait and landscape mode: UCWEB Music player Photos 3.2 Custom home screen You can customize the icons on the main screen layout, including the bottom of the screen's Dock icon. If you prefer, you can arrange them in a number of the main screen. You can also order application, the method is to collect them in the folder. Rearrange the icons You can order any of the required icon on the main screen Rearrange the icons: 3.2.1 Touch any of the icons on the home screen icon and hold until it began to shake. 3.2.2 By dragging the icon to be arranged. 3.2.3 Press the Home button to store the order. Move icons to another screen: Arrange icons, drag the icon to the side of the screen. 3.2.4 Arrange with a folder Folder allows you to organize the icons on the main screen. You can add up to 12 icons into a folder. When you create a folder, the phone will automatically create the folder that you used the original icon to the folder name, but you can always change the name as needed. Similar to the single icon, you can rearrange the folder, the method is drag them around the main screen. Folder can be moved to the main screen or move to the Dock. Create a folder: Touch and hold an icon until the main screen icon start shaking, then drag the icon to another icon. The phone will create new folders, including two icons, and displays the name of the folder. You can tap the name of the column, and use the keypad to enter a different name. 3.2.5 Add wallpaper You can set an image or photograph of the screen wallpaper. You can select the image came with the phone, from the "Camera Roll" photos or photos sync from the computer to the phone. Set wallpaper:, in the first screen, or a blank screen, long press will appears select the wallpaper menu, choose one of them., tap "OK", the screen displays the selected wallpaper. 3.3 Input Whenever you need to type, on-screen keyboard will appear. Enter text: 3.3.1 tap text field (such as memoranda or written information) to bring up the keyboard. 3.3.2 tap the keys on the keyboard. Initially, only the index finger to type. Use of skilled, can be used two thumbs to type faster. Type, the letter will appear in the top of your thumb or finger. If you touch the wrong key, you can slide your finger to the correct key. Only the finger left the key, the letter will be entered. Display numbers, punctuation and symbols: Press the number keys, tap the Symbol key to see more punctuation. Type the letters or symbols not on the keyboard: Touch and hold the related letter or symbol, and then slide to select the variant. Edit - Cut, copy and paste: Touch screen allows you to easily change the text you enter. Screen magnifier to help you precisely place the insertion point to the desired location. Grab points on the selected text allows you to quickly select more or less text. You can also cut, copy and paste text within the application or between multiple applications. Place the insertion point: Touch the screen and hold to bring up the magnifying glass, and then drag to position the insertion point. Input method Choice of input methods are pinyin,handwriting, english uppercase,english lowercase and number. You can’t use all input methods under any circumstances. Please always check the instruction symbols on screen in order to make sure the current input method. When entering text, switch the input method, press the indicator repeatedly until the necessary instructions input symbols is displayed on the screen. Pinyin input Pinyin characters have been shown,. You only need press the pinyin character which you need, the phone will provide a reasonable combination of the pinyin characters. Use Pinyin input method to input Chinese: 1、You only need press the pinyin character which you need to input this pinyin character. (The letter "ü" on the screen corresponds to the "v"). 2、Scroll to the desired character, and then click and select. Handwriting input This touch screen of the phone support the handwriting input. You only need to long press the inp ut box, select the input method, switch to QQ input method, click again the input box, adjusting the input method, press the switch button on the bottom left of the input method to switch to the handwriting input method Number input Press the numbers showed on the screen to get the same numbers. Symbol input Click the symbol position shown, switch to the symbol input method, tap the desired symbol to select the desired symbol. 3.4 Search You can search for applications on the phone, such as the iPod, iReader and so on. Go to "Search": In the first main screen, slide your finger from left to right quickly. From the "Search" screen, press the Home button to return to the first main screen page. Search for mobile phone: Found the search application on the screen. Click a blue icon in front of the search box, pop up a select menu, in this menu, you can select the search type. 3.5 Restart and reset phone If certain features does not work, try to restart the phone, to force quit the application, or reset the phone. Restart the phone: Press the power key until the red slider appears. Your finger across the slider to turn off the phone. To re-open the phone, press and hold the "power key until the power on logo.If you can not turn off the phone, or the problem persists, you may need to reset the phone. Force Quit Applications: hold down the power key on the top of the phone for a few seconds, until the application exits. Reset phone: There has reset key near the phone’s headset hole, in the event of crash phone is not available, use this key. 4.Phone call 4.1 To make calls 4.1.1 Input phone number,then press the “Call”. 4.1.2 Press the “Recent” could access the list of recent call records. 4.1.3 Please refer to the “Contacts” to using the contacts name and phone number. To make international calls, press * for two times then you get the symbol "+"(which will allow you to the local international telephone prefix), then input the country code and Integrated phone number. 4.2 Answer or decline the incoming call. Pick up the call by click the “Answer”; to end the call by click the “Decline”. Decline the incoming call by click the “ Decline or press the power on/off button. Choose the “mute” while you are talking, the other side could not hear you. 4.3 Calling To increase or decrease the volume in the process of calling, press the up or down side key, during a call to choose mute, small keyboard, H-free , add Calls, Hold, contacts need to press the main button, and then click the icon to enter. 4.3.1 Touch "mute": press the "mute" during calling, you can still hear the other speak, and the other side can not hear you speak. 4.3.2 small keyboard: You can use the small keyboard to enter information, you need to click “ hide keyboard” to return dial inte rface; after using a small keyboard, click on the "end call" to hang up . 4.3.3 H-free: Touch the hands-free, calls is in the state of speaker 4.3.4 add Calls: During a call, if you need to contact third-party call, you can click "Add call" 4.3.5 contacts: Click "Contacts", you can find the telephone numbers you need and call or send text messages to increase 4.3.6 Background Call: During the call will be returned to the main interface used for other operations, to return the call screen, tap the green background status bar. 4.4 Call waiting Go to main menu→ Settings →Call settings→ GSM call settings→Additional settings→Open Call waiting, Then the network will inform you if you have a new incoming call while you are talking(Network service). You can click the “Answer” to pick up the waited call while talking, and the first call would be kept. 4.5 Call records Ple ase refer to chapter 5th. Call records 4.6 Contacts Please refer to chapter 7th Contacts 4.7 Voice Mail Sever Voice Mail Services is a Network Support feature and may be billed. Contact your service provider for more details on billing and settings. This will automatically redirect incoming calls to the Voice Mail centre when you cannot accept a call so that the caller can leave a message on the Voice Mail system of service network. Dial the Voice Mail box number to access your Voice Mail. Editor: You can add / edit number in short message box, so the voicemail will be more efficient. Connect to the voice: call the voicemail number you set, listen to voice mail. 4.8 Personal Collection Personal collection allows you to quickly access the most common phone number. Add contacts to your personal favorites list: Tap into the contacts list, select a contact, you can save to your personal favorites list. Edit personal favorites list: Click the upper left corner, then tap a contact or next to number and tap "delete. " 5 Call records Call records The phone could record missed calls, received calls and dialed calls in power on state and do support by the networks. In the list of missed calls, received calls and dialed calls, you can check the date, time of the calls and also can edit, delete the phone number, or save to your phone book. 5.1 Missed call: Contacts shown in red. You could check the list of recent missed calls(Network service). 5.2 Dialed call: Contacts shown in black. You could check the list of recent dialed calls. 5.3 Received call: Contacts shown in blue. You could check the list of recent received calls.(Network service)。 5.4 Delete: You could delete the phone number in the list of recent calls. 5.5 Click on the contact number will dial this number, select the button on the right of a number, you can view the information of the number. 6 Message 6.1 Edit and send the SMS 6.1.1 Main menu →SMS →. Tap the writing button in the upper right corner. 6.1.2 Write you message in the blanks. 6.1.3 You can choose Save and Send, Save, Send To Many. You can input the phone number or get from the Contacts for the Send To Many. 6.1.4 In the editing interface, press the "+ " button (menu button), choose Add Theme, after adding, this message automatically transform into MMS, MMS attachments, you can tap the small icon to the left of the input box, to add different types of Attachments. 6.2 Read and reply SMS 6.2.1 The phone default mode is text chat mode, enter the text chat mode, SMS memory status is phone. All information, contacts, and time is classified, contact categories, select one of the contacts, you can see the received all the messages of this contact 6.2.2 If you want to read the received message, just choose it. In message display interface,long press the content will pop function select menu, you can directly dial the contact's phone, or save the contact numbers to the ph one book. 6.2.3 If you want reply the SMS. Please go to Send .Enter into editor status to edit message. 7 Contacts This phone has business card like phone book. The information of each contact stored in this phone include of : multiple numbers(phone number, family number, company number Fax, etc.), e-mails(domestic mail, company mail, etc.),company name, company name, Web site , Instant messaging (Windows Live, QQ, AIM, etc.), mailing address. Options content introduction: 7.1 Search: This is a short cut method to quickly search for a contact in the phone book. By entering the first character of any name, you can see the full list of names starting with that character. You can either select or type the next character of the name to get the exact entry. Use the keypad to enter the characters. 7.2 Add New Entry: To add a new contact to the contact, you can save the names , numbers and other information in “Phone” memory. 7.3 Display options: you can choose to filter contacts, such as only display contacts with phone numbers. 7.4 Account: You can set the account with the synchronization settings, you can add accounts and synchronize contact information. 7.5 Import / Export Contact: Contact information from the SIM card and SD card can be imported. 8. 365 Calendar You could check detailed date information here.,you also check previous or future dates, You can add and view calendar of past and future task Add Event: Please click “+” button right in the title, and enter the event information, and then click "Save". The day schedule or specific time schedule can be choosed. Account Information: In the "more " setting, you can choose to use 365 or google calendar account and synchronize data with the web site and the PC client. Reminder settings: In the "more " setting, you can set a calendar reminder tone. 9 Weather You can manu ally select a city or automatic positioning. Weather can be automatically updated. Note: before using this fuction, make sure the date is set correctly and the phone connected to the network. 10. Alarm Go to Tools folder, select the Alarm . Alarm icon: Click to add a new alarm clock, or view the existing. Time setting: Time can be adjusted via the "+,-" button or handwriting. AlarmFreq: Set the day of the alarm from Mon to Sun. AlarmOnOff: Alarm on or off. Tone settings: Choose the tone for the alarm. Alert type: Tone or vibration. Tag set: The specific contents can be added for the alarms 11 NotePad Main List: All records Sorted by time, the latest change at the top. In the list, you can see the first few letters of each record. Add: Use “+” button to add new record. Read: Tap the recoder to read ,and use “→”,”←” to select next and previous . Edit: Tap anywhere in the recorder in order to bring up the keyboard. Send: Use envelope option ,you can send it by email. Delete: Tap the recorder, and then tap the "Trash" to delete . 12 Mail Before in normal use your e-mail, please register e-mail account; and set up mobile mail account, click E-mail account option, the new account, according to your e-mail prompt to add to the phone. Send and receive: Receive and send your e-mail Edit E-mail: preparation of mail, fill in the recipient, cc, bcc, subject, attachments Inbox: The storage location of e-mails to receive Outbox: The storage location of e-mails ready to send Sent: the storage location of e-mails which has been successfully sent Drafts: storage location of e-mails witch is not completed or preservation of e-mail Clear mailbox: delete the e-mails in the Inbox, Outbox and other e-mail Delete marked emails: The option to delete the mailbox of the e-mail Templates: Template messages have been edited for your use. 13 Settings 13.1 Wireless & networks 13.1.1 Airplane mode Airplane mode, when you open the " Airplane mode ", disable all wireless connections. To make calls, you must first switch to the other normal network to activate the phone function. 13.1.2 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi settings determine whether the phone use a local Wi-Fi network to connect to the Internet. Wi-Fi uses wireless LAN, so network coverage locations can be connected. In some locations, Wi-Fi networks may receive restrictions, please consult the local authorities. Select Wi-Fi, click to open Wi-Fi The other, the wireless access point settings, you can add different wireless access points Search Wi-Fi, automatically search the surrounding network, connect to the network after the search, you can use Wi-Fi to internet and send and receive E-mail. Once you have joined a network, if your phone is in the scope of the network, your phone will automatically connect. When the phone joins in a local network, the status bar at the top of the screen will be prompted to signal strength, the more number,the stronger signal. 13.1.3 Bluetooth Turn on Bluetooth Device name You can change the device name Discoverable Only when the Bluetooth device make discoverable, the device can be searched by others Scan for devices Clicking the scan can search for Bluetooth devices within range, and the phone can match the searched Bluetooth devices Tethering & portable hotspot Share your phone’s moblie data connection via USB or as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot VPN Settings Set up & manage virtual private networks Mobile Networks Data enabled Enable data access over of mobile networks Data Roaming Connected to data services when roaming Network mode Select the network mode: GSM / WCDMA auto; WCDMA only; GSM only; GSM / WCDMA preferred GSM / UMTS Option Access Point Name APN: insert the test card will automatically select a different APN New APN: touch the menu key to the new APN, according to different network operators to set different parameter values, please consult the local network operators Use only 2G network Save battery Network operators Search networks: Search all available networks select automatically: Automatically select preferred network 13.2 Call settings 13.2.1 Fixed Dialing numbers When open fixed dialing number,you can add new fixed dialing numer. 13.2.2 Voice Mail Service Voice mail settings: Can add voice mail number, specific to consult the local network operators 13.2.3 Other Call settings GSM / UMTS options Call forwarding Can choose to always forward, forward when busy, forward when unanswered, forward when unreachable. Additional settings Call waiting: During a call,notify me of incoming calls. 13.3 Sound settings 13.3.1 Silent mode Silent all sounds except media & alarms Vibrate Open this dialog,you can choose the four options ,include:Always,Never,Only in silent mode and Only when not in silent mode. 13.3.2 Incoming calls You can choose the incoming rings. 13.3.3 Notifications You can choose the notification ringtone. 13.3.4 Feedback Audible touch tones,audible selection,Screen lock sounds,Haptic feedback 13.4 Display Brightness set the brightness of time Auto-rotating screen Turned on, some applications, when the horizontal screen, applications can be cross-screen display Animation Opens a dialog where you can set whether you want to enjoy animated , the options include No animations,some animations and all animations. Screen timeout Adjust the delay before the screen automatically turns off: You can choose 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes 13.5 Location and security 13.5.1 My Location Use the wireless network: See location in applications(such as Map) via wireless networks. 13.5.2 Screen Unlock Set up the screen lock::Lock screen with a pattern ,PIN, or password. 13.5.3 SIM / RUIM card lock Enter the correct PIN1 code, enable password, need to enter the PIN1 before use the telephone, to consult local operator PIN1, PIN1 code only 3 opportunities to enter input, the input error, the phone will be locked. 13.5.4 Passwords Show password as you type 13.6 Applications Unknown Source: Allowed installation of non-market applications Management applications Manage and remove installed applications Running services View and control currently running services Development Set options for application development 13.7 Account & sync 13.7.1 General synchronization settings Background Data: Application can sync, send and receive data any time Auto-sync: Applications sync data automatically 13.7.2 Manage accounts Add Account: You can add the company, Google Account, in accordance with the phone prompts to add it. 13.8 Privacy Back up and Restore: backup my settings and other application data. Personal Data Restore factory settings: remove all data on the phone 13.9 SD card & phone storage To view the total space,available space ,and format SD card 13.10 Search Web: Setting google searc h. Phone: Search for the item, the phone can search the contents of the corresponding 13.11 Language&Keyboard setting Enter in this setting,you can select the Chinese or English language as your phone language;You can set input keyboard such as QQ input and Baidu Input;You also can add new words into dictionary,when the dictionary has some words,you can edit or delete them. 13.12 Voice input and output Voice input: speech recognition programs can be set Settings 13.13 Accessibility Through the electronic market, applications download the corresponding function 13.14 Date & Time Automatic: Use network –provided values Set date: You can manually set the current date Select time Zone: You can select a different time zone Set time: You can manually set the current time Use 24-hour format: You can choose to use 24-hour format or 12 hour format Select date format: According to the need to select a different date format 13.15 About phone Status: Battery status, Battery level, My phone number, Network, signal strength, Mobile network type, Service state, roaming, Mobile network state, IMEI, IMEI SV, WI-FI MAC address, Bluetooth address, Up time. Battery use: To view the current usage of mobile phone battery Legal Information Mobile number: wa845 Android version: 2.2 Baseband version: M76XX-WA845-Vxx Kernel version Build number 14 Camera Taking picture Select Main menu →Camera →the camera icon. Keep press the camera icon for taking another picture. The pictures will store in the Photos. The lens is at the back of the phone and could display the pictures on the screen. The pictures are JPG format. You can download to the computer and check it. If the memory of the phone is not enough to store new picture, you could delete some old pictures or some data in the Files to release the space. Video mode Slide the scroll bar to switch to the video mode , Long time recording is supported . File format is 3GP. To press the thumbnail for the Photos list. 15 Calculator Could select the number and symbol in the screen as request. Note:This calculator is only for some simple calculate. 16 Voice Memos You could record .amr sound files. Select Main menu →Utilities→Voice Memos。 Click the button on bottom left to start and stop recording. click the button on bottom right to enter the record file list Voice Memos option description: Play: play the record file you just recorded Speaker: Switch sound from the speaker and the handset . Delete: delete record file Share: via Messages, e-mail sent 17 iReader Select the main menu →iReader, entering the iReader bookshelf. 17.1 can read the file manager in iReader store. (Supports TXT, umd format) 17.2 iReader options Note: Press the Menu button Option Description Open: to open a local store that can support e-book files. Library: you can view all documents to support the e-book Sort: Sort the files e-books on the shelf arrangement Settings: according to personal preference font, font size, scrolling, auto-scrolling, scrolling speed, full screen, encodes Close:Close book 18 ES file Select the main menu→ ES file. manage MP3, video, audio, e-books folder. alarms - Custom alarm file storage Notifications - Custom ring tone files stored Ringtones - Custom ringtones files stored recorder - recording folder Videos - video folder Photos - Photos folder Picture - Pictures folder My Music - Music folder Ebook - E-book folder Tools - to install apk files stored Note: To prevent any inconvenience to you, please do not arbitrarily delete the folder and the java and other resources. To facilitate the use of some of your folders are hidden folders. 19 iPod Select main menu →iPod. Will open the music player. Music player automatically scans the music SD card can support. Performers: Music files in SD card, arranged by the performers, such as click "Eason" into songs this singer sang, click on the selected songs can be played. Album: Music files in SD card, arranged according to album, put the music files on the same album together, click on an album, you can list all the songs on the album, click on the selected songs can be played. Song: Music files in SD card, arranged by song name, click on song name to play. Play list: You can add a play list, add the specified music files to the new play list. Video: Arrange the files SD card can support, click, then can play. 20 Photos Select main menu →Photos Photos can stacked display pictures and video files in SD card according to different folders, Zoom picture: Click on a picture folder, picture files in the folder preview, select a picture file, slide it by the two fingers to zoom in or zoom out, you can also tap twice the picture to enlarge, then touch twice back to the original size. Photo sharing: During the preview picture, tap the picture, tap Menu→Share, can share this picture via SMS, Bluetooth, Gmail. Photo delete: During the preview picture, tap the picture, tap Menu→Delete, you can delete the picture. Slide Preview: During the preview picture, tap the slide preview, the pictures in gallery will be a slide show preview. Select a picture: Click on a picture folder, press the Menu button, choose Select All on the screen, or select multiple images specified, you can share and delete the selected multiple pictures, 21 FM radio FM radio ,Must to be plug in your headphones into the FM radio interface can listen to FM radio Search Channel: Please click the Search button, it will automatically search for channels, when the search will automatically stop after a channel searched. Fine-tune the channel: When search to a channel please click on the search button next to the fine-tuning, fine-tune the operation of the channel can be. Favorite Channel: Long-touch Favorite Channel, you can add to the current FM channel, convenient to use the next. Speaker Play : when click on the top right of the headset button, switch to the speaker playing the radio Background Play: Touch HOME key to exit the FM radio. Play FM radio into the background 22 Safari Supports wireless LAN (WIFI), WAP services, and SIM card network of support services. You should make sure to apply for SIM card network successful before to use the network services you need to have. Internet Services Home: Login Home page. Home page is your connection settings to set in the WAP Site. If you do not set, will use pre-set vendor sites. Bookmarks: Open the bookmark list; select a bookmark to browse, create, edit, set the home page or delete the bookmarks. Web History, the record before the Internet have visited your website. Saved pages: Saved website Enter the URL: You can enter any of the WAP site. Settings: settings for Internet browsing, if you are in a wireless local area network, modify Settings to select WIFI. If you use the GPRS network, modify Settings to select Network operators. Note: GPRS service requires network support, must to be open network service and in a GPRS network coverage area, in order to use GPRS services. If you are using WIFI Please view WIFI in setting 23 Other 23.1APK application Supports to install APK application program to provide part of the APK application. For example: MSN, Kingsoft, Office, and some games. You can download and install APK program on your phone. Specific operations: Connect to a computer, the APK program copy to SDcard Tools folder. APK applications can be installed Note: You can also download the APK application to installed through e-market , Palm application exchang e. 23.2 Map Search Map: You can search for the location you are looking for. Keyword Search: Through the keyword to query the current location of the city you are looking for. Local Favorites: The site collections you need site , you can quickly browse this site. Map View: Click post to view a map of the current city. Bus Transfer: You can check your location to the you need to bus routes. Layer Settings: You can set different layer effects. 23.3 Compass Compass, lets you know the right direction. Touch the side button to call up the menu can do the following Calibration: holding a cell phone to paint 8-character, twice. Then the phone screen, face to you to paint 8-character, twice. Compass can be calibrated. Then touch close, you can use a compass. Background: the compass can be set to different background. Style: You can set different compass style. About: You can view information about the compass. Note: Use the compass function, hold the phone horizontally. 23.4 QQ Supports to use WIFI or GPRS QQ networking. When you enter QQ number and password to login to use. 23.5 Flashlight Supports the flashlight .When the open flashlight button, the phone can be used as a small flashlight to use. 24. Palm application exchange \ electronic market Pal m application exchange \ electronics market, bring lots of useful and fun tool can provide you to download. Search function: enter to search the contents of the relevant information can be searched , you can better find and download.

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